How to grow pineapple from the top: some subtleties

If you are seriously thinking about how to grow pineapple at home, you should keep in mind: an adult plant has a height of about a meter and can reach two meters in diameter. Therefore, before you cultivate it, think about whether there is enough space in your house.

In most cases, the cause of failure in growing pineapples lies in the fruits themselves, chosen for planting. Pineapple must be absolutely fresh - not frostbitten and without rot. It is better to purchase it in the summer or at the beginning of autumn, and not in winter - so there is more chance that it was not exposed to low temperatures. Its top should not be sluggish, brown, but with green, elastic leaves. The fetus itself may be somewhat greenish. Such pineapples are less tasty, however, since it is unlikely that it will be possible to grow pineapple from the top in a different way, you can sacrifice its taste.

For rooting, it is necessary to cut a β€œstump” with leaves with a thickness of 1-3 cm with a sharp knife from the top of the pineapple. The color of the cut should be smooth, light yellow, without dark spots. Some recommend cutting off the top in the shape of a cone so that a recess remains on the fruit itself, but this is not necessary at all. One of the main rules regarding how to grow pineapple from the top is as follows: it must be dried for four to six days. To do this, the top is suspended in a cool, dry place with the slice down, after sprinkling it (slice) with crushed activated or charcoal (some recommend using cinnamon powder for sprinkling). Thus, you will protect the stalk from rotting, so that it has time to take root. In addition, the nutrients in the vertically suspended cuttings will pass into the zone of root formation.

As for planting pineapple, opinions differ here. Some recommend that the stem be rooted in water, having previously cleaned the flesh to prevent decay. Others advise to immediately plant it in a substrate. There is a positive experience in both the first and second cases, however, when talking about how to grow pineapple from the top, the majority nevertheless agree that it is better to land it directly in the ground. To do this, prepare a special soil mixture of three parts of turf and two-sheet soil, add to it two parts of peat and birch sawdust and one part of washed river sand. Two days before planting, the mixture should be abundantly poured with steep boiling water for disinfection.

The diameter of the pot should be slightly larger than the diameter of the handle. There should be a hole in it to drain water. Drainage should be poured to the bottom β€” a layer of small pebbles or expanded clay about two centimeters thick. The shank must be deepened into the ground to the bottom leaves and gently squeeze the substrate around it with your fingers. From above, it is necessarily covered with a glass jar, a plastic bottle with a cut-off top or a plastic bag. The mini-greenhouse is placed in a well-lit, but without direct sunlight, place with an air temperature not lower than +25 degrees. Thus, theoretically, how to grow a pineapple from the top, there are no difficulties, but not every stalk can be taken - much depends on when the pineapple was harvested, as well as on how it was stored and transported.

Rooted pineapple stalk for a month: after that, green leaves begin to grow from the outlet. During this period, the leaves need to be sprayed several times. Watering the stalk itself is only possible if the earth is completely dry. The rooted plant should be carefully transferred to a larger diameter pot, and the package removed after two weeks. It is better to keep pineapple in a greenhouse or on a glazed balcony. Water it only with warm water. Periodically, every one to two months, pineapple must be fed with organic fertilizers.

Thus, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to grow pineapple at home will be as follows: this is quite realistic, but most likely the result will not be achieved on the first, or even the second attempt.


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