A few ideas on how to tie a bow tie

In the modern world there are many stylish trends in fashion. Everyone is free to choose any image they like or combine several. Therefore, any man who decides to use such a classic element as a bow tie in his image will look very unusual.

How the butterfly appeared

In fact, a bow tie has a very long history. Although in the beginning this accessory was very different from its current image. A bow tie was originally an analogue of a scarf that performed a protective function. Much later, in Paris, for the first time such a tie appeared as an element of the wardrobe. Although even then it looked like a tie a little - it was a scarf tied in the form of a bow.

Butterfly with costume

Gradually, the butterfly transformed from a part of the soldier's uniform to an exquisite decoration. Such a tie, or rather a bow, was made voluminous and decorated with a brooch. For a long time, the butterfly was silk or made from lace.

Since the 19th century, mankind has embarked on the path of "simplification." This trend also touched the fashion world. From this moment, the bow tie begins to lose its pompous romantic features and takes on a more concise look. In 1926, a bow tie for the first time takes on a modern form.

Now there are many such ties. Does not lose popularity and its classic version. Therefore, the question: "How to tie a butterfly?" relevant today.

Varieties of Butterfly Ties

It would seem, after all the metamorphoses, what else could have been imagined in a bow tie? However, today there are several types of this accessory.

  • The classic butterfly. By the way, this tie got its name due to the outward resemblance to the insect of the same name. In the center is the narrowest part of the tie.
  • The second type is a variation of the first. To be more precise, this is an enlarged copy. Such a modification was invented for men of large complexion with a wide neck. The problem of how to tie a butterfly was solved by increasing the width of the accessory to 8 cm.
    Gentleman in a bow tie
  • There is also a kind of butterfly tie, in shape resembling a bat wing. She does not have a narrow section in the middle, due to which long folds in the knot are obtained. Such a butterfly has become almost the hallmark of the famous agent 007.
  • And finally, a cross between the previous type and the classical form. It features pointed ends, as well as the waist of a classic butterfly and the size of a bat tie. Such a tie would be appropriate in a girl’s wardrobe. It remains only to figure out how to tie a bow tie. More on this later in the article.

How to tie a tie

It’s time to tell how to tie a butterfly. To do this, you need to perform a few simple steps:

  1. The left end of the tape is taken and falls below the right by 4 cm.
  2. The short part must be stretched under the long.
  3. Then the long part stretches so that a knot is formed.
  4. The moment of formation of the butterfly comes. To do this, the short part must be folded in half and let it through the collar.
  5. The future butterfly needs to be fixed with the long part, wrapping it in the middle.
  6. One half should hang. Here it is necessary to skip the back of the loop.
  7. At this stage, a loop should form. It remains only to stretch it in front of the butterfly and tighten.

Classic bow tie is ready! It is worth noting that a butterfly is usually worn exclusively with shirts. Such a tie and a T-shirt is a bad man, gentlemen.

Fashionable women's looks with a bow tie

Nowadays, not only representatives of the strong half of humanity puzzle over how to tie a butterfly on the neck.

The bow tie

Such a stylish and non-trivial accessory can replenish the wardrobe of a very bold fashionista.

The butterfly, of course, will always be perfectly combined with a strict trouser suit. The main thing is to combine it with a shirt without prints and quilling. You can diversify the office style, replacing the pants with office shorts.

A combination of negligence and classics will look very stylish and modern. For example, a girl dressed in rough-cut jeans and a silk shirt will look spectacular, and she chose a wide-brimmed hat and bow tie as accessories to complete the look. By the way, a bright butterfly will look especially interesting.

The butterfly will help even in creating a romantic image. It will be enough to choose a calm color. And put on a light blouse and tight pants in a delicate color. A great way to date.

And why not say yes to a butterfly in an everyday wardrobe. Now many prefer casual style. For jeans, choose a shirt and a plain bowtie.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E23397/

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