Siding service life: what determines the life of the material

Repair is an integral part of room maintenance. Without this regular procedure, many finishing and building materials become unusable over time. Technological engineers constantly come up with different types of finishing materials, but it was siding, a high-tech material, that became popular and gained trust among consumers. Indeed, this finishing material is widely used, both in the decoration of facades and in interior spaces (depending on the functionality). Choosing this material, many are wondering, what is the life of a siding? Depending on its type, the operating time will also change, so it is worth considering this issue in more detail.

Types of Siding

Siding is the most durable facade material, the use of which began not so long ago. Over time, its original structure (wooden) underwent dramatic changes, which greatly improved the technical characteristics of the material.

siding guarantee

To understand what is the life of a siding, you need to know what types of this finishing material exist. You also need to understand what they are made of and what are their key features, which affect the operating time. In total there are 6 types of siding, and they are made of different materials, although at the heart of each there is polyvinyl chloride:

  • basement;
  • cement;
  • vinyl;
  • wooden;
  • aluminum;
  • steel.

Features of each type of siding

As mentioned earlier, the life of a siding depends entirely on its structure. So, the first option is the basement. Made on the basis of polyvinyl chloride, has a special color structure and anti-hurricane lock. Applicable for exterior and interior decoration. Basically, this type of decoration imitates natural materials such as brick, stone. Moisture-resistant, withstands temperature extremes. The service life of this type of siding is up to 20 years.

siding Price

The second option is cement. The composition of the material includes PVC and fiber cement. The material is particularly heavy, applicable only for the decoration of the facade of buildings. It has a long service life, up to 50 years of use. Insensitive to corrosion, wind and ultraviolet.

Vinyl is a popular option. In its composition, the material has PVC and vinyl itself. The material is resistant to moisture, but does not withstand mechanical damage. The life of this type of siding is not more than 20 years.

The fourth view is wooden. The structure of the product includes pressed sawdust, as well as PVC. Has similar qualities to wood materials. Low moisture absorption. Shelf life is up to 25 years of use.

Aluminum siding is a refractory material. Due to its unique composition, it is not susceptible to decay and corrosion. It is easily exposed to mechanical and physical influences. The warranty for this siding is up to 25 years of use.

The steel look of the finishing material is the most durable of all available siding varieties. In the absence of severe mechanical damage, the material will last up to 50.

Factors affecting the life of a siding

All types of this finishing material are really very durable, but it is worth noting that not only the composition and structure of the product itself affects the life of the product. It is climate change that can be considered the most basic factors that have an adverse effect on the material. Siding is very susceptible to temperature changes, because this factor is the most important.

acrylic siding

In combination with moisture, temperature causes irreparable harm, because regular rains also negatively affect the state of siding. We can not say about the physical and mechanical effects. Even if the acrylic siding is regularly subjected to friction, the upper protective layer is erased, as a result of which the material deteriorates, the appearance becomes unaesthetic, the coating is blown.

Value for money is another important factor.

It is worth remembering that the price for siding, depending on its type, is the most diverse. Durable materials, such as steel and aluminum, cement siding, have an increased level of strength, and their price cannot be low. If you find a suspiciously low cost of such coverage in the construction market, then this may be a defect. There are no low prices for such building materials.

siding life

So, the approximate cost of 1 sq.m. siding in rubles (metal version) is in the range of 190-215 rubles., for a vinyl look, prices range from 180 to 600 rubles.

Wooden siding is very expensive - from 1000 to 2500 thousand rubles.

You can buy a cement type of material very cheaply, since its average cost varies from 50 to 500 r.

For one panel of basement material you will have to pay from 400 to 1000 rubles.

As for the choice of siding, it is worth considering the middle option. Cheap finishing materials justify themselves as much as they cost, so you do not need to hope that such a siding will last the entire time intended for it.

Choosing the right siding

To be sure that in a couple of years the selected facade material will not tear and will not fray, you only need to correctly evaluate the factors that affect it. To choose a quality siding, you need to take into account the level of humidity: if it is high, then you need to choose materials in which there are no metal components. Siding price is also important: average cost is the best option. The temperature factor also cannot be ignored: if there is a large temperature difference, then you need to choose a type where both metal and wood are absent.


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