Early ripening varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses: names, description with photos, characteristics and fruitfulness

Not all varieties of tomatoes grow in our climate. Therefore, the choice of seed must be approached responsibly. It is important to consider the recommendations of experienced gardeners that will help you choose the best varieties of crops. You need to pay attention to the list of early ripening varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses. In this case, it will be possible to determine the best option for a rich harvest, even in cold climates.

Characteristics of precocious varieties

Considering the description of early ripening tomato varieties (a photo of the Siberian variety is presented below), it is worth noting that you can get a good harvest only in the greenhouse. When growing crops indoors, it will be possible to pick the first red fruits for the salad at the end of June. In early ripening tomatoes, the growing season is short. They are divided into three groups:

  • Ultra-early - ripen in 80-85 days.
  • Early ripe - the crop can be harvested after 90-95 days.
  • Mid-season - ripen in 100-105 days.
the most early tomato variety


In addition to the ripening period, the height of the tomato bush is also taken into account. The characteristics of the variety depend on this characteristic. Distinguish between indeterminate and determinant varieties of culture.

If you want to grow ripe tomato varieties for greenhouses in the Urals, Siberia, and other northern regions, it is worth considering that indeterminate varieties are more suitable for a greenhouse. They use the height of the greenhouse to the maximum. Determinant varieties independently cease their growth when 4-8 brushes form on them. Indients do not have this feature. As a result, they can reach two meters in height.

early ripening varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses

Early ripe varieties are hybrids specially bred for growing in a greenhouse. With quality care, they are characterized by high productivity, bear fruit for a long period, practically not susceptible to disease. Growing indent in your greenhouse, you need to remember the need to carry out the formation of the bush. He is necessarily tied to a support.

If the summer in your climate zone is short, you need to plant tomatoes of undersized varieties. They are grown in a greenhouse. In this case, determinants are more suitable, which may not even need a garter or pinching. Productivity in this case will be plentiful.

An important characteristic for gardeners is the varietal characteristic of tomatoes. They take into account the shape, color and size of the fruit. Breeding brought many different varieties that are characterized by a short growing season. If you need tomatoes with juicy pulp, you can pick up options with large fruits. They are good for fresh salads. Tomatoes with medium or small fruits are more suitable for homemade preparations.

Ultra early tomatoes

The earliest varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses can be grown in the northern regions. In our country, gardeners grow many similar crops, but the most popular are the varieties "Aurora F1" and "Sanka". These are super early varieties.

Aurora F1 is a representative that does not require significant care. Even in the greenhouse, bushes of culture do not grow above a meter. Therefore, they can not be tied to a support. Among the undersized precocious varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses, the Aurora F1 is one of the best.

Landing can be thickened, which will save free space in the greenhouse. Up to seven plants can be planted per square meter. When the time comes to root the seedlings, between the rows you need to make a distance of 50 cm. This will achieve good yields. From one square meter, you can collect up to 15 kg of tomatoes.

The fruits taste great. They are characterized by medium size. This variety of tomatoes is used for homemade harvesting. The advantages of this hybrid are:

  • good transportability;
  • resistance to the tobacco mosaic virus (TMV);
  • the fruits do not crack.

Sanka is also often cultivated in a northern climate in closed ground. It is cold-resistant and one of the earliest varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses. It ripens before others. Already in mid-April, seedlings can be planted in the soil if it has time to warm up to 15 º before this time.

The variety is stunted, reaches a height of 60-70 cm. When ripe, the bush looks spectacular due to the abundance of red rounded fruits. They have an average size, weigh about 150 g.

To collect a good crop, which can reach 15 kg per square meter, you need to plant seedlings tightly. On such a site should be seven plants. The fruiting of this variety is extended. With proper care, which involves the timely harvesting of fruits, the introduction of bait and watering, the fruits will be tied throughout the summer period.

The advantage of these tomatoes is high productivity, unpretentiousness in care, versatility (suitable for fresh salads and preservation).

