Huskar, “Dota 2”: how to play and what to collect?

Many gamers who spend their time in DotA know that some heroes can be much more difficult to master than others. Therefore, they are not very popular among beginners, and even among advanced players. However, you should still pay attention to such characters, because most often, when the hero is difficult to control, the result of his maximum development can be more than impressive. One of the most striking examples is the very unusual hero Huskar. “Dota 2” is full of various characters, among which you can choose a loved one for yourself, and if this hero attracts you to himself, but you are afraid to choose him, because you think that he is too tough for you - this article is for you. Here you will find out everything you need to know about this hero. Reading our material is the best way to start mastering such a complex character like Huskar. “Dota 2” will require a lot of effort from you to perfectly learn how to control this hero, so you should not think that you will read the article and immediately begin to work wonders in battle. The material will give you a general idea of ​​the hero, and everything else will already depend on you.


Huskar Dota 2

First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to what game roles Huskar can play. "Dota 2" is a project in which characters can choose for themselves various development paths in order to achieve any specific goal during the battle. Someone supports his team because of the back of his comrades, someone takes damage. Kerry plays the main role, such a character is guarded by the whole team, he develops in greenhouse conditions to achieve maximum results without dying at the hands of the enemy - and then he will be able to single-handedly decide the outcome of the match in the second half of the match. As for Huskar, he can also be carry, and very strong.

But this is not his only role - if you have someone in the team who is better able to cope with this task, then Huskar can also be a tank or initiator. A tank is a character who has good enough damage and a large supply of armor and health, since he always goes ahead and collects the damage of the enemy to protect the weaker comrades attacking from behind. The initiator is a character that is ideal for team fights, he is able to suddenly initiate a battle in an uncomfortable environment for the enemy, so that the allies can easily deal with enemies. Huskar can take on both roles - Dota 2, of course, does not limit you in anything, but still it is not recommended to try using it in other roles, because of this its effectiveness is greatly lost.

Inner vitality

counter huskara dota 2

So, if you are interested in how to play for Huskar in Dota 2, then you will definitely need to deal with his skills and how to apply them during the battle. Of course, starting with the first skill, which is healing. It acts for sixteen seconds on the ally of your choice - when you activate the spell, the ally's health begins to recover faster. If he has this indicator is below 40 percent, then his ability to regenerate increases even more. They depend both on the maximum health of the hero and on how much his main skill has been pumped. In general, a very useful skill for team play, but with it you will not be able to defeat opponents - for this you need other skills.

Burning spear

counter peak of huskara dota 2

This ability is an attacking one, but you need to use it with extreme caution. Its essence lies in the fact that your standard spear throws begin to inflict more damage - and not one-time, but over a certain period of time, more specifically - eight seconds. Depending on the level of ability, the periodic damage is from five to twenty units per second, and the effects add up, that is, each of your attacks does the main and periodic damage in full. The spell looks very powerful, but why do they need to be used carefully? The thing is that each such attack takes fifteen units of health from you - you won’t be able to kill yourself in this way, but if you are inattentive, you will noticeably facilitate the work of your opponent.

Berserker's blood

who counter Huskara in DotA 2

With this skill, your character can greatly increase the attack speed, and also bring his resistance to magic to the maximum, approaching complete magical invulnerability. This ability is passive, so you don’t have to activate it - it activates itself when your hero’s health level reaches 87 percent of the maximum. Then, depending on the level of ability, you get from 220 to 340 units of attack speed and from 20 to 50 percent magic resistance. And this is not a one-time effect - if you lose the next seven percent of your health, the effect of the skill is repeated, again adding to you attack speed and magic resistance. When your character's health drops to the 3% mark, the effect will be applied the maximum number of times - fourteen.

Life break

how to play for huskara in DotA 2

Well and naturally, it is necessary to talk about the ult of this character, that is, about the most powerful of his abilities. This skill allows your hero to jump to an enemy that is within the radius of your attack. With this attack, you will take 35% of your health, and the same percentage will be taken away from the enemy - so you need to carefully choose the time the spell is used and its purpose. The more health your opponent has, the more damage they will receive, the less health you have, the less damage you will receive. Please also note that the enemy receives a slowdown, the effect of which varies depending on the level of ability - starting from 40% for four seconds and ending with 60% for six seconds.

What to collect?

what to collect on huskara in DotA 2

Another important point in “DotA 2” is the objects, many characters without them as without hands. What to collect on Huskar in "DotA 2"? These can be different objects at different stages, but the main thing you need to take care of is Aghanim's Scepter. It increases your indicators of maximum health and mana, improves basic attributes, but all this is not so important. The important thing is that it affects the ult - its cooldown decreases from 12 seconds to 4, and the damage done to the enemy increases from 45 percent to 65.

Counter peak

Also, do not forget about such an important aspect as the counter peak of Huskar. Dota 2 is a game in which you need to constantly think and analyze the situation. Who did fate bring you on the same team? Who will you play against? Who should you not play against? And most importantly, what you need to learn is the counter of Huskar. “Dota 2” does not mean anywhere which heroes are best suited for confrontation with specific opponents, but you can find such information if you wish. So, the worst enemy that you can meet on the battlefield is Ursa. If you see him in the opposing team, you better choose a different character, since Huskar will have too many problems with this hero. It will also be difficult to cope with Sven, Mystery and Anti-Mage, that is, with those characters who have certain capabilities to confront your ultimate. Now that you know who counters Huskar in DotA 2, it will be easier for you to navigate the battlefield.

Best friends

Naturally, in the game there are not only enemies, but also friends, that is, those characters who will make the best pair with Huskar. In this case, these are the heroes who have the skills of the camp or the slowdown, and even better - of both. Greater health characters are also welcome. The best options are Shadow Shaman, Dezzle or Drow Ranger.


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