The regimen for children under one year: basic rules and restrictions.

In the period of increased growth and development, it is very important to establish the right regime for your child. During the first year of life, the daily routine changes significantly. The main thing is to understand what is the generally accepted mode of the day of children up to one year in a given period coincides with the needs of your baby.

0-3 months. The baby was just born and is close to the lifestyle that was inside the womb. He wakes up when he is hungry, after a short period of time after eating, he falls asleep again. The entire regime during this period depends on the feedings. It should be borne in mind that the baby should eat five to seven times a day, with a 6.5 hour night break. It is very important for a child to stay outdoors more often - in the summer you need to walk for several hours twice a day. It is advisable to spend the summer in the country, so that the child breathes air all day, and not exhaust fumes. In winter, you can take your child in a stroller to the insulated balcony, because it is dangerous for a little man to be at a temperature below five degrees for a long time. And, by the way, the walk must necessarily go into any mode of the day of children up to a year - oxygen helps your child develop and saturates all the cells of the body.

3-5 months. The baby spends less time sleeping (after each meal, the child falls asleep for 2 hours). During wakefulness, the baby must be engaged, talk with him, read books and leave on a special β€œclearing” rug. Little in these months begins to learn the world, so the attention of parents is very important to him. The child already notices the toys and pulls them into his mouth to taste uncharted objects. At night, the baby may wake up from hunger, but awakenings become more rare. After feeding, he falls asleep again. Mom during this period should carefully study the regimen of children's day up to a year in order to direct all efforts to the proper upbringing and development of her child.

5-7 months. At this age, the first skills of observing the correct daily routine are instilled . Vegetables, fruits, meat, cereals are introduced into the diet, so you should give a breast or a bottle of milk only if the baby asks for it. The child is gradually accustomed to two times a day sleep - from 11 to 13 and from 15-17. During wakefulness, the child should be occupied - playing, singing, walking, showing toys, etc. Firstly, it brings the baby closer to her mother, and secondly, it significantly affects development.

8-9 months. The child is accustomed to the "adult" mode. Night sleep is 10 hours, and daytime sleep is 2-3 hours once a day. The daily routine of the child at 9 months should already be permanent, you need to work on it - put to bed on time, feed, play, bathe. All procedures with the baby should be carried out in a playful way - it's more interesting and more fun. The child needs to be given more and more attention. Parents should remember that the full development of the baby depends only on them.

10-12 months. A child at this age should acquire the first communication skills with children of his age - you should definitely include a walk in the playground on the children's day regimen up to a year. Breast feeding takes place only during the day, at night your child should not wake up and demand to eat. The diet is approaching an adult. At the request of the parents, the child is given milk at night so that the sucking reflex soothes him before a long night's rest. The baby at this age sleeps 2 times a day - at night (10 hours) and during the day (1-2 hours). Mom should plan the feeding and sleep on the clock, so that the daily routine of the child of 10 months is not violated. After all, this age is transitional. A little one can begin to be capricious, show character and scatter toys, if only to achieve extra hours of wakefulness. The task of the mother during this period is to prevent a change in the regime or an hour shift - this can lead to the baby's poor health.


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