What should a child at 5 years old know and should he be taught anything?

Early development has been unusually popular lately. They begin to develop kids almost from the hospital, and by the age of five they should have become just academics. Parents who are passionate about the early development of the child are counting on this.

Here are two options for the development of the baby: maximum and minimum.

The maximum option refers to the best results that can be achieved from a child by applying all kinds of developing techniques to him. That is, this is what a child of 5 years should know, provided that he is constantly involved in it.

what a child should know at 5 years old

The minimum option is the requirement of pediatricians for the mental development of the child. If the child does not cope with the minimum requirements, he is considered inferior.

The baby himself must be healthy, adequate. He should not have neurological problems.

Early Development Techniques

Perhaps the earliest technique can be considered the development of Glenn Doman, an American defectologist. He suggests starting to work with the baby immediately after leaving the neonatal period. The child is shown the cards and called what is drawn on them. Cards are selected in series: animals (zoology), plants (botany) or, for example, flags of different countries.

These series subsequently follow one after another, information is growing. At about three years old, music lessons are added to them (usually a violin). What should a child at 5 years old be aware of in this program?

5 years old child

Usually at this age, children have already mastered several disciplines, know several European languages, play musical instruments and perform intricate gymnastic exercises.

Without early development techniques

Not everyone believes that the main thing in life is intelligence and education. Not everyone is ready and wants to deal with the child constantly and in different disciplines. Some children are raised traditionally, grandfatherly. And this means that there will be no smart books, encyclopedias and foreign languages โ€‹โ€‹in the life of the baby. 5 years old child, and he may not know the letters. But it is able to memorize a favorite fairy tale!

What should a child at 5 years old know at a minimum? He must know the basic colors and geometric shapes, build consistent and complete sentences in his native language, be able to draw a person. The development of a 5-year-old child, subject to unplanned activities, can give such modest-looking results.

child development 5

At first glance, it seems that there is a huge difference between a young American with several languages, a violin and a baby raised by his grandmother. Indeed, there is this difference, but the answer to the question: โ€œwhat is better?โ€ ambiguous.

So what should a child at 5 years old know and what threatens insufficient knowledge?

Childhood is a special time when the world around is bright and daisies grow everywhere. The first few years of life are given to the child for a reason. And it is not in vain that his ability to study at this age is limited. Absorbing tons of information, the child will not be able to pass it through his mind fully. It does not become part of his world, but remains only something that is artificially imposed.

A child to whom grandmother told fairy tales, and did not show cards every half an hour, will be a calm and mentally stable person. And this is the most important thing.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E23436/

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