Holiday camps on Olkhon: description, reviews of tourists

Lake Baikal is a real gem of Russia. People come here to rest from different parts of the country. It is located on the border of Buryatia, in the center of the Asian continent. This is a real diamond of the planet, which stores reserves of a unique composition of fresh water. Even the shape of this lake is unusual, resembles a born crescent. Its length is 630 km and a width of 81 km. From it flows the magnificent Angara.

recreation centers on alder

Paradise for tourists

There are about 20 islands on the lake. The largest of them is called Olkhon. This is where tourists come, thirsting for magic and romance. The places here are reserved and very beautiful. Surprising variety of landscapes. Here you can walk along the steppes and go climbing the steep cliffs. And very close begins a dense forest and impenetrable swamp. And there are bright dunes.

Recreation centers on Olkhon began to appear relatively recently, but most come here to spend their holidays in tents, as before. These are usually romantics who crave to enjoy the views of the wildlife, visit historical and archaeological sites and get acquainted with the culture of shamanism.

Ancient cloister

Before starting to consider recreation facilities on Olkhon, I want to say a few words about the fact that this is the only inhabited island on which people have lived since the Paleolithic era. Mention can be found in the first letters. It is surrounded by many secrets and legends, Buryats believed that the spirits of the great lake live here. Olkhon today remains the sacred center of northern shamanism. But he has another purpose. This is a place of unity with nature, where you can completely forget about the bustle, enjoy the peace and harmony. There are no dangerous wild animals, ticks, mosquitoes and midges. It turns out the perfect place for relaxation in nature. And the established connection with the mainland allows you to quickly get to the place and return back.

Baikal Olkhon recreation center


It is not in vain that today all new recreation centers are actively being built on Olkhon. This is an amazing place where everyone will find solitude or inspiration, enjoy the fresh air and new experiences. On the island you can see steppe landscapes and deciduous forests with areas of spruce forests, picturesque cliffs on the shore of marble. It is a true haven for wildlife lovers and photographers.

The expanses of Olkhon are truly unforgettable. They attract thousands of people who want to see such beauty with their own eyes. If you like taking pictures, you will get the opportunity to fill the album with pictures of fantastic panoramas. The island is suitable for lovers of peace and loneliness. Olkhon is also famous for its Sarai beach. This is a few kilometers of perfect, clean sand. Sunbathing is a pleasure. The opening recreation facilities take advantage of this. At Olkhon today there are already several dozen of them. But there are problems with swimming. The water around the island warms up so badly that you need to have a lot of courage to swim properly.

recreation center lada alkhon

Learning Eastern Philosophy

The recreation center "Olkhon Park" was opened four kilometers from the village of Khuzhir, on the very shore of the lake. To accommodate tourists there are well-maintained buildings. Depending on the season, prices vary slightly, but on average, accommodation in a double room with full board is 1700 rubles per day per person. In total, there are three wooden two-story mansions on the base.

The cozy dining room offers a choice of traditional or vegetarian menus. There is a bathhouse on the territory of the base, only 700 rubles per company for up to five people. But the most interesting are thematic tours-programs. The most famous is a yoga tour. These are the “Art of Breathing" programs, and there is both a basic and an advanced course. There are also tapes of the theory and practice of yoga, children's breathing courses, and training on energy disclosure. Judging by the reviews, the base is very popular among lovers of relaxation techniques, self-knowledge and self-improvement.

"At Svetlana"

Recreation facilities (Baikal, Olkhon) are growing and developing. Today it is no longer just wooden houses or tent places, as it was before. Most often, comfortable cottages are built, well-equipped, equipped with the necessary appliances and furniture. “Svetlana” is a small boarding house, characterized by relatively low prices and good accommodation conditions. It is located in the village of Khuzhir, 300 km from Lake Baikal.

Accommodation with two meals a day costs 1200 rubles, and the price does not change regardless of whether you choose a house or a building. Children under 6 years are free of charge, which is also very important for parents. Meals can be paid separately, and the number of arrivals in the dining room you can adjust yourself. In this case, breakfast is included in the price, lunch and dinner for 300 rubles. For children under 12 years of age, a discount on food 20%.

barn recreation center olkhon

Additional services

Here, guests will not have problems with mobile communications and the Internet. But the main thing is not this, because before you is the most mysterious place on Earth, Lake Baikal, Olkhon. Recreation facilities for the most part specialize in sightseeing activities. Every day, groups of interested people, along with guides, depart from the base, make tours and trips along the lake, along its historical and sacred places. The form depends on the desire of tourists, hiking and horseback riding, cycling, boat trips on Lake Baikal:

  • Bus excursion to the northern cape of the island of Khoboy.
  • Across the lake, across the Tashkinay paddy, a salt lake; Shara Nur.
  • Speleo tour.
  • Horseback riding.

Reviews of tourists note that this is one of the most cozy corners of the island. Here, even in high season, there are not too many people, which allows you to relax in comfort.