Other ultra early varieties

Other ultra early varieties

Choosing the most precocious tomato variety, it is worth considering several more well-known options. In our country, such hybrids are popular with gardeners:

  • "Greenhouse precocious F1." This is a determinant hybrid that matures in 80-90 days. The semi-spreading bush reaches a height of 70 cm. Fruits of a rounded shape have a weight of 120 to 180 g, dense flesh, are painted in bright red color.
  • "Volgograd precocious." A tomato variety that is highly resistant to transport. They can also be stored for a long time.
  • "Sugar plum raspberry." Semi-determinant variety with a growing season of 87-95 days. The plant reaches a height of 100-140 cm. For him, stepsoning and garter are mandatory. The fruits are small, weigh only 20-25 g. They have a dense pulp and plum-like shape. Painted in pink. Tomatoes have a large number of vitamins and minerals, they tolerate transportation well.
  • "Superstar". Semi-determinant variety with a growing season of 85-90 days. The bush grows to 140 cm in height. The fruits are quite large, weigh 200-250 g. They are red, rounded flat, have a rich, juicy pulp. Tomatoes are used for salads.
  • "Meal." An indeterminate variety that ripens in 85-95 days. This is a tall plant that can grow up to 180 cm. A garter is required. The fruits of this variety are medium-sized, weigh only 17-20 g. Tomatoes have an elongated, oval shape, dense flesh, are painted in red. Can be used for salads or canning.

Raspberry early ripe hybrids

Considering the characteristics and description of varieties of ripening tomatoes, attention should be paid to the varieties of pink. These are hybrids that can supplement the diet with nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

One of the popular varieties of this species is the “raspberry surprise F1”. This is a determinant culture, the bushes of which grow to 90 cm. In some cases, they are even higher. Fruits ripen in 80-105 days. Up to 15 kg of fruits are harvested per square meter.

Bushes are characterized by a powerful root system, which is important to consider when planting seedlings in the ground. It is necessary to adhere to the recommended scheme of 70 x 60 cm. In this case, the crop will be as abundant as possible.

The fruits of this culture, as the name implies, are colored pink. They have a rounded shape. Tomatoes are large, weigh 300-500 g. Their pulp is homogeneous, there are no voids, therefore tomatoes are used for fresh salads. The fruits are sung very quickly.

When choosing greenhouse precocious varieties of tomatoes, it is worth considering the “raspberry surprise F1” as one of the best pink varieties. To get a high yield, it is necessary to provide fertile soil for the culture, which must be loose and well moistened. The plant can tolerate drought. Tomato does not like frosts, preferring heat. He needs good lighting. Sowing seedlings should be in the early days of March. In this case, it will be possible to collect an enviable crop.

"Raspberry wine" is also one of the earliest varieties of tomatoes. Its fruits are large, rounded, painted a bright crimson color. This is a universal variety that is used for salads and homemade products. In greenhouse conditions, bushes grow up to 2 m. In order to grow large fruits, the culture stepson. It should be bred into two stems. Hybrid requires minimal care, almost never gets sick.

Early grades

Studying the best varieties of early ripening tomatoes for greenhouses, it is worth noting several popular cultures in our country:

  • The Golden Brush. An indeterminate variety that ripens in 95-98 days. It grows to 1.5 m in height, needs to be stepsoned and garter. Small branches ripen on the branches, weighing 20-30 g. The shape of the tomatoes is pear-shaped, yellow, the flesh is dense. This is a universal variety.
  • "Mandarin". Indeterminate variety, the vegetation of which lasts 90-100 days. This is a tall plant that requires garter. Form a bush in one stem. The growth point is pinched at the end of the growing season. The fruits are medium, have a weight of 80-100 g. The color of the tomatoes is bright orange. Up to 10 tomatoes ripen in one brush. Even under adverse conditions, the variety is fruit bearing. Tomato belongs to the universal type.
  • "Poznan." An indeterminate variety that ripens from 95 to 100 days. The bush grows to a height of up to 2 m. Garter, stepsoning is obligatory. A bush is formed in one stalk. Fruits weigh 80-120 g. They are painted in orange color, belong to the category of universal.
  • "Present F1". A semi-determinant representative of a vegetable crop with a vegetation period of 90-100 days. This is an early ripening low-growing variety of tomatoes, grows to a height of 65-75 cm in height. Needs pinching. The fruits have a weight of 120-170 g. They are red, rounded, have a dense pulp and belong to the category of universal. Well stored for a long time.
  • "A sweet bunch." An indeterminate variety whose fruits ripen in 90-100 days. This is one of the highest tomatoes. If the height of the greenhouse allows, it grows from 2.5 m and above. The bush is formed into two stems and must be tied up. The fruits are small. They have a weight of 10-20 g. In one brush, there are from 20 to 50 tomatoes. Fruiting is very plentiful, a stable crop is harvested even under adverse conditions.

