The Armory of the Moscow Kremlin. Exhibits of the Armory of the Moscow Kremlin

Moscow is one of the most beautiful capitals in the world. She is known for its rich past and its glorious traditions. The appearance of the capital of Russia harmoniously combines both modern buildings and ancient monuments of architecture. Museums in Moscow, the number of which is close to 400, preserve the rich cultural heritage left by our ancestors. This is a kind of history book, widely opened for everyone who wants to join the wondrous past of the Russian people. The Kremlin is considered the most famous museum in the capital. It has long become a symbol of not only the most white-stone, but the whole of Russia.

Moscow Kremlin

This is a unique architectural monument located in the historical part of the city. In 1990, the Kremlin and adjacent Red Square were inscribed on the World Heritage List, which is UNESCO. This fact once again indicates the significance of this historical monument not only for the Russian people, but also for world culture. On its territory are concentrated impressive examples of architectural art, as well as the famous, not only in Russia but also far beyond its borders, museums of the Moscow Kremlin. The Armory is the most famous among them. Excursions to this piece of the heart of Russia are always popular. And there is a reason! After all, the Armory is rightfully considered a museum-treasury. Its priceless exhibits are able to visually recreate the glorious pages of our history.

Armory Chamber of the Moscow Kremlin

Historical reference

For the first time, the Armory of the Moscow Kremlin (photo above) is mentioned in the annals of the first half of the 16th century. They talk about the fire that happened in the Kremlin: "... the Armory Chamber is full of fire with military weapons." In the time of Ivan III, it was called the Big Treasury, and it was located in the Treasury House, between the Annunciation and the Archangel Cathedrals. Under Peter I, a workshop was created in which valuables were stored. It was ordered to transfer there not only valuable, but also curious things. In 1737, the treasures of the Armory of the Moscow Kremlin once again suffered from a fire. The fire destroyed part of the weapons and trophies, including those inherited from the Poltava battle. After that, the surviving values ​​were transferred to the Terem Palace. In 1810, by decree of Alexander I, a special building was built. However, soon it was not needed either, since already in 1851 the Armory of the Moscow Kremlin moved to a new building erected by the architect Konstantin Ton, in which it remains to this day. Since 1960, this treasury has been part of the state museums of the Moscow Kremlin. And in 1962, a branch of the Armory Chamber, namely the Museum of Applied Arts and Life of Russia of the 17th century, was located in the former Patriarchal Chambers.

Armory in Moscow

Name history

The Armory in Moscow received its name due to the fact that it was in it that the gunsmiths who were the best silver and gold craftsmen worked. They made a convenient, light, high-fighting weapon. Later, an icon-painting workshop, famous for such masters as F. Zubov, S. Ushakov, I. Bezmin, was added to the premises. Over time, its functions changed, because, in addition to the manufacture of weapons and other objects of art, the chamber became a repository for various valuable things. At the same time, the Armory Chamber of the Moscow Kremlin continues to replenish due to military trophies, gifts from merchants and foreign ambassadors.

Exhibits of material and historical value

Throughout the history of the museum, it was replenished with various treasures carefully preserved from year to year, so today we can observe these priceless and unique artifacts. So, during the periods of the persecution of religion, the Armory in Moscow absorbed and retained all the values ​​of closed churches. Also in the halls of the museum you can see the ceremonial vestments of royal persons and representatives of the Orthodox Church, various silver and gold items made by ancient masters.

Armory of the Moscow Kremlin tickets

State regalia and imperial household items

One of the most famous relics is the Monomakh hat. It is decorated with precious stones and sable fur. She was crowned with the kingdom of the great princes of Russia. Visitors can also see the double throne, on which the brothers Ivan V and Peter Alekseevich, the future Peter I, were crowned. This throne is unusual, because it has a door and a small room. According to legend, there was a prompter in it, which told the brothers what to say. Also, visitors can admire the throne of Ivan the Terrible. It is lined with ivory plates on which various images are depicted: biblical, mythological, historical. The exhibits of the Armory Chamber of the Moscow Kremlin will not leave indifferent any visitor to the museum. They amaze with their sophistication and very delicate work.


