Information about Pushkin. The image of Pushkin

Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin was the first national poet, the pride of our literature. It was he who introduced the Russian art of the word of art among the most developed. Information about Pushkin is required to study in the school curriculum. His works are a great asset of Russian culture.

information about Pushkin

Photos of Pushkin are printed in many textbooks, and therefore everyone knows the aristocratic appearance of the poet, personifying a subtle spiritual organization.

Poet's family

The Pushkin family had a large number of talented people. Vasily Lvovich, who was the poet of his uncle, composed verses very well, thanks to which he gained fame in wide circles. Father, Sergey Lvovich, was fluent in French.

little Pushkin

There were always many guests in the house, and during long evenings, Pushkin's father read his own poems in French to the public. However, Alexander's parents approached the raising of children with less enthusiasm. Little Pushkin spent most of his childhood under the care of teachers, serf uncle Nikita Kozlov, as well as his beloved nanny - Arina Rodionovna. The images of people with whom the poet lived for so long subsequently became the prototypes of many heroes of his works. Arina Rodionovna had a great influence on the formation of the personality of Alexander Sergeyevich, contributed to the poetic perception of the world. From her lips little Pushkin heard a large number of interesting folklore patterns. Later they formed the basis of some of his works.

Pushkin's tales bear the imprint of stories heard in childhood from Arina Rodionovna. Subsequently, they became very popular among both children and adults. Pushkin's tales are translated into other languages ​​and published in different countries of the world.

Student period

Information about Pushkin includes an important section about the life of the poet in the Lyceum. In the fall of 1811, Alexander Sergeevich began his studies at the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. The creative atmosphere helped the poet develop his talent. Already in 1814, "Herald of Europe" published a satirical poem "To a Poet's Friend", authored by young Pushkin. A few months later, readers get acquainted with the second work of Alexander Sergeyevich, which ensured a loud triumph, “Memoirs in Tsarskoye Selo”.

Among his friends, the poet was famous for his well-read, striking knowledge of various aspects of Russian and French literature. In poems written in lyceum years, the influence of literary mentors is traced. The works of Alexander Sergeevich are filled with joy, bliss and love. But romantic daydreaming soon gives way to dull elegistic notes. The first complaints, disappointments and insults to life begin to appear.

photo of Pushkin

Pushkin's Mentors

Information about Pushkin is inextricably linked with the names of Batyushkov and Zhukovsky. It was these poets who contributed to the improvement of the artistic skill of Alexander Sergeyevich. The poems of Batyushkov developed the ability of Pushkin to create plastic, sculptural and "visible to the eye" works. And the work of Zhukovsky became the basis of the musical, melodic filling in the poems of the young poet. Subsequently, Pushkin developed his own manner of conveying the subtle movements of the soul.

Creativity after graduation

At the end of the lyceum in 1817, Alexander Sergeyevich was expected to serve in the College of Foreign Affairs. Having settled in St. Petersburg, Pushkin plunges into the world of social entertainments. At the same time, he actively participates in the social and literary life of the city.

During this period, a loose note in the works of the poet. In his poems, he is guided by the muse of high civic lyrics. Pushkin's creations in this period are saturated with revolutionary sensitivity. The message “To Chaadaev” is a vivid proof of this.

Poems by Alexander Sergeevich laid the foundation for the poetry of the Decembrists. For a revolutionary spirit, Pushkin even almost paid with his freedom. Thanks to the petition of friends, they decided to mitigate the punishment, but fate decreed otherwise. The poet was seriously ill and was sent close to the resorts of the Caucasus and Crimea. Here, the greatest work of Alexander Sergeyevich - "Eugene Onegin". During the southern exile, Alexander Sergeyevich was influenced by the nature of the Caucasus and the sunny Crimean coast. Of course, this affected his poems. An example of this is the creation "The Daylight Has Faded ...", which was created on the way from Feodosia.

Pushkin's tales

The period of exile played an important role in the creative development of the poet. At this time, its rapid intellectual development took place through hard work, reading and deep thought.

Poems, objectionable authorities, and a new link

Meanwhile, the poet's fame grew with every published work. The name of Pushkin evokes enthusiasm and awe among readers. New creations receive powerful responses in the hearts of fans of his talent. Pushkin’s free poems were banned, however, countless people managed to get acquainted with them. This was the reason for the interception of one of the poet's private letters. Emperor Alexander I found in the lines of this message an unacceptable topic, in connection with which Alexander Sergeyevich was sent to the link of the “distant northern district”.

During the period of the new exile, an important stage in the artistic development of Pushkin was discovered. In his message to a friend, he wrote that the development of spiritual forces reached its climax: "I can create." It was at this time that work was underway on the work “Boris Godunov”.

Work on Onegin

Not a single creation took Pushkin as much time and perseverance as was spent on Eugene Onegin. Here, both the experience of mentors and the innovative skills of the poet himself were used. With this, he approved the new postulate of creative freedom of writers, thereby opening a new period in Russian literature.

Censorship and close monitoring

In 1826, the investigation established that Pushkin was not involved in the case of the Decembrists, so Nicholas I calls him from exile. Meanwhile, the emperor claims to be the poet’s personal censor. From that moment, the life and works of Alexander Sergeyevich are under the secret surveillance of the police. He later admits that the “freedom” granted by Nicholas I is no better than the “bondage” of Alexander I. It was pointless to argue about any censorship with the emperor.

Pushkin's name

Pushkin was extremely depressed by the prevailing atmosphere in the country. The period of reforms, the emergence of social problems dictated to the poet the need for new means of literary expression, in connection with this, time was required for their creation. Information about Pushkin reports only one completed work at that time - this is the poem "Poltava".

Pushkin and Goncharova

Despite his frequent hobbies by different girls, having met Natalya Goncharova, the poet settled down. Natalia was a famous beauty, had many admirers, in connection with which, at first, Alexander Sergeevich's courtship answered evasively. Only two years after meeting Pushkin managed to get the favor of Goncharova, and she became his wife.

The most “productive” in the works was the autumn of 1830. Finally, it was the end of Eugene Onegin, to which the poet devoted eight years. The publication of "Belkin's Tales", "Little Tragedies", the story "House in Kolomna."

image of Pushkin

"Bronze Horseman"

The image of Pushkin is inextricably linked with the grandiose poem The Bronze Horseman. This work is a narrative of the past, present and future of the Russian state. It is full of philosophical meaning and historical significance. Description of the contradictory image of the capital influenced the work of many poets of the XIX-XX centuries.

With his talented works, full of deep meaning, Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin opened a new era in Russian literature. His poems influenced other follower poets.

A huge role in the education of the individual is played by the works of Alexander Sergeyevich. It is not in vain that Pushkin’s photo is placed in school classes, because he was a true master of literary words and the creator of a modern literary language.


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