Documents for replacing a passport when changing a surname

Do you really need a replacement passport in Russia when changing your name? What is the time to complete all the manipulations? And how to cope with such a task? We will consider and resolve all these issues in this article. In fact, with the right approach, you can exchange a foreign passport without much difficulty and as soon as possible.

Citizen profile

Reasons for sharing

Is a passport replacement required after changing the name? To give the correct answer to this question, you will have to consider all the features and nuances of the operation.

A foreign identity card needs to be changed if:

personal data is being changed;

  • gender changes;
  • appearance is seriously changed;
  • typos and inaccuracies are found in the document;
  • paper has been damaged or lost;
  • The document has expired.

It follows that the replacement of the passport when changing the name is really needed. But is it always?

Right or obligation?

In reality, everything is not as difficult as it seems. Sometimes people make out the studied paper on the principle of "to be." But they do not go on traveling around the world. Having changed his surname, a person asks whether he needs to exchange a passport of a foreign type.

Ideally, yes. But this is only necessary when a citizen really plans to use a passport. If a person does not want and is not going to travel in the near future, he can postpone the operation being studied.

It follows that the replacement of a passport with a change of surname is both a right and an obligation at the same time. You can not change this document, but then use it also will not work.

Types of Foreign Passports

Terms of exchange

The period for replacing a passport when changing your name is diverse. The answer directly depends on where exactly the citizen seeks help.

For example, when applying for the established form at the place of registration, you will have to wait up to 1 month. This is the deadline for waiting after which the document being studied must be issued without fail.

If the application is not filed at the place of registration, the time period for the provision of the service is lengthened. It can be up to 4 months in total.

Persons with access to state secrets and secrets can hope that the exchange of a foreign passport will be carried out within 3-4 months after submitting the application.

In exceptional cases, a person can be exchanged for a foreign passport faster - in just a few days. Usually they do this if the service is needed urgently. For example, for urgent operations abroad.

Service Providers

Replacing a passport does not require anything supernatural from a citizen. It is enough to be aware of some features of the operation.

For example, where you can get a foreign ID. This service is provided in:

  • multifunctional centers;
  • migration services of the Russian Federation;
  • single window services.

Through the Internet, such applications are also accepted. They are processed through the website "State Services". We will talk about how to use this service later.

Marriage certificate

It is worth noting that today some companies offer services for registration of passports. Such organizations are intermediaries between citizens and migration services. They require a separate fee for their work.

How to personally order a document

Replacing a passport with a change of surname takes a minimum of effort and time. Especially with timely preparation for surgery.

Below is an instruction for re-issuing the document in question when a person has changed data. So, to fulfill the plan from a citizen of the Russian Federation, the following papers will be required:

  1. Collect a specific list of documents. About him a little later.
  2. Write an application for reissue of a passport.
  3. Pay the fee in the amounts prescribed by law.
  4. Apply with the registration authority.
  5. Get your finished passport in your hands at the appointed time.

If necessary, citizens may be asked to undergo fingerprinting. It takes place in relation to biometric "abroad". Foreign passports of the old type do not provide for such procedures.

Instructions for "Government services"

As we already said, citizens can order the studied documentation via the Internet. To do this, you must use the website "State Services". Replacing a passport with a change of surname in this case will take a few moments. The main thing is to register in advance on the portal.

Application processing through "State services"

As soon as a citizen has a verified profile on the State Services, he will need:

  1. Open the "State Services" website and go through authorization on it.
  2. Go to the "State Services" - "FMS".
  3. Then click on the service "Replacing a foreign passport ...". Next, select the type of document.
  4. Click on the "Get a Service" control. On the same page you can find details of the design of the document.
  5. Fill out the form that appears on the screen. This is an electronic application.
  6. Choose a convenient point for receiving the document. Usually this is either the FMS or the MFC at the place of registration.
  7. Download the documents required to obtain a "foreign".
  8. Indicate the method of payment of the fee. At Gosuslugi you can either print a payment, or deposit funds online.
  9. Enter bank account details. Funds will be debited from him after confirmation of the operation.
  10. Click on the button "Pay ...".

The case is completed. After the citizen receives a notification about the readiness of the document, it will be possible to take a passport and pick up the “abroad”. There should not be any problems with this.

If a person ordered a biometric passport, at the time of its receipt you will need to take fingerprints and scan the retina. Without this, a foreign type of passport will not be issued.

"Public services" and the exchange of passport / passport

Passport Documentation

Are you planning to replace your passport when changing your name? What documents can come in handy so that everything goes quickly and easily?

The set of necessary documents includes:

  • civil type identification card;
  • statement;
  • photos (3x4, preferably in color, 2-3 pieces);
  • receipt of payment;
  • military ID for men;
  • old passport;
  • certificate confirming registration.

In addition, you must bring:

  • certificate of divorce or marriage;
  • certificate from the registry office on the change of surname;
  • birth certificates of children whom you would like to make in a “foreign country” (if you order an old-style passport).

As practice shows, special problems usually do not arise. Replacing the document mentioned is far from the most confusing and difficult operation.

Name change certificate and foreign passports

How much to pay?

How much is the state duty when replacing a passport when changing a surname? You will have to pay as much as with the usual exchange of the studied documentation.

In 2018, the following service prices apply:

  • biometric passport for persons after 14 years - 3,500 rubles;
  • an analogue for children - 1,500 rubles;
  • old-style passport - 2,000 rubles;
  • "abroad" for persons under 14 years of old form - 1,000 rubles.

In addition, parents of minor children who have old foreign passports can enter information about their descendants. To do this, you need to give 500 rubles. How much does it cost to enter information about one child.


Documents for replacing a passport when changing a surname were fully presented to our attention. Now it’s clear how you can re-arrange the studied paper.

If there is an exchange of a children's foreign passport (persons under 14 years of age), the application is filled out on behalf of one legal representative. In addition, blunders and mistakes are prohibited in all applications.

What to do when a person makes a typo? In this case, you will have to take a new application form and fill it in legible handwriting from the very beginning. Otherwise, the service may be denied. And this will be considered a legal act.

Russian passport

All documents upon application are presented only in the originals. Their copies will not be considered valid.

Photos attached to the application must be new. It is allowed to use images taken no more than 6 months before submitting an application for the production of a passport.


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