We figure out which foundation is better for a house of foam blocks

In recent years, foam concrete houses have become increasingly common. This is explained both by their low cost and the simplicity of their construction. But for beginners, the question often arises of which foundation is better for a house of foam blocks.

which foundation is better for a house of foam blocks
To fully answer it, consider the most common situations that are often encountered in the construction of a country house.

Most often, light one-story buildings are erected with ordinary ceilings from wooden beams. In this case, it is quite acceptable to use a cheap and lightweight strip foundation.

But! To greatly reduce the cost of the work will not work, since a reinforced belt is necessarily needed in the area of ​​windows and doorways. Otherwise, cracks in the walls of the structure are inevitable.

When choosing which foundation is best for a house of foam blocks, do not forget about TISE. This is a kind of recessed base, the installation cost of which is slightly lower. The fact is that the foundation in this case refers to the columnar type, further strengthened in the field of structures that give the greatest load on the soil.

The second option is less common. In this case, a two-story building with the same wooden floors is being erected. So what is the best foundation for a two-story foam block house? Any, but not lightweight, tape version that is corny cannot withstand the severity of such a design.

foundation designs of houses from foam blocks

Oddly enough, the TISE option will come to the rescue again. The recessed structure is able to withstand significant heaviness even on the most unstable soils, and the need for reinforced bases when using it is minimal. But there is one “but”: if under the future house there are soils of fine sand, and groundwater is close to them, then it is strictly contraindicated to use it.

But what foundation is better for a house of foam blocks can save the situation in this case?

Then you have to deal with the installation of a recessed tape or think about a grillage, which will be installed on piles with extended blades. Of course, the cost of such a foundation in both cases will be quite significant.

The most difficult option is a three-story house, the floors of which are made of reinforced concrete slabs. As soon as you are about to erect such a structure, the first thing you need to do is find out at the local geodesy service about the physical feasibility of such a construction in your area.

It is very likely that in order to facilitate the entire structure of reinforced concrete, only the lower floor will have to be made, and an ordinary tree will already be put on the upper floor. In this case, choosing the best foundation for a house from aerated concrete will be much easier.

the best foundation for home
But in any case, it will be necessary to make a thick sand and gravel cushion, which will contribute to the most even distribution of the load on the ground.

Reinforced concrete slab is placed on top. It is very important to arrange a reinforced belt under the windows, and put the first row of blocks strictly on a massive concrete base, raised as high as possible with snow. As a foundation, you can use a standard tape mounted on a concrete foundation slab.

Almost all projects of foundations of houses from foam blocks provide for the use of the tape variety as the cheapest and most universal option.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E23485/

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