The best varieties of tomatoes for Siberia: a review, description, features of growing

It's no secret that growing tasty and high-quality tomatoes in the climatic conditions of Siberia is not so simple. In addition to the various secrets and techniques that a professional gardener always has, and the features of growing, it is necessary to choose the right varieties correctly. In the article presented below, we consider the best tomato varieties for Siberia, which have proven themselves better than others and have become the most popular. This vegetable crop is grown in open ground, greenhouses or greenhouses.

Tomatoes in Siberia

Through various studies and tests of a huge number of very different varieties of tomatoes in all climatic zones of Siberia, it was found that it is necessary to grow only precocious, the highest yielding, perfectly adapted to sharp natural weather changes and with good resistance to disease. It is equally important to know where they will be grown - in open ground or a greenhouse - and their purpose.

Tomatoes: plant types

By the nature of growth, culture is divided into two types. Let's consider them in more detail.

Interminant varieties. In such plants, the main stem does not end its growth and grows from two and a half meters and above, forming a powerful bush.

Determinant varieties. A tomato has a small or medium sized bush. The main stem of the plant is self-limited in growth and ends with an inflorescence. In addition, distinguish between hybrid and varietal tomatoes. Hybrids show higher yields in terms of productivity. However, already in the second generation of tomatoes, these indicators are significantly deteriorating.

Tomatoes for Siberia "Alaska"

Planting tomatoes in Siberia

In Siberian regions, tomato fruits can be obtained only when grown through seedlings, otherwise they do not have time to grow. This happens due to frosts in late spring and cold mornings already in late summer.

Sowing seeds

In order to get a full crop, it is necessary to choose the right sowing dates and tomato seeds suitable for Siberia. Very soon, the hottest time for all gardeners will begin: the purchase of seeds, sowing. It should be noted that seeds should be purchased only from trusted suppliers or in specialized stores. When buying them, it is recommended to pay attention to the following factors:

  • type of bush;

  • ripening dates;

  • taste qualities;

  • kind of seeds.

Sowing dates

Planting seeds should be carried out in strictly defined terms, and not when it is convenient for the gardener. Early sowing will lead to overgrowing seedlings, and it will not be too high quality. Plants take root for a long time and poorly in a new place, they get sick too often and yield a poor crop at the exit. Seeds planted too late will cause the bushes to fail to form an ovary. A relevant question arises - when to sow tomatoes in Siberia? Recently, it has been very fashionable to use the lunar calendar when planting any crops. According to him, March is considered the most favorable time for sowing seeds and growing seedlings in the Siberian climate.

Seeds of the best varieties of tomatoes for Siberia

Selection of planting material

Before planting, you need to check the quality of the seeds, there are two ways to do this. The most common one is using saline: a tablespoon of fine salt is diluted in a glass of water and the seeds are poured into it. Empty ones will pop up, and those that have fallen down, full ones, are used for landing. Another way is to manually sort the seeds, only whole and strong ones are allowed to plant. The next step is disinfection, for this an aqueous solution of iodine is made (100 ml of water and 3 drops of iodine) and the seeds are soaked in it. In Siberia, tomato seeds for seedlings are usually germinated. Wrap them in a small shred of natural damp cloth and put them in a warm place. It is important to ensure that the fabric does not dry out. Seeds germinate usually on the 2nd or 3rd day. As soon as the sprouts appeared, you can immediately plant them in the ground.

Planting dates for different varieties

When choosing planting dates, you should rely on what grade they belong to:

  • early ripe varieties are planted in the first decade of March;

  • mid-season - planting dates from mid-March;

  • late tomatoes are sown in late February;

  • interdeterminant - mid-February and early March;

  • Cherry - the first of April.

In almost all packages with planting material, such information is indicated.

Tomato variety for Siberia "Golden Stream"

Agrotechnical techniques

When growing tomatoes in Siberia, a whole agrotechnical complex should be observed. Let us dwell on these events:

  1. First of all, soil preparation is necessary, it includes disinfection, loosening and fertilizing. In order for the soil to warm up faster, not very large mounds should be made on the beds.

