Jack Russell Terrier Mini: breed description, character, standard

A few years ago, dogs Jack Russell Terrier mini in our country were very rare. Today, many breeders sell such puppies. And of course, the owners of such doggies would like to learn about what are the features of their character, as well as how to properly care for them.

Breed history

Jack Russell Terriers were bred in Britain in the 19th century. The first such dogs began to breed a great hunting lover priest John (Jack) Russell. According to legend, this monk purchased from one of the women from the village located next to the monastery a small and at the same time very quick bitch named Trump. After training, this dog just showed itself perfectly in the hunt for foxes. The little doggie easily penetrated into the holes of the beast and drove him out. Admiring the merits of the dog, John Russell decided to make its litters the basis for breeding a new breed of hunting dogs.

Jack Russell Character

Later, the terriers received by the monk were widely used when hunting not only foxes, but also other burrowing animals. The breed was officially registered in 1904. A little later, it was named after its creator.

Initially, two types of Jack Russell Terriers took part in the exhibitions - with a rectangular body and short paws and with a square body and long paws. Later, the last type of dog was isolated in a separate breed - Parson Russell Terriers. Thus, for today jack-russell-mini-terriers are considered only short-legged dogs.

Varieties by type of coat and color

The main distinguishing feature of representatives of this breed are, therefore, precisely short legs and small sizes. At the same time, the main predominant color of the Jack Russell Terrier's coat is white. It was on this shade when breeding the breed that breeders once made the main emphasis. Indeed, during the corral, hunters should have easily distinguished dogs from animals.

On the white body of jack russell, among other things, there are always spots that can be black or brown in different shades. According to legend, in order to make such dogs more aggressive, Jack Russell crossed some individuals during selection with bull-end terriers. From this allegedly came Jack Russell with black spots. Such dogs are actually more evil and aggressive in nature than individuals with brown tan. Sometimes they even have a bite characteristic of bull-end terriers.

Type of wool

According to the characteristics of the wool, the following varieties of jack Russell terriers are distinguished:

  • Shorthair

  • shaggy;

  • broken (medium-long wool).

Representatives of the breed of all these types are allowed to exhibitions. That is, according to the standard, one of these types of dog hair is not a defect.

Jack Russell Terrier Mini: Breed Description

Initially, shorthaired hunting dogs were bred by monk Jack Russell. And today such doggies are considered classics of the breed. The hair of such dogs is tight to the body, and therefore they can easily pass even into the narrowest holes.

Shaggy jack Russell terriers have pretty lush eyebrows and a beard on their faces. The body hair of these dogs is very thin, long and at the same time stiff. Dogs with a wool type broken have no eyebrows and beards. At the same time, the hair on the body is stiff, coarse, long and tightly attached to the body.

Russell purchase

An interesting fact is that in the litter of the same female jack-Russell-terrier-mini puppies with different types of coat can be born. In any case, the main distinguishing features of dogs of this breed are:

  • hanging ears;

  • a rather large head in relation to the body;

  • lean, not overloaded with limbs muscles;

  • dark almond-shaped eyes;

  • black pigmented, tightly closed when blinking eyelids.

According to the standards of the RKF breed, the Jack Russell Terrier Mini must, among other things, have a perfectly flat back. The chest of such dogs should be wide enough.

Jack Russell's upbringing

Dogs of this breed can grow 25-30 cm tall, bitches 20-25 cm long. The weight of the adult Jack Russell Terrier dog is usually 5-6 kg for a boy and 4-5 kg ​​for a girl.


At the moment, Jack Russell Terriers are considered the most intelligent breed of all miniature. Such dogs are easy to train, and on the hunt are able to calculate the situation a few steps forward. Also a distinctive feature of this breed is mobility and activity. Owners of such a dog, containing it in a city apartment, will have to walk with it at least 2 hours a day. Without physical exertion, the Jack Russell Terrier will quickly get bored and may even begin to β€œbully” - bite household items, bark for no reason, play with unsuitable objects, etc.

Experts do not recommend owners of such dogs to have any other pets. Jack Russell Terriers were bred, as we found out, for hunting. Therefore, any domestic animals, including cats and parrots, they usually perceive only as prey.

Jack Russell Activity

Representatives of this breed usually get along with children. But experts still do not recommend leaving the child alone with the Jack Russell Terrier. Young children sometimes treat dogs like toys. Jack-Russell-Terrier-mini of such behavior on the part of the child can be extremely "disapproving." The dog will definitely try to scare the baby with a growl and may even bite him.

What you should know about

Owners of private houses, as well as apartment owners, will have to keep the Jack Russell Terrier directly in their home. Dogs are hunting, not watchdogs. Therefore, in an aviary or in a booth, alone and without a companion, they feel extremely unhappy and begin to yearn.

Basic care rules

One of the features of Jack Russell Terriers is good health. These hunting dogs rarely get sick. However, such a doggie, like any pet, of course, must be properly looked after.

The coat of such dogs has one interesting feature. Mini Jack Russell Terriers are almost never dirty. The hair of representatives of this breed can self-clean. The dirt that fell on it after a while simply flies. However, washing the jack russell, of course, is still necessary from time to time. Their owners bathe such dogs usually 1 time in 10-15 days.

The rest of the Jack Russell Terriers are supposed to carry out standard care. The dog should inspect its teeth from time to time for inflammation, as well as cut its nails and remove dirt from the ears.

Jack Russell Puppy

Training Features

Despite their small size and almost decorative appearance, Jack Russell Terriers are serious and somewhat wayward dogs. They require a rather strict approach to education. First of all, such a puppy needs to be instilled, which in no case should be done. Attempts by a doggie to bite one of the family members, to gnaw household things, etc., should be immediately stopped.

As for the actual training, then, as already mentioned, Jack Russell Terriers - dogs are very smart and quick-witted. Using standard technologies, it will be very easy for the owners of such a doggie to teach him how to bring newspapers and slippers, to jump over his legs and even, for example, to do somersaults. One of the features of Jack Russell Terriers is that they love to be in the spotlight. Therefore, their skills to friends of the owners and even just random passersby dog ​​of this breed in the future will demonstrate with great pleasure.

How much is a puppy

The price of jack-Russell-Terriers-mini on average ranges from 25-35 thousand rubles. Of course, it is recommended to buy such dogs not according to ads on the Internet, but directly from the breeders. At the same time, you should first make sure of the positive reputation of the seller. A good breeder can buy a guaranteed purebred dog, not a half-breed. In addition, such a puppy is likely to be given all the vaccinations necessary for his age.

Attitude towards children

Jack russell-terrier-mini girls are usually priced lower than boys. Such dogs in most cases cost 25-30 thousand rubles. The price of males varies on average between 30-35 thousand rubles.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E23411/

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