Penoizol: reviews, specifications. Penoizol insulation

Building a house is an important process in which you need to take into account many nuances. Every year more and more demands are made on the construction of housing, especially in terms of achieving energy and fuel economy. Modern materials can significantly help in this, however, they should be chosen correctly. For example, recently such material as penoizol has received positive reviews and is worthy of competition with the more popular ecowool and polystyrene foam. What are its features? And why do you need to insulate your home?

How to insulate a house?

penoizol reviews

Let's start by answering the last question. In any house or apartment, especially in those that were built back in Soviet times, heat losses are too great - they can reach 40%. Ultimately, you have to spend a lot of money on heating your home, as the heat leaves our houses through external walls, floors, windows, doors, and the roof. Modern methods of insulation, for example, insulation with penoizol, allow solving a number of important issues:

  1. An optimal indoor temperature will be provided throughout the year.
  2. The walls will be protected from moisture, condensation, which means that they will be protected from fungus and mold.
  3. The acoustic properties of the structure will improve.
  4. The sound insulation level in the room will become higher.
  5. The hygienic condition of the room will be much better.
  6. Become lower than energy costs.
  7. The erected house will be more durable and economical to operate.

Of course, even warming houses with penoizol will not protect the room from heat loss completely, but at least they will be minimized. In addition, it is important that the installation of insulation material is carried out competently and professionally in compliance with the technology.

Penoizol: what are the features?

As a rule, ecowool and polystyrene are most often used as a heater, but penoizol is becoming quite popular today. He has many advantages, each of which plays a role in forming such a good opinion about the material. Firstly, penoizol is completely uninteresting for rodents and microorganisms, therefore you can not worry that the walls will gradually be eaten from the inside. It is noteworthy that if a mechanical effect is exerted on this material, it will turn into dust. The second important point - penoizol reviews gets positive due to the breathable structure and good thermal insulation properties. Due to the presence of capillary moisture transfer in the material, it can be safely used in wooden construction, while the appearance of mold is eliminated. All excess moisture will be removed by the capillaries of the insulation. The third positive point - in comparison with ecowool and glass wool, the material we are describing is hermetic, it literally fills all the pores and details in its path.

Porous structure is the key to reliability

penoizol characteristics

The conducted studies allowed to bring together all the features that penoizol has. Its characteristics are as follows:

  1. The resistance coefficient is 40% higher compared to mineral wool and cellulose heaters, and this suggests that the level of heat loss will be minimal.
  2. Penoizol is not afraid of moisture, which can destroy wood and lead to defects in the walls or roof. The material has a porous structure, so all the accumulated moisture dries instantly, which means there is no reason to worry.
  3. The average insulation sags for 10-12 years, respectively, cracks in the walls or floor may occur. If thermal insulation with penoizol is chosen, then this can be avoided, because it fills all the pores with itself, and the period of its operation can reach 70-80 years.

Where is penoizol used?

A modern homeowner is always faced with the choice of high-quality and reliable materials, especially when it comes to thermal insulation. Penoizol received positive reviews due to the unique combination of price and quality. In addition, with this material it is possible to insulate both the floor and the roof both in new buildings and in existing houses. Penoizol is a urea foam that has a cellular structure. Due to the excellent physical and chemical characteristics, the scope of the material is quite wide. The material is available in the form of liquid foam, so it can easily fill all the cavities in which it quickly hardens. To warm the walls, you can choose a sheet of penoizol.

Features of warming a wooden house

Wooden housing construction is popular due to the fact that the walls in such buildings "breathe". But this same characteristic makes the process of warming quite difficult. For example, to insulate the facade of a house of a chopped house is almost impossible, but in the timber version penoizol received good reviews. Perhaps the use of this material for a panel house, however, in such cases, it is not liquid penoizol that is used, but sheet, which is pre-mounted on the prepared profile.

Wall insulation: what to consider?

Penoizol insulation for walls is the most optimal solution, since it:

  • does not burn;
  • resistant to mold, fungus, rodents;
  • vapor-permeable, that is, excess moisture comes out;
  • durable (service life at least 50-70 years).

penoizol insulation

Due to the excellent thermal insulation properties, it is not only convenient to insulate a house with penoizol, but also beneficial, since it is easy to install and holds heat well. Penoizol can be laid in two ways - in the form of plates or thick foam. It is important that the resistance to vapor permeation of the inner layer is higher than the resistance of the outer walls.

Secondly, you should not choose film, foil, roofing material as a vapor barrier material, since there will be no layer of air between the walls of the building and the outer territory. To increase the efficiency of using this insulation, it is best to combine it with wood, concrete, brick or gypsum. When laying the boards, the gap between them and the wall should be avoided.

