Pets for children - is it worth it to get a pet

A pet is the most devoted friend and good companion for a child. Often children ask their parents to have a dog or kitten, but many parents refuse such pleasure, referring to dirt, unpleasant odors and pathogenic microbes. But all this can be avoided with special daily care. A pet can not only be a favorite of your child, but also instill in it some good habits, for example - love for animals, responsibility and respect for cleanliness. Pets for children can become a real friend who will always be there and will delight with their presence. The topic is whether or not to get a pet - this is the most relevant topic at the moment. Many parents are inclined to the affirmative answer, but many are categorically against, well, consider all the strengths and weaknesses of this issue.

The benefits of a pet establishment include the following criteria:

- animals for children bring the child a lot of fun and joy, he can receive from his pet a lot of games, affection and warmth, next to the animal the baby will not feel alone;

- Pets for children will instill responsibility for the child if the parents teach the baby to care for the pet, walk it, feed and wash. If a child grows up his pet as it should, then he will be more physically strong, healthy, independent and responsible in the future.

Other areas of the pet institution's weaknesses may include:

- Pets for children can cause some diseases, but it depends on which animal will live nearby and which care has been taken. If the animal is washed daily, given medicines against fleas, ticks and other parasites, then such problems can be avoided;

- the pet should be constantly walking, so you need to have a convenient time;

- Pets for children can bring dirt into the house, but this can also be avoided if you wash your pet daily, accustom it to the pot and clean the house more often.

Thus, if you properly care for your pet, you can safely get pets. Now another question - which animals are the best for children? There are several varieties:

- fish, this is a great option to start taking care and responsibility. Here it is necessary to teach the child to properly wash the aquarium, clean it and buy special food;

- hamsters that do not require special care. With such a pet, you can safely play, observe his habits and how he eats. By the way, this is the kid’s favorite pastime - to watch the hamster lay everything over its cheeks;

- a guinea pig or a rabbit, these animals eat everything that they will be given, the child can play with them both on the street and at home. Here you should constantly clean the cage in which the pet will live;

- The cat is probably the most common concept. A cat is the most beloved pet for most people, who immediately wants to be petted and stroked. This option is suitable for children of various activities, it is necessary to explain to the baby that it is impossible to offend the animal, because the cat can be vindictive;

- a dog, this is a devoted friend for the whole family. A little puppy will teach the child to be disciplined and responsible, because he will have to take care of a lot and constantly walk;

- Parrots and other birds that are more suitable for an older child. This animal needs more serious care, for it it is necessary to constantly create a certain temperature regime, feed it at the appointed time with special food.

Thus, pets are necessary for the child, but for each age a certain version of the pet is needed. What kind of animal to have for a child is a choice not only of parents, but also of the children themselves.


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