Synopsis - what is it? Synopsis - examples. Synopsis - how to write

Synopsis - what is it and where is it used? How is it different from annotation? Why do editors require you to send them a synopsis? How to make it right? If you are just trying to start writing books or scripts, it will be useful for you to understand these subtleties. But even if you are very far from the intention to become a literary worker, critic or columnist, this article will be informative for you and will broaden your horizons a little more.

synopsis what is it

A brief digression into the history of the concept

As in the vast majority of other fields of science, we owe the concept of "synopsis" in our lives to the ancient Greeks. These guys were very fond of meeting and discussing various new theories for long hours. On the foundation laid by them lies the lion's share of modern science. But even more reflections of ancient Greek thinkers have sunk into oblivion.

Although lengthy speeches and discussions in the squares were one of the favorite entertainments of the learned men of Greece, they did not always have the patience to thoroughly and thoroughly familiarize themselves with each assumption. And so there was a synopsis. What did this mean before?

The speaker presented in the most concise form the main idea of ​​his theory or work. All detailed argumentation was omitted. No lengthy arguments were given. In essence, this meant cutting off all unnecessary things, removing the “water” and giving the audience only a clean grain of their work.

At the same time, each of those present had to get a clear idea of ​​the main idea of ​​the speaker and the logical chain that led him to this. A scientist who knows how to speak like that was called a weather forecaster.

Who needs a book synopsis

synopsis books

First of all, editors require the presentation of the idea of ​​a work in the form of a synopsis. Why? Yes, because the alleged publisher simply does not physically have enough time to re-read the entire “masterpieces” sent to them. A synopsis in a concise form gives a complete picture of the work.

How synopsis differs from annotation

First of all, the addressee. And already from this logically follows the difference in content. Annotation is needed for a potential buyer. So, it is necessary to interest him and even intrigue him. But the editor needs a clear idea of ​​what will happen in the work and how.

If you tell the reader before reading the book how it will end, it can discourage any desire to start reading. And the editor should know about the ending, and about the significant twists of the storyline.

Script synopsis

script synopsis

Even a feature film script in a good synopsis will be reduced to an incomplete page of printed text. Here is one of the good examples.

“Time is 1945. The scene is the snowy expanses of the tundra within the northern front line.

Two downed pilots - Finn and Russian - ended up on deserted land. To survive, these representatives of the warring armies must help each other. This is not an easy path, not only through the vastness of an inhospitable land, but also a path to understanding that this is not just a faceless enemy that needs to be destroyed, but a person who is gradually becoming a faithful companion.

They left the last cartridge for two, which they keep so that when they go out to people, the one who is destined to be held captive could commit suicide.

As they approach human housing, they see signs that one or another nation has settled here. And, accordingly, they pass the gun to each other.

But when, finally, they meet the first living person, who turns out to be a local cowherd boy, he tells them that the war is over.

Men hug each other and cry. "

What is better not to do when writing a synopsis

synopsis examples

The desire to provide the potential publisher with the most complete information about his work is quite understandable. However, this is one of the most dangerous traps. Having gone too far with the information, you can ruin the impression that the synopsis will make. How to write everything briefly but succinctly?

Proper names

In the column of gross errors, you can immediately attribute the mention by the name of secondary characters. In fact, in a good synopsis without a personal name, even the main character can comfortably exist. It is so called - "the main character."

But if you really can’t do without names, do not use more than five characters. Studies show that the reader begins to get confused if there are more.

Just remember yourself. How much time passes until you begin to easily navigate the heroes of the next series? In their names and in who is who to whom? Remember when writing synopsis that this is the time that you do not have. Therefore, keep the number of names mentioned to an absolute minimum.


This refers to details that do not fundamentally affect the plot. For example, the main character enters a restaurant to have a cup of coffee with a colleague. Should this be added to the synopsis of a film or novel? Maybe. But only if the waiter working there tried to poison the main character with this cup of coffee, and this action served as a turning point in the plot. Otherwise, the description of where and why the main character is sent becomes completely unnecessary detail. In the synopsis, it will suffice to note that he meets a colleague.

Character Character

synopsis how to write

Do not try to squeeze into the text all the facets of the character of your character, which, no doubt, has a rich inner world. This will only complicate the perception for the editor. Be limited to its main quality. However, if, as the story progresses, the timid protagonist suddenly begins to fiercely defend her rights, this is worth mentioning.

Minor plot lines

Undoubtedly, in addition to the main storyline, additional works will also take place in your work. They can periodically intertwine with the main motive and even influence the course of its development. However, all of them must be ruthlessly cut off. Nothing secondary has a place in the synopsis.

series synopsis

Time of action

Another important point to keep in mind: all events in the synopsis occur in the present tense. Here and now. It would be wrong, writing the series synopsis, to write that in the 238 episode the main character played the heroine, making her believe that he threw the wedding ring into the sea. It’s better to write: “The main character wants to teach a capricious bride a lesson. He throws the box with the wedding ring into the ocean. The heroine jumps overboard to save him. At this moment, the protagonist pulls the ring out of his pocket. "


The disclosure of all secrets must necessarily be included in the synopsis. What does this mean? It is necessary to voice the name of the killer in the detective story, the method of committing a crime in the thriller, or whether the lovers will remain together in the melodrama. It is unacceptable to flirt with the editor by type: "And you will find out about this by reading my book in its entirety." Believe me - will not read.

What should the editor know after reading?

movie synopsis

There are fundamental questions to which the editor is simply obligated to receive answers by reading the synopsis. Examples of them:

  • What is this book about?
  • Who is the main character (or protagonists)?
  • What is the ultimate goal of the protagonist?
  • Why exactly this goal?
  • What prevents him from achieving his goal?

If you were able to write a description within two pages of typescript that gives clear answers to the above questions, is not overloaded with details and at the same time is not without some artistic vividness, then it is likely that you managed to make a good synopsis.

And do not be upset if not everything works out quickly and smoothly the first time. Some experienced authors admit that they have more than one day to work on compiling a competent synopsis. And some even claimed that it took them no less time than writing the novel itself.

A good exercise for gaining real mastery in writing the synopsis of a work can be its compilation in triplicate. In the first, you should put the entire description in one paragraph. In the second, a paragraph should be given for each part of the work (the plot, several plot nodes, the crisis, the culmination of events and the denouement). And already in the third, draw up the final version, which can be sent to the editor’s court.

A wonderful help to you will be people who agree to read your creation. Listen to their assessment. If something is not clear - change it. A glance from the side never hurts.

Take the time to hone your skills, and you can achieve new heights!


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