Vladimir cherry: description and reviews of gardeners, photos

Vladimir cherry today is considered among gardeners one of the best varieties. This wonderful culture can be seen in many suburban areas of central Russia.

History of Vladimir Cherry

This variety can be attributed to one of the oldest in our country. Where he came from is not known for certain. Gardening in some areas of the Vladimir region began to develop since the beginning of the 12th century. The first cherry orchards were planted by monks of local monasteries who came to this land from Greece and Kiev. This type of farming was especially popular in Vladimir himself and in the city of Yaropolche (now Vyazniki). Ancient gardeners planted cherries most often on shafts and hills.

Vladimir cherry

Presumably this variety was brought to Vladimir from the southern regions of Russia and the southern countries. The first seedlings did not differ much in winter hardiness, and the monks had to make a huge amount of effort when growing them. Cherry growing under the protection of slopes and hills endured winter well. On the flat terrain, bushes had to be dug up with snow.

Where can I grow?

The Vladimirskaya cherry variety is included in the state register for several regions of Russia:

  1. Volga-Vyatka.
  2. Northwest.
  3. Central.
  4. Middle Volga.
  5. Central Black Earth.

This cherry was zoned in 1947. In particular, the variety is suitable for cultivation in central Russia. Here it is often not only cultivated in private gardens, but also used for extensive production plantings. Not bad proved this variety and gardeners of the southern regions. In the northern regions, Vladimir cherry can also be grown quite successfully, but its yield here is much lower. For comparison: in favorable years in the middle lane from one bush you can collect up to 25 kg of berries, in the Leningrad region - no more than 5 kg.

variety of cherries Vladimir

Cherry Vladimirskaya. Description

This variety refers to the so-called griots - varieties in which the flesh of the berries has a dark cherry saturated color. Fruits of small and medium sizes have a mass of 2.5 to 3.5 g. The berries are flat-round, slightly compressed from the side of the abdominal suture. The apex of them is round, and the funnel is small and cramped. The skin is black and red and covered with a large number of dots of gray. The flesh of the berries is juicy, fairly dense and fibrous. The stone is very easy to detach and can have both ovoid and oval shape. The length of the thin stalk is 30-45 mm.

Vladimir cherry description

This variety is typical bushy and can reach a height of 2.5-5 m. There are specimens and higher. The plant is root-bearing and is a bush with many trunks. This type of cherry forms single-stem trees only when grafted.


This cherry is a fruitless variety. Only if bushes of other varieties grow nearby, can a high yield of such a crop as Vladimirskaya cherry be achieved. Pollinators should be selected as carefully as possible. Such varieties as Moscow Griot, Pink Amorel, Fertile Michurina, Lyubskaya, Lotovaya, Turgenevka, Rastunya, Vasilyevskaya, Black consumer goods are not bad for Vladimir cherry. It is best to plant pollinators from the prevailing winds in a given particular area. The most preferred varieties for Vladimir cherry are the pink bottle and the pink fur coat.

cherry Vladimir planting and care

Ripening time

Vladimir cherry belongs to mid-season varieties. About two months pass from the beginning of flowering to the final ripening of the fruit. In central Russia, crops can be harvested already in mid-July. Berries ripen unevenly. In the event that the owner of the site does not collect them on time, they can crumble, since the stalk is easily separated from the fetus.

Winter hardiness and yield

This variety is considered winter hardy. However, in severe frosts, generative kidneys can be damaged. This leads to a significant decrease in crop yields. It is because of this that Vladimir cherry is rarely grown in the northern regions. The yield of this variety, therefore, is largely dependent on the region of cultivation. In general, it is characterized as good and moderate.

vladimir cherry reviews

Choosing a site for cherries

Like most other varieties, Vladimir Cherry feels best in high places. The purchased seedlings should be planted on a hill with a steepness of 8-15 gr. The location of the slope on which the cherry will grow is also important. The most successful for most regions of Russia are considered northwestern, western and southwestern. The soil here is warming well and has moderate humidity. On the southern slopes there is too little moisture and besides, sharp fluctuations in winter temperatures are observed, which leads to freezing of the kidneys and to burns of the bark. In the northern cherries, there will be a lack of sunlight. In such places, the bushes bloom later, and therefore the flowers do not freeze, but the berries ripen much longer, and their flesh becomes sour.

Vladimir cherries can be grown on the flat areas. But in this case, it will develop a little worse. In addition, specimens growing on level ground are more prone to freezing. It is not recommended to plant this variety in hollows, damp lowlands and in forest glades, since such places are characterized by poor ventilation. Among other things, there is usually a high level of groundwater occurrence, which cherry does not like. In the event that the water on the site approaches the surface of the earth closer than 1.5 m, it is worth planting seedlings on a piled hill 2-3 m high.

What should be the soil?

The composition of the soil Vladimir cherry, like most other varieties, is quite demanding. This is especially true for nitrogen and potassium. To get a good crop, you need to ensure that there are enough of these substances in the soil. Cherry reacts less so to a deficiency in phosphorus soil. The recommended dose of humus on poor soils is about 10 kg per year, on soils of medium nutritional value - 6 kg. As for mineral fertilizers, it will be enough to make about 18 g per 1 m 2 of each of the substances.

Vladimir cherry pollinators

When growing cherries on soils with acidity close to neutral, you can achieve better results. Sour soils before planting lime.

Cherry Vladimirskaya. Landing and care

You can plant seedlings both in spring and autumn. However, the spring period is considered more preferable for this. Cherry should be planted immediately after the last snow has melted, and the soil will slightly dry.

Under the seedlings, dig holes with a depth of half a meter and a width of 80 cm. In the middle of the pit, put a stake, after which the seedling is lowered into it. Sprinkle the hole with fertile soil, mixed with humus, so that there are no voids between the roots. The seedling should take a strictly vertical position. A roll of 30 cm high is formed around the hole. After this, the seedling is tied to a stake. The latter must be filed so that its upper edge does not reach the first side branch.

Cherry is poured three times a season, 5-6 buckets per adult bush. It is also necessary to carry out regular pruning of the crown, removing diseased and dry shoots.

Grade Reviews

Good yield, excellent taste of the fruit, unpretentiousness in care - all this determines the popularity of such a culture as Vladimirskaya cherry. Reviews of her at modern gardeners are mostly positive. Like many centuries ago, today this variety is very highly valued.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E23438/

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