SPA hotel: relax your soul, improve your body

We are used to the fact that our body relaxes at the resort, but ancient sciences say that rest for the soul is no less important. It is this idea that has been implemented in many spa salons and hotels, offering its visitors a variety of therapeutic and simply relaxing treatments.

Having visited the spa hotel, you will be able to experience first hand what comfort and coziness is combined with the healing powers of nature. At the same time, treatment with water, stones, therapeutic mud, mineral water and algae has practically no contraindications.

The rulers of various states and their nobles came to rest and be treated at the thermal springs , and legends were written about the healing power of minerals and water spurting from the ground long before our era. So, the ancient Greek and Roman warriors used the healing powers of the geysers, who came to the springs so that their wounds received in fierce battles would heal faster, and the soul, exhausted by long wanderings, would relax and prepare to perform new feats.

In areas with healing water, over time, considerable villages and cities grew up in which all kinds of mud and hydropathic facilities were built, and even today spa relaxation has not lost its relevance. But now, tourists ordering spa tours, there is no need to swim in the lake or other open source - mineral water and healing mud are delivered directly to the special premises of the resort. Having bathed in a pool with thermal water, every tourist feels complete relaxation of all muscles, relaxes from everyday worries and is transferred to the magical world of spa-procedures.

In addition to swimming in a pool with healing water, you can also offer hydromassage, which enhances blood circulation, improves overall well-being and speeds up metabolism, due to which toxins come out of the body and tourists feel cheerfulness and a surge of strength. Almost every spa hotel can offer you a visit to a steam room or sauna, in which the skin is steamed, the pores are opened and cleaned, excess moisture is removed from the body.

Would you like to tighten your skin, get rid of cellulite or osteochondrosis? Spa hotel will help with this. Here you will be offered a choice of several types of massage, ranging from classic to therapeutic.

Spa resorts are a favorite vacation spot for many women. Indeed, it is in them, in addition to medical procedures, that you can take a course of rejuvenating and skin tightening thalassotherapy, which uses pure sand, algae from different parts of the earth, healing clay, and marine minerals.

Today, such an institution as a spa hotel is available in every resort town. At the same time, you will be offered not only rest and active pastime, but also specially designed by doctors procedures aimed at improving health and rejuvenating not only the skin, but also the whole body. Many people leave the spa-hotel not only having rejuvenated, but also having thrown off several kilograms and got rid of some chronic diseases.

Even among experienced tourists, there is a misconception that spa hotels and lounges are affordable only to people with high incomes. In fact, this is far from the case, because in this sphere, as in any other, there is fierce competition, which means that almost everyone can afford such a recovery.

The second misconception concerns the location of such hotels. It is believed that they are built only in large resort cities, but today the spa-salon or even the whole hotel is easily adjacent to high-rise buildings or skyscrapers. So for unity with nature you absolutely do not need to take a vacation, pack large suitcases and make long flights.


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