How to install "Chukchi in the big city", walkthrough

All lovers of quests and adventure should definitely try to complete the game "Chukchi in the big city." In this adventure you have to help a resident of the Far North and with it experience many funny and ridiculous situations. This interesting and unusual quest was so liked by the players that many of them carried out the stream "Chukchi in the big city." In particular, the popular gamer, known as Amway, made a many-hour broadcast of the passage of the game.

Chukchi in a big city walkthrough

How to install the game "Chukchi in the big city"

Problems with the installation of this quest should not arise, because the game is quite "easy", with simple cartoonish graphics. Therefore, even a weak machine can easily pull it. The only difficulty may arise when downloading content.

It is no secret that there are many sites on the Internet that offer this game for free. But the "pirated" version can be fraught with a lot of viruses and spyware. Therefore, before installing "Chukchi in the big city" with such resources, it is worth considering the consequences. Moreover, on the official website of the publisher "Buka" a licensed quest can be purchased for a nominal amount of 50-60 rubles. After the purchase, a link will come to the email address where you can safely install this adventure.

The beginning of the passage

The adventure will begin in the tundra. After watching the video, pour the contents of the barrel into the canister and light it with matches. Use a knife to cut the rope located on the pole in the lower right corner of the screen. Use it to remove the satellite dish. Next, take a bottle of vodka from a geologist’s hand and pour the contents into his throat.

After the geologist wakes up, he needs to prepare a snack. To do this, put the satellite dish on the fire, take a fire extinguisher and go right, to another screen. Make a hole in the ice and collect discarded fish. Return to the trailer and fry it on a plate. After that feed the geologist. This character will say that you need to go to the city.

Chukchi in the big city

Adventures in Tundrinsk

To continue the passage of the "Chukchi in the big city", talk with the drunk who is standing near the dump. After that, go to the inventor and talk with him. Through the passage located in the upper left corner, we get into the city. We talk with the grandmother and three brothers, after which we go to the library. We speak with the student and pick up the pot from the shelf. We return to the inventor and get paper from him, which must be given to the librarian.

Further, our path lies with the scrap collector, to whom you can sell the pan for 5 rubles. With this money we buy pies and feed them to our brothers. In gratitude, they will give the character a crowbar, which can be used to open the "carcass" on the right. Inside we find a locksmith, including heating. After talking with him, we go to the library and pick up the brine from the table. We carry it to the drunk in a landfill, and in return we get a piece of wire.

For further passage of the Chukchi in the Big City, we return to the inventor, who will tell you how to get to Moscow. We move to the metal buyer, we sell him scrap. For the money we get, we buy a blowtorch from the grandmother and use it to remove the ice from the board, and then give it to the inventor. We are going to the city again. We return the lamp to the grandmother and get rutabaga from her. We go to the station and fall asleep berries in a trolley, we catch a wire to a post and go to Moscow.

Station of the big city

Unfortunately, our hero will not be able to calmly reach, and at the entrance to the station he will get into an accident, the noise of which the ranger will come running to. To get away from him, you need to find a bucket. To do this, we collect balls from the remains of the trolley and take a whistle from the pile of scrap metal. We combine these objects and act on them on a person sitting on the tank. We pick up a bucket and give it to the caretaker, after which we go to the station exit.

We take from the table in the lower left corner a jar and speak with the drunk “new Russian”. We follow him to the toilet and collect money. We return to the square and go to the blue canopy. Near the tent with shawarma we select mites. We talk with the merchant and find out that he needs cats. We again move to the square and go to the pharmacy. We help the poor fellow in the line with ticks and in return we get a fishing line with a hook. We show the pharmacist the jar and take the valerian.

Chukchi in the big city of Amway

Further, our path lies under the bridge, standing on the top right. We take the lid from the tank and pour valerian into it. Cats run up to the smell. Then you need to close the tank and give it to the dealer. In return, he will give shawarma, which can be exchanged for a subway pass. To do this, go to the homeless in the trash and give him the item. After the exchange we go down to the station.


At the entrance to the building of Moscow State University we find a group of students and talk with them. After the conversation, we move on to the gopniks who molested the boy. We return to the students and give them a knife. We run to the gopniks and watch the guy running away. We talk with him and get an opener that you need to give to students. Instead, we get a knife and scare them gopnik. We pick up a box of beer from the hooligans and exchange it with students for a metro map. The passage of "Chukchi in the big city" will continue as soon as you enter the station located on the left.

Adventures on Krasnopresnenskaya

Near the colliding cars we take the grill. In addition, it is necessary to pick up the wire lying on top of the hood. We talk with the doctor and select the lighter that he will drop. We go to another screen and find ourselves near the entrance to the zoo. To the right is a hose. We pick it up, after which we speak with the watchman who will send us to the cash register. We go there and find out that we need a ticket. We return to the watchman and speak with him.

Chukchi game in the big city

We move left and up to another screen, after which our hero will be on the shore of the reservoir. Here you need to pick up the canister and valve lying under the fence. We pass to the entrance to the zoo and go to the grandmother. We change her valve to a rubber ball. We return to the scene of the accident and use the ball on the battery. Using this item, we bring the victim to life and get a reward of a pack of cigarettes.