The visitors are presented with a huge collection of weapons and even items of ceremonial horse ammunition. So, the museum exhibits a model of a knight riding a horse. They are both armored. The horse’s legs and eyes are only open, the knight’s only vulnerability is the face, and that’s not all, but just a small piece, because the narrow gap in the helmet is the only open part. Sabers and swords with hilt hung entirely with gold and precious stones, military armor from different nations of the world, pistols and shotguns lined with silver and gold are hung on the stands.

treasures of the armory of the Moscow Kremlin

Church utensils and vestments

The last two halls of the museum feature old carriages and clothes. The beginning of the exposition is opened by the ancient saccos of the Moscow metropolitans. They are sewn from expensive fabric, decorated with gold, silver and precious stones. The richest saccos is the attire of Metropolitan Nikon. The vestments were made of pure golden brocade, in addition, many pearls and gold plates were sewn on it. The total weight of this garment is 24 kg. Here is such a modest suit!

Armory of the Moscow Kremlin photo

And so on, so on, so on ...

In total, the Armory Chamber of the Moscow Kremlin has approximately 4,000 unique artifacts of decorative and applied art from the countries of the East, Europe and Russia. Here you can see several Gospels whose salaries are trimmed with a large number of precious stones. The craftsmen made them of gold, and then decorated them with patterned mobiles and scans and large gems. The tremendous value of the exhibits brought the museum worldwide fame. So, Dmitry Likhachev stated that the Armory of the Moscow Kremlin is “... more than a museum. This is the materialized memory of our people, the treasury of Russia. ”

Let's look into the treasury of Russian tsars: the Armory of the Moscow Kremlin

A tour of this unique museum includes visits to nine halls. The first two show silver and gold items made by Russian masters of the 12th-17th centuries. in the first and XVII-XX centuries. - in the second. The third and fourth halls exhibit ceremonial weapons. Weapons of the eastern and European cultures of the 15th-19th centuries, as well as Russian weapons, dating back to the 12th century, are presented. In the fifth hall, visitors can see Western European silver jewelry of the XIII-XIX centuries. In the sixth, the exposition is devoted to precious fabrics and sewing of the XIV-XVIII centuries. Secular costumes of the 16th-20th centuries are exhibited there. The seventh hall represents ancient state regalia, as well as items of ceremonial ceremonies, dating back to the 13th century. The eighth hall is replete with exhibits of horse ammunition decoration XIII-XVIII centuries. And the last, ninth, represents the crews.

exhibits of the armory of the Moscow Kremlin

Moscow guests are recommended ...

The Kremlin Museum Complex, and especially the Armory, is recommended for visiting all guests of the capital. Both foreign and domestic tourists will discover many new things by becoming acquainted with this unique collection. After all, the exhibits presented here speak for themselves, they reveal to the visitors the true history of not only our country, but also the entire Eurasian continent. After all, often written sources were written to please the current government, distorting real events. And the collected artifacts are able to tell about the true events of that time, you just need to be careful and ready to accept something new. The repository of exhibits that have no price, the treasury of the cultural and historical heritage of not only the Russian people, but the whole world - these are the characteristics that the Armory of the Moscow Kremlin deserves. Tickets for visiting this, we will not be afraid of such a comparison, a miracle of the world is sold at the box office of the museum 45 minutes before the start of the session. Every day, except Thursday, 4 sessions are held: at 10.00, 12.00, 14.30 and 16.30

museums of the Moscow Kremlin Armory

How much will a museum visit cost?

The cost of a full ticket is 700 rubles. However, for pensioners, students and schoolchildren, the price will be only 200 rubles. In addition, on weekends and holidays you can purchase a family ticket to visit the Armory. The cost of the tour will be 200 rubles per family member. And every third Monday of the month, persons under the age of 18 can visit the museum for free. In addition, daily for disabled people of groups 1 and 2, large families, military servicemen, cadets of military schools 1 and 2 courses, WWII veterans, preschool children, orphans, museum workers, visiting the Armory is free.

Audio guide

All visitors to the museum are offered a free audio guide. It allows you to familiarize yourself with the plan of the museum, listen to information about the exposition. True, the allotted time (only 90 minutes) is clearly not enough to take a look around the exhibits and listen to information about them. The Armory of the Moscow Kremlin is a true treasury that has collected the most valuable and historically significant artifacts created in Kremlin workshops, as well as received as gifts by Russian tsars from foreign embassies.


The Armory is a museum that everyone should visit. All the ancient cultural treasures of our country are concentrated here. Of course, not everyone can afford to pay for the tour. I would like to see visits for citizens of our country were free, because this is the common heritage of the people. However, it should be understood that the contents of such a collection, its protection, the wages of the museum employees all require huge amounts, so the cost of visiting the exhibition is fully justified.


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