Description of Masha Troekurova from the novel "Dubrovsky". Love story of Dubrovsky and Masha Troekurova

Once, one of his friends told Pushkin a fascinating story about the fate of an impoverished nobleman who, having lost his estate, became the leader of a gang of robbers. But taking this story as a basis, the writer created a story not only adventure, but also unusually romantic. And therefore, it was not without a touching female image. The characterization of Masha Troekurova includes features common to other heroines of the great Russian writer. However, being, according to the plot of the work, the daughter of a cruel tyrant and tyrant, this heroine also has individual characteristics.

characteristic of masha triple

Daughter of the formidable Troekurov

The story begins with the image of a very colorful image - Masha's father. Selfishness, vanity and impunity give rise to cruelty in his character. They are afraid of Troekurov, they please him in everything. In addition, he exhibits all sorts of vices, characteristic more for a poorly educated person. The dubious entertainment and permissiveness of the father is what the main character of the work sees from an early age. And this, of course, cannot but affect her temper. The characteristic of Masha Troekurova is stealth and firmness. Although, as befits the daughter of a wealthy nobleman, the sophistication, education, and love of French novels are also components of her image.

Similar fate

Vladimir Dubrovsky and Masha Troekurova were familiar in early childhood. But when Vladimir was eight years old, he was sent to study in St. Petersburg. Masha’s father’s house never left. Yet their fates have something in common. They both grew up without a mother. Both experienced inner loneliness from a young age. She is in the parental home, where her father simultaneously gratified and frightened her with his indomitable disposition. He is away from his native estate.

Upon returning from St. Petersburg, there was already a huge social gap between them. The characteristic of Masha Troekurova comes down to the gentle image of the daughter of a wealthy nobleman. The fate of Dubrovsky adds up under the influence of heavy blows of fate. Resentment, anger and desire to take revenge govern all his actions until meeting with Masha.

Dubrovsky and Masha Troekurova

Troekurov estate

The image of Masha Troekurova is revealed to the reader in chapter VIII. By the time of the events that the author talks about, the heroine was seventeen years old. She is beautiful, her father loves her, proud of her. But even the beloved daughter suffers from the waywardness characteristic of Troekurov. Although he pleases all sorts of whims, but at times frightens her with cruel treatment.

Masha has no friends. She grew up in solitude. These circumstances form the main features of her character, namely: secrecy, restraint, isolation. Among the guests of Troekurov, men predominated. The daughters and wives of the neighbors rarely visited the estate of the master, the owner of a peculiar disposition. His favorite pastime was hunting. Masha, meanwhile, had no choice but to indulge in an erratic reading of the works of European novelists.

love story of Dubrovsky and Masha Troekurova

The image of Dubrovsky

The fate of the protagonist is a logical continuation of the fate of his father. Pushkin, creating this image, relied on literary traditions created by Schiller. However, the Russian character only in general terms resembles Schiller's bandits. The fate of Dubrovsky is unusual. But the circumstances that influenced her are quite commonplace for Russia at that time.

The characteristic of Masha Troekurova is romance and dreaminess. And this is not surprising, because she is very young, lonely, and she has a huge library at her disposal. Reading novels leaves a trace in her soul. And the appearance of a fearless but unhappy young man who “went out to rob the road” through the fault of her father gives rise to a real strong feeling in her heart. This feeling can even overcome the fear of the parent. The love story of Dubrovsky and Masha Troekurova is a sad story of the children of two warring families. It resembles the tragedy of Shakespeare. And, although the outcome is not as sad as the completion of the play “Romeo and Juliet”, there is boundless sadness in Pushkin's story. Dubrovsky is not only a man without a future. He is the one who could not complete the plan of revenge, which he hatched for a long time. This was prevented by love. But he also lost her.

the image of Masha Troekurova

French teacher

The love story of Dubrovsky and Masha Troekurova begins at a time when no one else knows that under the guise of a teacher there is nothing but the notorious robber who scares the whole district with his robberies. Brought up in the spirit of noble prejudice, Masha does not honor the Frenchman. He is for her like a servant or a workman. However, the incident, witnessed by both the master, and his guests, and Masha herself, changed her attitude towards the teacher and gave rise to a feeling in her romantic soul. Since then, Dubrovsky and Masha Troekurova began to spend more time together. Troekurov’s daughter fell in love, without admitting to herself and not knowing who the subject of her lusts really is.

the ratio of troekurov to mache


The image of Masha Troekurova acquires new features from the moment when her father announces to her the matchmaking of the old prince. A few months before this event, an explanation occurred between Masha and Dubrovsky. Deforge made an appointment for her in the garden. The heroine of the Pushkin story went on this date, unaware of the terrible secret that her lover would reveal to her.

the fate of Masha Troekurova

Troekurov’s attitude towards Masha was gentle and loving. He idolized her. But at the same time, cruel authority was present in this regard, which, however, guided all the feelings of Cyril Petrovich. We can say that the father felt tenderness and gentleness for his daughter only as long as everything went according to his plan. But the appearance of the hated bridegroom aroused character traits in the girl that she had not yet discovered: perseverance, determination and the desire to resist the whims of her father. The fate of Masha Troyekurova, of course, was unfortunate. She became the wife of a person unpleasant to her. Until the last moment she was waiting for Dubrovsky. But when during the return of the newlyweds from the church, a gang led by her lover overtook the prince’s carriage, Masha denied. The young princess abandoned him and her love. The reason is the oath that was given at the altar.

Features of the Pushkin heroine

In the act of Masha, an unusual and non-feminine firmness is visible. This property of character takes the image of the Pushkin heroine beyond the framework of literary traditions and makes him a unique Russian character. The heroine of the story Dubrovsky does not choose the lesser of two evils. To become a wife of a robber is much worse than living with an unloved middle-aged prince. The choice of Maria Kirilovna is also not guided by the desire for suffering, which will be caused by eternal separation from her beloved. Her decision is due to a sense of duty inherent in Pushkin's heroines, but not a characteristic feature of female images of European literature.


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