Medium Early Varieties

Choosing precocious varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses, it is worth paying attention to crops with a vegetation period of 100-105 days. They are successfully grown indoors even in northern areas. One of the most popular varieties is Budenovka. It has virtually no flaws.

the earliest varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses

This hybrid was bred in Siberia in 2002. Variety "Budenovka" has proven itself in cultivation by the greenhouse method. It is necessary to plant a tomato according to the scheme: three bushes per square meter. In this case, up to 20 kg of fruits can be collected from such territory. This is an indeterminate species, whose height is 1.7 m. They are formed in two or three stems, provide support.

Red fruits are heart-shaped, reminiscent of bull-hearted tomatoes. They weigh about 350 g, but sometimes they can grow even more. Individual specimens have a weight of 800-850 g. This is a salad grade, which has a thin skin. Not suitable for canning. But from the fleshy pulp they get delicious tomato juice.

In a cool room, ripe fruits can be stored for a long time. During transportation, they are not damaged.

The precocious variety of tomatoes for greenhouses "budenovka" is unpretentious to growing conditions. It can be planted in the ground quite early, as the culture does not depend on weather conditions. Harvest is always stable. Fungal diseases almost never affect either bushes or fruits. During the summer period, top dressing is applied to the ground three times. The plant does not require particularly careful care.

Evpator F1

Among the early ripening varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses stands out "Eupator F1". This is an indeterminate hybrid, the seedlings of which can be planted in a greenhouse 45 days after planting seeds. With an early transplant, a tomato shows the best results. From one bush it is possible to harvest 4.5-5.5 kg.

early ripening varieties of tomatoes "Evpator F1"

The plant is quite tall, it is formed into one stem. Stepsons pinch throughout the summer period. The growth point needs to be removed closer to the end of the season. The scheme of planting seedlings of 40 x 60 cm allows you to collect the maximum yield.

The fruits of the presented variety are flat-round. They weigh from 130 to 150 g, are well suited for home cooking. They are also used in salads and slices. Fruits are not subject to cracking. The hybrid is unpretentious in care and is resistant to a number of diseases, for example, to TMV, fusarium, apical rot of fruits, and cladosporiosis.

"President 2 F1"

Choosing precocious varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses, it is worth paying attention to such an option as “President 2 F1”. This Dutch hybrid has long managed to win the love of domestic summer residents. The fruits have a rich red color. They are not only tasty, but also look very impressive, have an even rounded shape, and weigh from 250 to 300 g.

"President 2 F1"

Bushes are classified as semi-determinant type. They stop growing themselves, but can reach a height of 1.8 m at the peak of fruiting. The stems have a small foliage. The plant produces a moderate number of stepsons. Harvest can be harvested quite early. Moreover, the bushes begin to bear fruit almost simultaneously.

The variety has good immunity, high yields. The fruits are well stored, well tolerate transportation. In mid-June, you can harvest the first crop of tomatoes grown in the greenhouse.

Varieties for growing on the balcony

Varieties for growing on the balcony

Tomatoes can be grown not only in the greenhouse in the garden, but also on the balcony. For this, you also need to select the appropriate varieties. So, for such purposes are most suitable:

  • "Room surprise." This is an ultra-early determinant variety that ripens in 80-90 days. The bush has a height of up to 50 cm. This is a compact option that can be grown in a pot. In this case, it is not necessary to form a bush. The fruits are small, have a weight of about 60 g. They are painted red, have a plum shape and universal purpose. Fruits this tomato plentifully.
  • Minibel. A determinant variety that ripens in 89-96 days. The height of the plant does not exceed 40 cm, so it will not be difficult to grow it on a loggia. The fruiting is plentiful, the purpose of tomatoes is universal. The fruits of this variety are small, weigh 15-25 g. Even with insufficient light, adverse conditions, the bush bears fruit well, is undemanding in care. Moreover, the plant has a high decorative effect.
  • "Pygmy room." A determinant variety with a growing season of 80-87 days. It can be used as a pot culture. The height of the bush reaches a height of 30 cm. Stepsoning is not required. The plant bears fruit abundantly, tomatoes have a universal purpose. The weight of the fruits is about 25 g. They are painted red, have a rounded shape.
  • Pinocchio. A determinant variety whose fruits ripen in 90-95 days. Designed for growing on loggias, balconies. A short plant does not exceed 30 cm in height. It is a compact bush on which small fruits weighing 15-20 g grow. The variety is characterized by high productivity. Fruits can be used for salads or preservation.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E23384/

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