Year-round vacation

The recreation center "Lada" (Olkhon) is located in the forest part of the village of Khuzhir. The cost of living depends on your requests. For example, an economy class with amenities on the street is paid at the rate of 500 rubles. per person per day. A standard with conveniences on the floor costs 900 rubles, and comfortable rooms with showers and a toilet - 3300 per day. Meals are paid at the rate of 300 rubles breakfast, 400 lunch and dinner. Quiet and comfortable base, which is ideal for unhurried thoughts about life. As an entertainment, tourists are invited to make evening excursions on Lake Baikal by boat. A great option for a family vacation, but for active young people it may seem too boring. However, you can rent mountain bikes, tents and sleeping bags from the administrator and go on a trip around the island.

recreation centers on the island of Olkhon

The recreation center "Solar"

Olkhon is a place of power, amazing and unusual. It is impossible to visit and not feel its energy or not want to come back again. When choosing a place to relax, pay attention to the base "Solar", which is located near Cape Burhan and the sandy beach. It works all year round, and the prices are quite reasonable. The average cost is from 1200 to 1500 rubles per day, depending on the season. Today it is inexpensive. The recreation center “Solnechnaya” (Olkhon) also invites children, and up to seven years they are accommodated completely free of charge, and the table is provided with a 20% discount.

The price includes accommodation, lunch and dinner, the use of a summer shower and sports equipment, a car park and walking tours. Accommodation of guests takes place in cozy, wooden houses and cottages. Catering for tourists is carried out in a separate dining room overlooking the lake. The cost of the complex is 750 rubles. For an additional fee it will be possible to take a tour and at the same time to explore the rest of the recreation center of Olkhon. The reviews are good, it is very clean and comfortable, the staff is friendly.

For beach lovers

If you want to lie on the golden sand and enjoy the sunshine, then the recreation center “SaRayskaya” (Olkhon) has been created specially for you. This is a tourist complex opposite the bay of the same name. It works only in the summer, which is logical, given the beach orientation. For living are detached houses made of logs. Payment is made for the house, which is designed for five people. The price is 5 thousand rubles per day. Inside you will find beds, a minibar and a TV, a wardrobe and bedside tables, a table and sun loungers on the street. In addition, there is a small bar. Meals are paid separately, breakfast costs 300 rubles, lunch and dinner for 500 rubles. Judging by the reviews, it is a very cozy, quiet and peaceful base, which is ideal for families with children and a fun company.

olkhon recreation centers reviews

Mysterious and impregnable Olkhon

The recreation center "Shamanka" is fully consistent with the description of these places. They are truly enchanting, alluring and completely unrealistic. “Shamanka” works all year round, inviting tourists to spend time merrily and profitably. The cost of living depends on the category of the selected room.

  • Economy, a room in a separate house, a toilet in the yard - 500 rubles per day per person.
  • Superior - a double room in cozy houses. There is a fridge and TV, kettle. There is a bathroom in a separate room. The price is 750 rubles.
  • Landscaped cottage. It costs 5 thousand per day. This price includes renting a cottage, with two bedrooms and a living room, toilet and shower.

Meals are paid separately. Breakfast is 250 rubles, and lunch and dinner 350. Judging by the reviews, this base is mostly chosen due to the abundance of sightseeing offers. These are car walks to the most interesting places on the island. In addition, you will find water excursions to healing springs, as well as fishing. Outdoor enthusiasts can rent mountain bikes and badminton, balls and binoculars. Part of the inventory is provided free of charge, for the rest you need to pay extra.

Guest House Romanov

This is another excellent recreation center on the island of Olkhon. This is a relatively small guesthouse that invites guests to spend an excellent vacation. Children under five years stay free of charge. There are several categories of rooms:

  • Comfort - located on the second floor, with two beds and a wardrobe. Shower and toilet are one per unit. It can accommodate up to three people. The cost of 4500 rubles per day.
  • “Standard” - located on the ground floor. Shower and toilet in the rooms. The price is 5 thousand per day.
  • Guest house - costs separately. The price is 6 thousand rubles.

Meals are paid according to your needs. Lunch and dinner costs 450 rubles. There is no entertainment for guests here, so think over the cultural program yourself.

recreation center shaman woman olkhon

The most beautiful guesthouse

The recreation center “Like at home” (Olkhon) is not in vain carries such a name. This is a small area located 10-15 minutes walk from the shore of Lake Baikal. The base operates year-round, and its capacity is up to 50 people. The cost of living is 700 rubles per day. To accommodate guests are two-story wooden cottages with comfortable rooms and terraces for relaxation. In addition, there are separate wooden houses that work all year round. The cost of three meals a day is 900 rubles. You can cook it yourself, renting a kitchen costs 100 rubles. Judging by the reviews, this is a very cozy and beautiful base. Refined, wooden houses, a huge amount of greenery, flowers. However, the excursion program is weak, tourists have to rely only on themselves. Take your backpacks and go traveling through the forests and steppes along the shore of the most beautiful lake.

Instead of a conclusion

Olkhon Island offers its guests at least another 15-20 recreation centers, each of which is ready to receive from 20 to 200 people at a time. In addition, there is the possibility of accommodation on campsites. It is much cheaper, and the proximity of the base guarantees shelter in case of bad weather. The surroundings of the island are fantastically beautiful, so no one wants to sit in the houses. Almost every base offers its guests a rental tent and backpack, the necessary equipment. These things will allow you to comfortably explore the entire territory of the island, feel unity with nature, breathe in the purest air. Having been here once, you will definitely want to come back again.


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