Winter sets "Crocid" for boys: reviews, photos, description

When choosing children's clothing, parents pay attention to many details. Kits should be convenient, safe, functional and practical. No less important are the colors, style of products and accessories. Naturalness, brightness and accessibility are what distinguish Crocid winter sets for boys. Customer reviews confirm that children are protected from the cold and are comfortable moving.

crocid kits for boys winter reviews

About Crockid Brand

Crockid is one of the leading manufacturers of children's clothing in the Russian Federation. However, its products are also popular outside of Russia. This was made possible thanks to the key principles that the company adheres to:

  • the use of only high-quality fabrics and accessories;
  • the cut of clothes allows fidgets to move freely, even in winter overalls;
  • each design is copyrighted;
  • taking into account the fashionable realities of each season.

The Crockid brand has emerged relatively recently. Since 2000, these clothes began to fall on store shelves. Fashion collections include lines that are suitable for children from birth to 12 years.

Impeccable quality, bright colors and fashionable design quickly brought the manufacturer to the international market. In Europe and the CIS countries appeared brand stores and dealerships.

Since 2008, the company has completely optimized production and acquired a factory where a full production cycle has been launched. In addition to production facilities, the company has its own design bureau, where not only clothing lines are developed, but also full control over the quality of existing ones takes place.

winter sets for the boy crocid

Clothing Features

The brand is distinguished by fresh views on the production of children's clothing and, despite the quality and naturalness of the materials, offers affordable prices. Most parents love to dress their children up, even if it's cold outside. Therefore, Crocid winter sets for boys have only positive reviews. The whole line is convenient for active games in the air and bright so that the child does not protest against the new thing.

In addition to comfortable outerwear, Crockid is positioned with the release of:

  • models for home, sleep and relaxation;
  • seamless linen made from natural cotton;
  • sets for newborns;
  • clothes for a beach holiday;
  • bright socks and comfortable tights.

For winter walks of the child, the consumer is looking for warm, waterproof, breathable and comfortable clothes. With this set of qualities, the Crocid sets for boys are winter. Parents' reviews often highlight their convenience and the fact that the child does not freeze even in severe frosts and does not sweat if he actively plays on the street.

winter crocid kit

Collections for the cold

A special pride of the manufacturer is the line of autumn-winter clothes for girls and boys, which is able to maintain the temperature inside. The entire collection will protect the child even in severe frost, but at the same time it is functional and convenient for fidgets.

Crocid winter sets for boys, reviews of parents and children confirm this, thought out to the smallest detail. All models differ from each other not only in color, but also in style and material.

You can choose straight and long jackets. They are sewn from polyester, where a polyurethane membrane is present. This approach protects the child from the wind and getting wet. To protect against cold, insulation is used. It can be fluff and feather.

The Crocid winter kit, which is made of a printed membrane, is especially popular. All seams are treated with glue, so moisture transmission is excluded. According to parents, the clothes are fully breathable, the child does not sweat, even if he moves a lot. Moreover, the kit has exceptional dirt-repellent properties, which is so important when choosing clothes for boys.

crocid winter kit reviews

A bit about fittings

Equally important is the hardware used when choosing a jumpsuit for a girl or a kit for a boy. "Crocid" ensures that all fasteners, Velcro and hooks are safe to use and even small children's handles can handle them.

It is especially important to use high-quality accessories in a series of clothes that are designed for severe frosts below -25 ° C. It requires not only the heat resistance, which provides insulation - polyester. The cuffs are adjustable, which makes it possible to protect the child from the wind, and Velcro fasteners allow you to feel the warmth in the winter and make it possible for the child to cope with them on their own.

Fleece kits

Clothing made of fleece is quite pleasant to the body and guarantees the preservation of heat. Models from this material are also produced by Crocid. The winter kit, which has only positive reviews, is complemented by a hat and gloves.

Fleece is very practical, functional and comfortable. Jackets and pants are chosen by parents for children who attend kindergarten. The material maintains excellent ventilation even when the child overheats during outdoor games. Thanks to the thermo-regulating properties, excess moisture is brought out, which is very important if the promenade is winter.

Kits for the boy "Crocid" based on fleece material, according to parents, are very durable and durable. They can be carried more than one season, while bright colors do not lose their saturation. Clothes can be washed in an automatic machine. Fleece is characterized by quick drying and elasticity.

Nano line, thermal overalls

Overalls have a number of advantages over sets and ordinary jackets. Children look very nice in them, and parents choose this type of winter clothing because of the following advantages:

  1. The child is completely protected from the weather. Nothing blows anywhere and does not bully.
  2. The series is designed to be worn under extreme conditions.
  3. Adjustable to the required sizes of the cuffs, legs, neck and hood.
  4. The clothes are functional, equipped with pockets inside and out.
  5. All accessories lend themselves to children's handles.

To keep the child warm and dry, even in severe frosts or with slush, parents choose overalls from the Nano series. During its development, innovative materials are used that distinguish these Crocid winter sets for boys.

Reviews and a description of the models indicate that clothing made of polyamide film is equipped with the smallest micropores. Their feature is that they allow air to pass through, but do not allow moisture to enter. That is why parents purchase jumpsuits for fidgets who like to jump through puddles and sit in snowdrifts.

crocid winter kits sterlitamak

Types of insulation

For the production of clothing, the company uses membrane fabrics that provide water resistance, windproof and lightness. Such qualities are very appreciated by consumers if autumn or winter overalls are needed.

Kits for the boy "Crocid", photos of which are presented in this article, are fully consistent with Russian weather realities. In their production, the following types of insulation are used:

  • isosoft;
  • fellex;
  • polyfill.

Consider each of them.


All the heaters presented have a number of advantages. So, isosoft is a synthetic material that is completely environmentally friendly. Unlike natural ones, it does not promote the growth of microorganisms and does not attract dust.

Products where isosoft acts as a heater are lightweight, but they keep heat well. According to parents, the child does not sweat, it is warm in the cold, and the clothes are not bulky.

All sets are washable. The material is durable and takes its original shape even with repeated cleanings. Isosoft passes air well. If the child falls under snow, the kit will dry quickly.

set for boy crocid


Synthetic insulation that is durable, lightweight and maintains good air exchange. The material is multilayer. In combination with a membrane, it reliably retains heat, but at the same time allows air to circulate freely.

All sets with this insulation are not forbidden to wash in an automatic machine. They do not deform and completely restore their shape.


The material is used for sewing clothes from the most frost-resistant series. Polycill-based Crocid kits can be worn in frosts down to –35 ° C. Products are obtained not only comfortable, practical, lightweight, but also not blown and do not get wet.

The material is popular for the production of sports and children's clothing. The insulation does not interfere with natural air exchange, but retains heat.

Membrane use

Membrane fabric makes the clothing collection special, which is caused by its properties - to prevent the penetration of wind, let air through, but prevent moisture from entering. All sets are able to withstand snowfall and light rain without the risk that the child will get wet.

krokid sets for boys winter reviews description


Crocid clothes can be bought in specialized stores. Many outlets are represented not only in Russia, but also in Europe. The company is developing rapidly, many online stores also collaborate with the Crocid brand.

They especially appreciated the Crocid brand (winter sets) in Sterlitamak and other northern regions of Russia. Their properties, practicality, convenience and affordability have made the brand popular. Any kit is easy to clean. It is not forbidden to machine wash. No ironing required. In order for clothes to retain their properties, it is not recommended to dry them near heating appliances.


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