  2. Carry out full processing and selection of seeds.

  3. To sow seeds for seedlings, the soil layer must be at least 3 cm, and the seeds are sprinkled with a soil layer of 1 cm.

  4. If a second or third real leaf appears on the seedlings, pick.

  5. For planting, choose only strong and healthy seedlings.

  6. Good lighting and timely watering is provided.

  7. A week before the proposed planting, harden seedlings.

  8. When planting seedlings in open ground or a greenhouse, make the necessary complex of preparations.

  9. After planting tomatoes, the first watering is carried out on the fourth day.

  10. 15 days after planting, plants are tied to supports.

  11. Once every two weeks the soil is loosened.

  12. Tomato seedlings are fed with chicken droppings: the first is carried out in a week, the second in two, and then every 10 days.

  13. To carry out the prevention and control of various diseases and diseases.

  14. Harvesting.

When choosing tomatoes for Siberia, seeds should be selected only intended for cultivation in these parts. Buying seeds with a growing zone in other regions, it is unlikely to get good yields. Short daylight hours, low temperatures, inappropriate humidity - all this, of course, will affect this vegetable crop.

High yield tomatoes for Siberia

Siberia has a sharply continental climate, which is why tomato varieties intended for this climatic zone must be adapted to early and late frosts, very hot summers and even droughts. Let's talk about the best tomatoes of different ripening dates.

Tomato variety for Siberia "Raja"

Low-growing tomatoes for Siberia

Typically, these varieties of tomatoes bring the very first and plentiful harvest. Tomatoes are not very tall, rarely when such plants reach a height of more than one meter. The weight of the fruit ranges from 80 grams to one kilogram. Great for open ground in Siberia, tomatoes are also grown in the greenhouse. Many gardeners loved tomato varieties because, laying 5-7 brushes, they stop growing. In addition to the fact that the fruits of undersized tomatoes come in different colors, sizes and shapes, they still have a number of advantages:

  • almost all varieties are precocious;

  • stepsons are extremely rarely formed on bushes, which greatly facilitates care;

  • all fruits ripen at the same time, give a friendly harvest;

  • very fast maturation protects them from late blight;

  • distinguished by excellent taste.

Due to the fact that they are small, very compact and not afraid of diseases, the following tomatoes for the greenhouse are the best varieties for Siberia.


A very early variety, the very first ripens. The bush grows to 60 centimeters, fruits weighing 85-94 g, in one brush up to six fruits. Of particular value are due to the fact that they quickly gain sweetness. Refers to a salad grade. Resistant to the following diseases: cladosporiosis, tobacco mosaic virus and others.


It is considered a real tomato "ruler." This is one of the most fruitful tomatoes for Siberia. Up to 1 meter high. The bushes are compact, neat, fruits of red color with a delicious juicy, fleshy pulp and a sweet pleasant taste. It has a very spectacular appearance with bizarre bunches. The fruit mass is up to 300 g, in a brush 5-7 tomatoes each.


Bushes grow from 50 to 100 centimeters. The fruits are very tasty, sweet with an amazing color - red with yellow dashed lines. Tomatoes weighing 300 g round or flattened. Good resistance to cracking of fruits allows it to be consumed fresh and put into processing.

Tomato variety for Siberia "Grouse"

Golden stream

Beautiful smart sunny tomatoes. Plant growth from half a meter to eighty centimeters. Elongated fruits, weighing up to 120 g. Resistant to various diseases.

Red fang

One of the best varieties of tomatoes for Siberia. Tomatoes of bright red color, small mass (20-40 g) and medium height 85-90 cm. High-yielding, very early, ideal for canning. Very resistant to many diseases.

Summing up, we can confidently say that today low-growing varieties are in unprecedented demand. They have few flaws and a lot of advantages.

The best early ripening varieties

On the whole territory of the Siberian regions, early ripening varieties are considered one of the most popular. We highlight some of the best.

