Surname Vinogradova: origin and significance

In ancient times, the last name was the name of the person speaking, but even now the descendants want to find out the meaning of the Vinogradov surname: where and why it appeared. Indeed, in most cases, it describes the nature and occupation of ancestors. This is interesting, isn't it? So let's find out the origin and meaning of the surname Vinogradov. More details in the article!

General information about surname and origin

The surname of Vinogradov (Vinogradov, Vinogradov) was formed quite late as a result of artificial processes, not natural ones. That is, it was specially invented. It is clear that it came from the name of the plant, but only now in Russia grapes began to be imported en masse only in the nineteenth century. So what's the deal? What is the nationality of the surname Vinogradov?

What is the origin of the name of Vinogradov?

But the fact is that although the grape was a curiosity, its image adorned various Christian attributes and was recognizable. Even before the baptism of Russia, these berries were considered a symbol of wealth and fertility, and after that it migrated to Christianity. So, the cross of St. Nina was made of vine.

The first version of the origin of the surname Vinogradov

Surnames such as Vinogradov were received by people passing through the seminary. But only if the person has not yet had his own entrenched surname. Future priests also received a new family name, for whom their own family name was objectionable to church service.

The value of the surname Vinogradov

So among the clergy there were many Vinogradovyh. This was associated with prosperity, kindness and prosperity in all matters. In addition, wine is made from the berries of this plant. And wine, as you know, is an integral part of church rituals. This drink is the "blood" of Jesus Christ. Thus, carriers of this surname may be descendants of representatives of the Russian clergy.

From the mundane name of Grapes

This version is associated with the first, and it is likely that both of them will be appropriate. The fact is that those who studied and were brought up in ecclesiastical institutions often did not have their fixed surname. And so there they received the name Vinogradov, which, according to this version, comes from the worldly name Vinograd.

What is your last name hiding?

All this, as is already known, is connected with the ancient exaltation of the vine and its fruits. Pupils of church schools should be associated with wealth, kindness and prosperity, and also have a connection with the clergy, of which grapes were one of the symbols.

The origin of Vinogradov’s surname is interesting because a person with such a surname had a high position in society, because everyone knew that he was well educated and, possibly, a priest. At first, this generic name was not very widespread, but over time, thanks to natural processes, it has successfully spread throughout the country. One way or another, the Vinogradovs owe their surname to the Russian clergy.

Famous people - carriers of a surname

Since the Vinogradov surname was received by educated people, whose descendants settled quite widely around the world, it is not surprising that there are many famous and outstanding personalities among its owners.

Learn the history of the origin of the name Vinogradov

The list of prominent people who bear the name of Vinogradov includes:

  • Isaky Vinogradov (date of birth - 1895) - archimandrite, famous church figure, participant in the white movement. He participated in the battles of the First World War, was wounded three times. Subsequently, he served as rector in various churches.
  • Dmitry Vinogradov (date of birth - 1758) - the founder of the production of Russian porcelain. He studied at the academy with Lomonosov. He received the imperial task of making his own porcelain, after which he searched for suitable clay in Russia, and then, after the experiments, he managed to create porcelain itself. He wrote various recipes for its manufacture.
  • Alexander Vinogradov (date of birth - 1895) is a Soviet academician. Biochemist and geochemist. Hero of socialist labor. He took a direct part in the establishment of the atomic industry of the USSR. He studied meteorites and chemical problems of the planet. He was a member of a number of foreign scientific societies. He became the founder of isotope geochemistry in the USSR.
  • Vladimir Vinogradov (date of birth - 1882) is a Soviet general practitioner. Academician and Honored Worker of Science. It is known that he was the only authority among doctors for I.V. Stalin.
  • Victor Vinogradov (date of birth - 1894) - literary critic and linguist. He taught in many higher educational institutions of linguistic profile. He was in senior positions in philological scientific organizations. He was a member of various foreign scientific societies and academies.

Here is such an interesting story of the origin of the Vinogradov surname .


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