Grouse Russian is a flower

What does a hazel grouse look like in Russian? Photos and descriptions can be found in this article. This is not a bird at all, but a flower. It occurs in nature, and also grows on personal plots. In total, 150 species of this plant are known, but the article will focus on only one of them. This is a hazel grouse Russian. In Latin, these flowers are called fritillaria, which means β€œa glass for throwing dice,” they got it because of their shape.

hazel grouse Russian


Hazel grouse Russian is a plant with a whorled arrangement of leaves, as well as the fact that the top of the upper leaves is thin and twisted in the form of antennae. These are functional devices. So Russian hazel grouse helps itself to maintain the weight of large flowers and fruits - boxes, clinging to adjacent plants. On one stem, reaching a height of 40 centimeters, grows from 11 to 19 leaves with a linear, pointed shape. The plant gives from 1 to 4 pieces. They have a bell turned upside down with the wide side. Perianth has a brownish-purple color. Grouse Russian, the photo of which is presented in this article, is a bulbous plant. Its bulb is not large, about 1 cm in diameter, consisting of a bottom, two membranous scales and one storage.

Help save

People often dig up a beautiful flower to plant near their houses, they also tear it to make beautiful bouquets. He dies during the plowing of land. However, this attitude created the danger of destruction for this plant. In this article you will see how the hazel grouse looks Russian, photo and description. The Red Book, on the pages of which he is already listed, warns that the destruction of it leads to a fine. Therefore, we all need to remember how it looks, so that we do not inadvertently harm nature. It will be even better if you tell your friends and acquaintances that there is such a flower - Russian hazel grouse, show it photos so that as many people as possible get important information about the endangered plant species.

hazel grouse Russian photo

How colors help

Interestingly, one of the measures to preserve this species is its cultivation. Gardeners love hazel grouse for their decorative appearance. So why don’t they plant Russian in their plots. Many do so by taking away from their natural habitat. The problem is that annoying plants are destroyed, which also exacerbates the problem of the extinction of this species. Therefore, it is better to plant it in city gardens and parks, controlling its location and ensuring safety. Other measures to save the Russian hazel grouse are to find places of its growth and protect them from any kind of human impact. In such areas, plowing, grazing, and collecting plants are prohibited. Also, Russian grouse is specially grown and planted in natural habitats.

Favorite open spaces

And this flower prefers fertile soils enriched with humus. Sometimes it grows on chalky and calcareous substrates, as well as on leached chernozem. Its neighbors can be steppe grasses, shrubs, broad-leaved forests, oak forests, pines, and it can also grow alone on rocky slopes. Grouse is widespread in many areas of our country, as well as in Ukraine and Kazakhstan.

hazel grouse Russian photo and description

Hero Flower

The Russian hazel grouse is the hero of an instructive story that is passed on by word of mouth in the Volga villages. It speaks of a village boy who was able to escape from death, thanks to this flower. Everything happened in the forest when the children went there to play. One of them decided to scare friends and hid from them. The bottom of the ravine seemed to him the most suitable place for this. He lurked there for a long time, until his comrades left to look for him elsewhere. Then the boy was about to get out of the ravine, but he couldn’t - very deeply. He shouted for a long time and called his friends. But could not get through. Then he despaired and began to cry for fear that now they could never find him.

There is an exit

On the slope of the ravine, he saw a flower clinging with a mustache to the stems of neighboring plants. The boy looked closely and decided to act in the same way as he did. And this flower was called Russian hazel grouse. Slowly, clutching at the roots of trees, branches of a bush and grass, the boy climbed out of the ravine. But then his strength left, and he fell without feelings. However, this story ended well. Friends did not leave him in trouble, they called for help from adults and with their help they found a little boy.

hazel grouse Russian photo and description red book

So let's be attentive to nature and not going to destroy plants, even in order to decorate our bouquets with them. Better they grow in their natural habitat, please us with their beauty and, perhaps, save someone else's life, as the Russian hazel grouse once did.


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