Siberian precocious

Siberian precocious tomato was bred by Russian breeders and zoned in 1959. By the type of bush growth, it belongs to determinant varieties. Its feature is a strong leafy stalk. The leaves are dark green, medium in size. The variety is considered to be ripe: about four months pass from seedlings and the ripening phase of vegetables. The tomato is resistant to the tobacco mosaic virus, as well as brown spotting. To other diseases of tomatoes is medium resistant. It grows equally well in greenhouses and in open ground.

Tomato variety "Siberian precocious"

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other culture, the Siberian precocious has a number of advantages and disadvantages. The main advantages include:

  • good yield;

  • unpretentiousness;

  • cold resistance;

  • long fruiting period;

  • universality of fruits in use;

  • resistance to a number of diseases.

The gardeners call the disadvantages of the variety moral obsolescence and the inability to compete with the latest varieties and hybrids in many ways.

Description of the fetus:

  • the weight of one tomato of this variety varies from sixty to one hundred and ten grams;

  • fruits of bright red color of a flat round or round slightly ribbed shape;

  • in one tomato can be from 5 to 12 chambers;

  • solids level is about 7%;

  • the fruits have a traditional tomato flavor and a very pleasant aroma;

  • transportable.

By the method of use, the type of tomato is universal, it is used for different types of preservation and fresh consumption.


When grown in greenhouse conditions, yield is significantly higher than in open ground. So, in the first case, it is about ten kilograms of fruit with 1 m 2 , and in the second - only from 6 to 7 kg. By the way, the Siberian ripe tomato has larger fruits when planted in the open ground.

Tomato "Siberian precocious" for Siberia

Care and growing

The main feature of the tomato variety is considered to be ripening at the same time. The fruits of tomatoes of this variety, despite their size, practically do not crack.

For growing plants in sheltered soil, the treated seeds are sown at the end of March. Depth of landing should not be less than one centimeter. Subsequent care consists in timely and regular watering and top dressing. When two true leaves appear on seedlings, they begin to pick. In greenhouse conditions, the height of the bush reaches 60-90 centimeters and requires garter to the trellis. Great for growing in Siberia and for open ground. Tomatoes seedlings are planted in the ground in late May or early June. The soil for this culture is better to choose slightly acidic, moist. Plants are planted at a distance of 25-35 cm from each other, and between rows of at least 50 cm, plants are usually formed into three stems. Leaving consists in watering, preferably after sunset, maintaining moisture, loosening the soil and applying fertilizers.

Diseases and Pests

Most often, a tomato is little susceptible to disease, but still sometimes when growing you can encounter the following diseases:

  • late blight;

  • gray rot;

  • Fusarium

  • Alternariosis.

Prevention and control is carried out using fungicidal drugs. The most dangerous pests of tomatoes are wireworms, aphids, teddy bears, whiteflies and nematodes. They cope with insecticidal drugs. In conclusion, I want to say that, despite some shortcomings, Siberian precocious is one of the best tomato varieties for Siberia.

Grade Heavyweight of Siberia

Another popular variety bred by breeders specifically for cultivation in Siberian climatic conditions. Belongs to large-fruited tomatoes of Siberia. Fans of large tomatoes are advised to plant them on their homestead.

Tomato "Heavyweight of Siberia"

Grade description

Tomato belongs to the determinant variety, has early ripening. It is recommended for cultivation in the open ground. The highest point of growth is at around 75 centimeters. When growing, it is necessary to tie up not only the stem, but also brushes with fairly large tomatoes, otherwise the fruits may come off due to too much weight.

Characterization and Application

Tomato fruits The heavyweight of Siberia is very large, their weight can reach 600 g, heart-shaped, deep pink. The fruits are very dense, fleshy with a number of chambers from 4 to 6. Most often consumed fresh, as well as for winter preparations: pasta, juice and various sauces.


