Animal tupaya: description, habitat, features, photo

Tupai small animals are very similar to squirrels, but they have nothing to do with rodents. These cute animals are natives of Asia and in other regions of the world they are found exclusively in captivity. We will talk about how they look and what lifestyle they lead in the article.

Tupaya animal: photos and description

Small animals with an elongated sharp muzzle, relatively large round eyes and ears, a long fluffy tail often lead people to confusion. Because of their resemblance and some habits, they are often compared with squirrels or rats, but scientists say that they have much more in common with lemurs and primates tarsiers.

common tupaia

One way or another, today tupai animals belong to an independent detachment, the name of which in Malay sounds like “tupey”. They are represented by four genera and approximately 20 species with a huge number of subspecies. Animals live in Southeast Asia, inhabit both its mainland and islands.

Tupai have an elongated body, covered with a thick gray-brown or reddish fur. Near the neck there is a short light stripe. The farther south the animals live, the darker their color. Animals reach about 20 centimeters in length, and the size of the tail can reach up to 16-17 centimeters. They weigh only about 150 grams. Sexual dimorphism in blunts is not expressed and males do not differ from females in either color or size.

Common Tupai

The most typical representative of the tupai detachment lives on the Malacca Peninsula of the Malay Archipelago. It is found in southern China, the Philippines, Singapore, and on the islands of Indonesia such as Java, Kalimantan, Anambas archipelago.

Ordinary tupai are characterized by large sizes - their body length can reach up to 21 centimeters, and sometimes their weight is 190-200 grams. These include more than 20 subspecies, which differ from each other in nuances of color. The color of the fur of animals can vary from grayish to dark brown and rusty. They mainly inhabit forests formed by dipterocarp trees, but also appear among other thickets.

photo goofy

Tailed Tupai

This species is common on the island of Sumatra, Kalimantan and in the south of the Malay Peninsula. It lives in mountain and lowland forests at an altitude of no more than 1200 meters. Tailed tupai belong to a separate subfamily. Unlike other relatives, they lead a nocturnal lifestyle, and sleep during the day, hiding in a secluded place.

Their ears are larger and sharper than the rest of the blunt, the color is brown-brown with orange spots on the neck and sides. A characteristic feature of a ponytail is a long and bald tail with a tassel of white hair at the end. As a rule, it is larger than the body - with a body length of 10-14 centimeters, its size can reach 15-19 centimeters.

Tailed Tupaia

Big Tupaya

One of the largest representatives of the detachment is Big Tupaya. It grows up to 20-21 centimeters in length, and the size of the tail is almost equal to the size of its body. This species has a dark, almost black, color, light orange tail and red sides. Big ones have a dull large head and eyes, against the background of which the ears seem small. They live on some islands of the Malay archipelago, in particular, on Kalimantan and Sumatra.


Most goofy animals are diurnal. During the period of activity, they prey on insects, small lizards, geckos, look for fruits and nuts. One of their favorite treats is palm juice, which in terms of alcohol is equal to weak beer. But you won’t be able to meet “drunk” animals, because their body processes such a drink well.

big dumb

In search of food, they spend a lot of time on the ground and small plants, but if necessary they can climb to a height of up to 20 meters. Tupaya animals perfectly jump, climb trees and vines. Developed five-fingered limbs and long curved claws contribute to fast climbing.

Animals live in mountain and tropical forests. They settle in hollows of trees in bamboo cavities or voids under the roots of plants. There they rest and hide from predators. Their natural enemies are mainly large birds, snakes, martens, forest cats.

The lifespan of animals is very different. In nature, ordinary tupai live only 2-3 years, and small tupai live up to 9-10 years. When properly kept in captivity, many negative factors disappear, and animals can live up to 12-15 years.

Reproduction and social behavior

Tupai animals do not have a strict family model. They get their own food on their own, but to breed offspring, they can join in pairs and small family groups. Often they are found singly.

animal tupaya

Communication between each other in blunt occurs with the help of special tail movements, odorous secretions on the chest and abdomen, as well as various sounds. They settle in a certain territory and strictly protect its borders from outsiders. A single lifestyle is more characteristic of young males. Females can remain for a long time next to a pair of parents, which is created for several years.

Polygamy is a rare occurrence among blunts, and is mainly determined by limited territory. For example, this was observed in Singapore, where a section of a male crossed sections of several females.

Due to the fact that animals live among evergreen vegetation, the breeding season in them is not tied to a specific season. Animals can breed at any time. Pregnancy lasts from 41 to 56 days, after which from 1 to 4 cubs are born. At first, little tupai are completely defenseless. They are born blind, without hair and constantly need maternal care and rich milk. Within a month they are getting stronger and ready to go on an independent life, after another five months they fully reach puberty.

Relationship with people

As commercial animals, tupai are completely uninteresting - their fur is not appreciated in the market, and the meat does not taste too good. In the pursuit of goodies, animals often penetrate residential buildings, gardens and farmland, eating everything they find. But there are not many losses from them, and nobody shoots them specially.

As pets, they are not very common, but keeping them in captivity is quite possible. To do this, you need a spacious enclosure with a volume of at least 1.3 m 3 . It will have to be equipped with various branches and nooks, as well as a place that will pass the animal to a nest. It is better to keep dull in pairs, and in case of offspring it is necessary to get a second nest, because the children of these animals always sleep in a separate "room".


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