Wall Mounting Steps

The process of thermal insulation of the walls will consist of several stages:

  1. Installation of sheet insulation in masonry during the construction of walls.
  2. Sheathing with sheet material of external walls, after which they are lined.
  3. Laying sheet insulation on the inner walls for the finishing material.
  4. Fillings of penoizol crumbs into the voids of the walls, as well as under drywall.

Attention to the ceiling and facade

Penoizol is well suited for insulation of the ceiling. True, experts recommend using it in rooms with a large area, since the presence and work of professional masters will be required. Facade insulation is simpler. Due to the fact that Penoizol has excellent characteristics, it can become a reliable wall protection. The essence of facade insulation is as follows. First, a supporting structure is mounted on the wall, for example, from a galvanized profile. Magnesite plates are screwed onto it, in which holes are made - it is here that penoizol is poured. After its polymerization and solidification, the walls can be painted or lined with decorative materials. For the facade, this solution is quite convenient and functional, since penoizol in combination with magnesite plates has good vapor permeability. The walls will breathe, maintaining a favorable indoor microclimate. In addition, the facade will meet all the requirements for fire safety and sound insulation.

penoizol production equipment

Floor and roof

Penoizol is great for warming the floor and roof, but it is important not to forget about the ventilation system. The installation process itself includes several stages:

  1. Installation of material under the flooring (under the concrete screed or between the logs).
  2. Laying sheet insulation in the attic, attic, as well as technical floors.
  3. Installation of penoizol in a suspended ceiling.
  4. Insulation of the roofing system.
  5. Backfill of penoizol crumb in the floor, attic.

insulation penoizol

Depending on the design features of a particular residential facility, penoizol can be used along with sheet material. This type of foam can be poured right on the construction site. The effectiveness of this method is that the liquid material does not increase in volume and slightly "shrinks". Accordingly, in order to avoid the appearance of cracks in the walls, it is important to strictly follow the technology of its installation. Penoizol liquid should be used at an air temperature of at least +1 degrees. With such a composition, it is quite possible to insulate buildings that are already in operation, filling the voids and cavities in the structures, which at the same time remain strong.

How is it made?

insulation of houses with penoizol

In modern construction, insulation material such as penoizol is quite in demand. Its production is based on specially prepared foaming composition with the addition of various components. Due to them, the physicomechanical properties of the material are changed, and its operational characteristics are also improved. From a special foaming sleeve, a foamed mass appears, from which then a heater will be obtained. It hardens within 15 minutes - this is the first stage. The next stage occurs in about 3-4 hours.

Penoisiol contains approximately 90% of the gas sphere, but the following components are supposed to be used as raw materials:

  • phosphoric acid;
  • foaming agent;
  • resins;
  • carbamet;
  • water.

Hardware Features

Equipment for the production of penoizol is a number of units that are inexpensive. Firstly, it includes a gas-liquid installation, which directly produces penoizol. It consists of GGU, a supply hose, a set of valves for connecting containers, as well as various documentation for use. Thanks to its compactness, the installation can be easily transported. Secondly, you need a compressor that produces compressed air. Thirdly, the production of penoizol will require tanks - ideally, there should be three. In this quality, you can use ordinary barrels of polyethylene or iron with a volume of 30-200 liters. For the convenience of transporting the installation through the construction site, it is advisable to purchase a trolley with GZhU. Thus, in order to create a material such as penoizol, the installation must be assembled in its entirety.

How and where is penoizol used?

penoizol filling

Urea foam is used quite widely, while in various countries it is available under various brands and names. Thanks to the manufacturability of the material and its excellent performance characteristics, penoizol is as popular as heat-insulating material. In most developed countries, it is precisely the filling of souffle-shaped penoisol in the cavity that is used. However, this material can also be used in non-standard ways. For example, in the Czech Republic, reinforced concrete panels are used in three layers, one of which is just foam insulation 50 mm thick. In the USA, concrete blocks are used for construction, in which the cavities are filled with penoizol.

In Poland and Hungary, the use of this material is due to its resistance to burning, so in these countries they dump landfills - a kind of coating protects the waste from fire.

As a heat-insulating material, porous foam is used in the Netherlands, Poland, France, as well as in the Baltic states. During the construction of houses, a gap of 40-60 mm is traditionally left between the walls, which is subsequently filled with a foam insulation mass.

Why is Penoizol so popular?

In the search for high-quality insulation materials, many builders are looking for something that would not only be reliable, but also economical in terms of cost. As a rule, the use of penoizol is explained by the fact that it is good for them to insulate buildings with wall thicknesses of about 10-20 mm, since this will reduce the cost of heating the house several times. And the cost of the insulation works will pay off already during the first operation of the residential facility. Using urea foam to decorate the internal openings of the walls or insulate the facade of the house, you can effectively protect it even in extreme cold. An important role is played by the cellular structure, which perfectly protects the interior from noise.


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