At the next stage, pick up the engine and go to the police car. Place a canister near the gas tank door and drain the gas with a hose. Return to the reservoir and pour the leaves with a combustible mixture, then light them with a lighter. Take the rope and go to the catamaran. Insert the engine into it and fill it with gas, then swim to the other side.

Put cigarettes in the hollow of a fallen tree and make a cage. Aligning the car grill and wire. Place it at the exit of the hollow and set fire to cigarettes. Take the captured muskrat to the watchman and go for a walk to the zoo. You wake up already on Red Square.


We talk with the janitor, after which we go to the Mausoleum. At the entrance we talk with a man in red and go inside. We approach Lenin and make a speech. At the exit from the Mausoleum, the guard will give a paper with a phone number. We go to the homeless person and after talking with him we move to the left screen.

Near the trash can, we raise the bottle that you need to give homeless on Red Square. In return, we get a can of glue. We go to the military registration and enlistment office and pick up the military ID from the guy. We use knife and glue on the documents and swap photos. We give the white ticket to the guy, and the military - to the guard. As a reward, we receive a pass at Moscow State University.

how to install a chukchi game in a big city

Passage of the game "Chukchi in the big city": Part 2

We go into the university building and climb the stairs. We speak with the professor twice, after which we leave the building and leave for Chkalovskaya. Opposite the shawarma tent, we read the ads. After that, we will be transferred to the cemetery.

To climb over the fence, drag boxes to the trash can. From the first grave, take the vodka and newspaper and make a torch out of them. Applying this item on the map, the protagonist finds out what he needs for 2 sections. In the upper right corner, light the tracks and get to the right place.

For further passage of the "Chukchi in the big city" tear off a board with ticks from a bench standing under a tree. It must be used on a dug hole. Switch to the other side and get scared ready. Together with the remaining girl, go to Krasnopresnenskaya.

Adventure Continuation

We continue the passage of the game "Chukchi in the big city." We go to the shore of the reservoir and swim in it. We go to the scene of the accident and talk with the victim. Having learned that he needs food, we move to Chkalovskaya street. We pick up a pizza advertisement from the girl standing near the tent and take it to the victim. We take his phone and apply a piece of paper with a number to it. Call will not succeed. Therefore, we again go to the Chkalovskaya location.

We talk with the girl and agree to help her distribute the booklets and patiently distribute them to passers-by. When the advertisements are over, pick up the phone card and go to Krasnopresnenskaya street.

Chukchi game in the big city 2

In the apartment

First, use the card on the payphone, and then the piece of paper with the number. The game "Chukchi in the big city" will continue near the zoo. We speak with the grandmother who will take us to the apartment. In the room we take the rope lying near the radiator. Do not try to catch the mouse with your hands, because this requires a bow and arrows. To get these items we go to the University.

We connect a suspicious type standing near the bushes. Cut off a couple of sticks and combine them with a rope. With the onions we go to Chkalovskaya. We move to the area and interact with the flying bird. We take out the pen and add it to the stick. Combine the bow and arrow and go to the apartment.

We kill the mouse, after which the mistress returns. We speak with her and go to Chkalovskaya in the pharmacy. We take the Valocordin and take it to the grandmother. After the conversation, we go to bed, and the next morning we go to the Kremlin. You can find it behind the Mausoleum.

Conversation with the President

We take from the table, standing near the card, a bottle and a box. We use these items on the switch and talk with Vladimir Vladimirovich. We leave the office and fall into the hands of agents. During the interrogation, all things will be taken from us, after which we will be close to the cafe on Chkalovskaya.

We pass to the trash under the bridge and talk with the homeless. Important: do not forget to search the tanks, because they contain the necessary items. Apply the bag to the lower left tank and fill it with leftovers. Go to the pharmacy and take sleeping pills. This liquid must be poured into a bag.


Diving into the hatch, we follow the crocodile. Here we are waiting for a rather complicated maze of the game "Chukchi in the big city." Amway in his stream passed this puzzle for several minutes. If desired, you can spy on the broadcast how to do it. At the end of the maze, the main character will be in the same room with the crocodile.

After the scene with the "new Russian" throw in the animal bag with leftovers. Look around and find the syringe in the right ditch. While the bum will distract the animal, pull that item with a fishing line and hook. Fill it with sleeping pills and combine with onions. Shoot the crocodile with the mixture and watch a small cut-scene.

Chukchi in a big city how to install


In the final part of the quest "Chukchi in the big city" talk with the geologist. This character will give you a metal box that you need to open with a knife. Talk to the geologist again and pick up the adjustable wrench. Use this item on the balloon, after which inspiration will descend on the main character. Watch the cartoon that appears on the screen, take the polystyrene from the TV and go right to the neighboring screen.

Next, your hero needs to remove the skis and combine them with polystyrene. Put on the resulting “shoes” and enter a puddle of oil. Shoot from the bow in the red button located on the unit. After that, the gate will open - you need to go inside. Find the red valve and use an adjustable wrench on it. After these actions, the tundra will be saved, and you will see the final movie of the game.

This ends the amazing and funny adventures of the Chukchi. It is worth noting that the quest turned out to be really excellent and gathered a lot of fans among fans of this game genre. I would like to hope that its creators will someday release a sequel - "Chukchi in the Big City 2", from the passage of which gamers are no less fun.


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