How should a shirt sit on a man?

What could be simpler than picking up a shirt exactly to your own size? But so it seems at first glance. Firstly, the dimensional grid is different not just in every country - in every store. Secondly, it is worth considering the structural features of the body - they are individual. And thirdly, it’s worth paying attention to the details that we’ll talk about now. How should a shirt sit on a man? What are the most common mistakes when choosing this wardrobe item?

Tribute to Etiquette

Many believe that adhering to the rules of ethics is an inconvenience, and in everything. In the case of clothes, everything is exactly the opposite. As part of etiquette, a shirt should sit on a man like a glove, therefore, it is ideal to repeat all the bends of the body. It is easy to guess that due to the perfectly selected size, it becomes simply imperceptible, turns into a second skin. A properly selected shirt does not constrain movement, does not overtighten and does not hang. She looks great both under a jacket and offline. Well, now let's take a closer look at how a shirt should fit on a man in accordance with the smallest nuances.


Unlike shoulders, length and width, this shirt detail cannot be hidden under a jacket. In any case, it will be in sight, and the slightest errors in size will immediately catch your eye. Therefore, the science of how a white shirt should sit on a man, color or black - any, begins with a collar.

  • Size: around the entire perimeter, the collar only slightly touches the skin, but does not tighten it, does not pinch it. This is easy to check - stick your finger between the tissue and the body. It should pass freely. At the same time, visually the collar completely frames the neck and emphasizes its shape.
  • Mala: the collar compresses the neck very tightly, sometimes even crashes into it, making breathing difficult. It will not work to stick a finger between the product and the body, in addition, the shirt may begin to rub and irritate the skin.
How should a shirt collar sit?
  • Great: such a shirt rests on his shoulders. In principle, the collar does not touch the neck; not only a finger, but also the entire palm can be inserted between it and the body.


This is one of the most delicate moments, and in the selection of any clothes, not just shirts and not just men. When it comes to classics, there can be no talk of any “overwhelmed” shoulders, “oversized” or other trends. About how the shirt should sit on the man in the shoulders, see below:

  • Size: shoulder vertical seam must end in the same place as the shoulder itself, not lower and not earlier. In this case, the armhole of the product should be “with a margin”, so that when you raise your hand, the thing does not overtighten and does not hamper the movement.
  • Mala: the shoulder seam is higher than the end of the shoulder itself. Due to this, the entire sleeve is stretched, the armhole is pulled together. This fetters movement, in addition, folds are formed in the armhole and in the upper part of the sleeve.
  • It’s great: the so-called “oversize” effect is created - the shoulder is “blocked up”, the sleeve becomes too long due to this, the armhole is not felt.
How should a shirt sit on shoulders?


This question is not so delicate. Planting a shirt on a torso immediately gives out all the errors in size, if any. To avoid errors, follow these instructions:

  • In size: the shelves of the shirt converge in a clear center of the torso. Buttons fasten without problems and stretch. The shirt sits like a glove, does not overtighten and does not sag, but only slightly emphasizes the figure.
  • Mala: pulling off two shelves and fastening buttons is a difficult task. The fabric is stretched, gaps appear between the buttons and the naked body is opened to the eye. Due to this tension, sleeves and armholes are pulled together, movements become difficult.

Great: an excess of tissue sags in the abdomen and chest, if you tuck it in your pants, then it will hang over the belt. At the slightest breeze, the thing turns into a sailboat. Even under a jacket, such a shirt walks with a shaker, respectively, and the central axis, on which the buttons are located, goes astray.

How should a shirt sit on a torso?


This is another detail that cannot be hidden even under a jacket. We also draw your attention to the fact that the cuffs should half look out from under the sleeve of the jacket, and this depends on the length of the sleeve of the shirt. How should this thing sit on a man so that this rule is fully respected?

  • In size: the sleeve in its shape resembles a beveled cone - at the top it is slightly wider, tapers towards the cuff, but slightly. Around the perimeter of the hand, the thing should be free, but not too lush.
  • Too short: at first glance it seems that the sleeve sits like a glove. However, the fact that when the elbow is bent, the fabric stretches strongly and unwanted folds form, however, are not suitable for size.
  • Too long: gravity literally pulls the material down, and it hangs with a bag directly over the tightened cuff. Also, the abundance of fabric makes the sleeve "movable" - it literally fidgets around the arm.
Correct fit of sleeves

It is worth taking into account the length of the sleeve. It should reach the base of the hand and cover the bone located on the wrist. With certain movements, the cuffs of the shirt partially cover the wristwatch.


If we are considering how a white shirt should sit on a man (see photo below), then the cuff should be given great attention. Firstly, he should correctly peer out from under his jacket - a few centimeters, and not completely hide or stick around with the sleeve fabric. Secondly, cuffs are always paid attention to because the watch borders on it. So what is worth remembering?

  • Fit: Do a simple test. Try to take off your shirt without unfastening the cuffs - your hand should go through. Such a supply of fabric is necessary so that the watch can “hide” under the shirt and so that it does not tighten the wrists.
  • Mala: you cannot remove a thing with a buttoned cuff; moreover, a watch can only be worn over a shirt.
  • Great: with the naked eye, the cuffs are too wide. Not only the watch slip under them, but you can stick your fist in.
How should the shirt cuffs sit?


Now we already know almost everything about how a shirt should sit on a man. Photos clearly demonstrated all the subtleties, the test allowed to delve into the details. Well, now we pass to the final stage - the length of the product.

  • Size: when the product is straightened from the trousers, its hem should cover the belt. If the bottom of the shirt has a different length, even in the shortest places it should be enough to fill in the pants.
  • Mala: in a tucked-in look, when raising his hands, the shirt opens the whole "ins and outs." In the straightened state, the thing barely covers the belt and leaves its sides bare.
  • Great: straightened shirt covers not only the belt, but also the fly. If you fill it, it will appear pleated over the trousers and create a lot of discomfort when moving.


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