VRV-conditioning systems: description, features, installation and reviews

The segment of HVAC equipment is constantly expanding and is divided into narrower niches. Manufacturers are moving away from universal systems, replacing them with more productive and easy-to-use analogues. So there are specialized devices for humidification, air purification, ozonation and other functions. The main line of development that improves traditional air conditioners remains relevant, although not all technologies survive in this group. Promising developments include VRV systems, which entered the market more than 20 years ago, but even today they do not have a worthy alternative in the climate equipment market.

Features of multi-zone conditioning

vrv systems

In fact, the hardware components for a VRV system offer nothing fundamentally new. The design is made up of the same unit with a compressor that is used in monoblock systems. Technological features are associated with the approach to the placement of complex elements and the nature of the interaction between them. But first, you should consider the operational differences that a VRV air conditioning system has. What kind of system is this from a consumer perspective? This is a complex multi-zone complex that allows you to adjust the microclimate in several rooms. Theoretically, such a configuration is suitable for office premises, and for the arrangement of production facilities. In practice, this development is used mainly in the arrangement of public buildings and shopping centers.

What is the difference between VRV and split system?

vrv system indoor unit

One of the most prominent features of VRV technology is the ability to service multiple actuator units with one outdoor unit. But the classic split system has the same advantage. It can be said that this is a common feature uniting two concepts. But here, not everything is clear, since the internal block of a VRV system can be represented by dozens of elements. In practice, there are about 40 segments located in different parts of the building. A split system is also able to provide an object with the same number of executive modules, but this will be irrational in terms of energy consumption. For such systems, the number of indoor units usually does not exceed 8 elements - this is the best option for a country house, but not for a large shopping center. But there is another feature of VRV technology. The fact is that the outdoor unit provides the ability to regulate power, that is, in it you can control the state of the refrigerant.

System design

vrv air conditioning what is it

At the very first stages, specialists calculate the parameters of the refnet and the route for laying pipelines in a specific facility. In the development of the design solution, optimal microclimate indicators, parameters of cold and heat loads for each room are taken into account. Using special programs, energy consumption is also calculated and an optimal model of thermal conditions is formed. Next, a schematic configuration is made, according to which the VRV-conditioning system will be integrated - what does this mean in terms of documentary presentation? Today, traditional sets of technical documentation with graphs and drawings are still circulated, after familiarization with which the future user gives approval or makes adjustments to the project. However, manufacturers of HVAC equipment, realizing the complexity of multi-zone systems, offer automated design systems in the form of software. Such systems allow calculating and constructing the optimal system by entering the initial data, choosing the most suitable equipment for it.

Installation of VRV systems

multizone vrv systems

It has already been noted that such a system may include about 40 blocks. However, modern industrial provide for the presence of 100 modules. Moreover, advanced complexes allow the possibility of connecting several bundles into one network, eventually forming a chain of 250 or more links. Accordingly, installation is carried out only by highly qualified specialists using self-diagnosis systems that detect errors during installation. The direct installation of each unit separately is carried out in the same way as in the case with conventional systems. That is, the outdoor unit of the VRV-system is fixed to the wall from the street by means of dowels and a power frame. An internal module is also mounted in the room itself, after which a route is laid between the two components along which the refrigerant with air flows will pass.

Service VRV-systems

The technological complexity of the equipment necessitates regular maintenance activities. As practice shows, such actions help not only several times increase the operational life of the systems, but also have a beneficial effect on reducing energy consumption. So, the maintenance of VRV systems provides for the implementation of verification activities, replacement and replenishment of consumables, as well as setting operating parameters. As for the verification, this stage covers the audit of the functioning of the fans, the grounding system, the drainage complex, the tightness of the blocks, etc. The renewal of consumables includes the replacement of filters and refueling of the refrigerant. At the final stage, the working components of the system are calibrated, the temperature conditions are set, and, if necessary, the automatic operation mode is adjusted.

System manufacturers

installation of vrv systems

In the segment of VRV-systems there are not as many manufacturers as in the case of conventional air conditioners. The leader in the class is Daikin, whose developers at one time became the authors of the concept. At the moment, the manufacturer produces the third generation of such equipment, expanding its functionality, improving ergonomics and reliability. Toshiba multizone VRV systems also demonstrate their features. In particular, the company is working on optimizing the interaction schemes between the units, successfully increasing productivity for outdoor modules and occupying a leading position in the development of intelligent refrigerant control systems. Mitsubishi offers are also interesting. The models of this company are distinguished by advanced control systems with infrared remote controls, centralized panels, as well as individual wired controllers.

Positive feedback on VRV systems

The main advantage of the system is the overall optimization of the cost of equipment, reducing installation costs and minimizing the costs of the subsequent maintenance of air conditioners. Although the installation of a multi-zone complex complex seems rather problematic and even unrealizable, in practice, the owners note that all primary labor and financial investments pay off in full. This is especially noticeable when comparing VRV systems with the same split units, which take up more space, require additional communication space and are generally more expensive.

vrv systems maintenance

Negative reviews

Of course, many users are frightened by the intricacies of design work and the nuances of maintenance. As the owners note, budget decisions of this type are especially whimsical in terms of content, and, most importantly, the blocks in them depend on each other. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase more technological kits, but they are more expensive. In addition, it is not always advisable to install VRV systems in truncated versions - that is, to use for private houses and apartments, even with several points of installation of indoor units. For such purposes, manufacturers offer traditional split systems that are less developed functionally and technologically.


outdoor unit vrv system

VRV-conditioning technology is much like the practice of using alternative energy sources. In the long run, they promise many benefits, including minimizing the financial costs of electricity consumption. But, as is the case with solar panels, VRV systems require a major initial contribution. Moreover, this applies not only to financial expenses. Almost every project of this kind can be characterized as large-scale. Even objects for which 30-40 air conditioning units are supposed to be installed require skilled and responsible work to create a technical solution and no less complicated installation operations.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E23455/

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