Speaking of productivity, this variety, perhaps, cannot be called a leader among the best tomato varieties for Siberia. On average, it is only about 12 kilograms per square meter. meter. Although good taste and fruit size can compensate for small flaws. Note the advantages and disadvantages of this variety:

  • tolerates low temperatures;

  • good presentation:

  • large fruit size;

  • transportability of the variety.

Among the shortcomings, we note the following:

  • low productivity;

  • It does not tolerate high temperatures.

If you want to get even larger tomatoes, it is recommended that stepsons are removed and ovaries are limited, no more than 7-8 pieces can be left on one bush.

Growing Features

Vegetable growers recommend the use of highly fertile, preferably neutral soils, for planting a tomato. Heavyweights of Siberia. Per square meter m should be planted no more than five plants. After planting, abundant watering is carried out, combining it with mineral fertilizing. Complex fertilizers are used twice: during planting and at the time when the first ovaries appear. As for pests and diseases, the whole family of nightshade (tomato belongs to it) they are the same, and therefore the methods of dealing with them are identical.

Siberian pirouette

Early ripening (104-108 days) variety for Siberian truck farming. It does not require pinching. Tomatoes are red in color, shiny, with dense pulp, have a cylindrical shape. The weight of one tomato is about 70 grams. Tomato Siberian pirouette is ideal for home canning and pickling. Fresh fruits can be stored for about 1 month. It is grown in film shelters, shows good results in the open ground. Seeds for seedlings are sown in March. Seedlings in the phase of seven to eight of these leaves and the presence of one flower brush are planted in greenhouses or soil.

Planting tomatoes in Siberia

Greenhouse cultivation

In almost all household plots in all regions of Siberia, one can see different types of greenhouses. Vegetable growers are trying to create more favorable conditions for this crop. Among the best varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses in Siberia, the following varieties are declared.

Miracle of the earth

It is grown exclusively in greenhouses, because it is too vulnerable to temperature extremes and harsh climatic conditions. Bushes grow up to two meters. A feature of the fruit is a beautiful bright pink color. Fruits are large.

Pink honey

Tomatoes of large size, unusually beautiful pink color with a sweet honey flavor. It is known that the weight of a tomato can reach one and a half kg. The variety is not hybrid, so the seeds can be obtained from your crop. The variety is rather salad. By the way, because of the incredible taste qualities of these tomatoes, they often make delicious jam. It is grown only in the greenhouse.

New varieties of tomatoes for Siberia

The climatic conditions of Siberia are characterized by too hot days and cold nights. Therefore, you should plant those tomatoes that easily tolerate sudden changes in temperature. We offer an overview of new varieties for 2018 for cultivation in Siberian conditions.


A hybrid variety that produces up to 200 g in weight. The first tomatoes ripen on the 110-120th day after sowing. Resistant to disease and temperature extremes. Among the characteristics of this variety, excellent immunity, high productivity (if all the rules of growing from one bush for a season you can collect at least five kilograms), resistance to drought should be highlighted.


Early ripe hybrid, matures in three months. Plants are recommended to be planted in greenhouses, when planting in the ground for the first time, shelter is necessary. Fruits with dense pulp, red, weighing about 150 g.

Siberian Express

The plant is hybrid, precocious, with a long fruiting period. Tomatoes begin to ripen 100 days after planting. Bushes of squat tomatoes, not needing garter. Fruit weight up to 150 g.

King of Siberia

A tomato with a very beautiful appearance: golden color, heart-shaped. The pulp is fleshy. The variety belongs to the number of giants, so it must be tied up with brushes. The bush needs herding, top dressing and organic fertilizers. It is recommended that the plant be treated with boric acid to preserve the giant fruits from late blight.


Professional vegetable growers and amateur gardeners, leaving reviews of tomato varieties for Siberia, note that with the right approach to the selection of seeds, care and compliance with all agrotechnical conditions, excellent yield indicators can be achieved. The fruits of Siberian tomatoes grown in this region are in no way inferior in taste to vegetables from other, even southern, regions.


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