Etiquette of communication with people: rules and patterns

Speech etiquette and communication culture are dialects of mutual respect established in modern society. Everyone should be aware of and follow basic rules of etiquette: regardless of gender, age, or position in society.

Etiquette lessons in the communication of men and women

  • On the street, men are supposed to follow to the left of their companions. Only the military can go to the right of women to be able to salute if necessary.
  • The first person to enter the restaurant is a male representative, so he informs the head waiter that he will pay. However, if there is a doorman at the entrance to the post, the man needs to skip his companion forward, and then look for a table where you can sit.
  • The first person to follow the person facing the people sitting at the concert, performance or in the cinema is the male representative.
  • If a lady greets someone on the street, then her gentleman must also do this, even if this person is unfamiliar to him.
  • A man should not touch the fairer sex without her approval. You can depart from this rule of etiquette in communication at those moments when a man helps his companion cross the road, get out or enter the vehicle.
  • Smoking with a woman to a male representative is possible only with her permission.

etiquette of communication with people

Speech Etiquette Rules

  • If you are offended by people, do not succumb to the provocation of the offender. Leave the scene with a smile on your lips.
  • The first person to greet the person entering the room, regardless of their position.
  • The etiquette of communication with people says that certain things should be kept secret. These include: prayer, information about material well-being, love affairs, perfect dishonorable and noble deeds, and other moments.
  • If your apology was accepted, you should not apologize again, you just do not need to repeat your mistakes.
  • Thank you to those people who have shown generosity towards you or came to the aid in difficult times. They were not required to do these noble deeds.

etiquette lessons

Business Communication Etiquette

  • It is necessary to observe the rules of official discipline.
  • We must not forget about punctuality.
  • You should express your thoughts in a short form, without using unnecessary words.
  • You need to listen to the interlocutor very carefully.
  • It is not only your interests that should be taken into account; you need to carefully listen to the opinion of your colleagues.
  • In clothes, you should adhere to the style adopted in the institution. Women should forget about too bright makeup and inappropriate jewelry.
  • Do not forget about the culture of speech and writing.

communication etiquette

Social Media Etiquette

Social networks can open a window into the personal life of people registered there. The etiquette of communication with people does not recommend opening it too wide, even close people should not see intimate photos or be aware of family events.

  • You should not focus on the statements of some commentators on social networks, respond to inappropriate sayings.
  • They are not advised to seek sympathy on their page in social networks, because there are enough negative events for people reading it.
  • It is not recommended to abuse abbreviations or sayings filled with rhetoric: strangers may not decipher them and distort the meaning.
  • The etiquette of communication with people refers to the manifestations of bad taste as an offer of friendship in social networks to strangers.

speech etiquette and communication culture

Telephone communication

The rules for communicating with people on the phone say that a conversation should be conducted politely, regardless of whether there is communication with friends or strangers. This rule contributes to the formation and strengthening of a positive impression.

Courtesy is also an important part of business phone calls. Following certain rules of etiquette can help strengthen the image of the company and the employee directly negotiating by phone.

Etiquette lessons say that having dialed the desired number, you should not wait for a long time for an answer. The most optimal waiting period is a period that includes five or six phone rings. If there is no answer during this time, it means that the called party cannot answer the phone call at the moment.

The rules of etiquette during communication say that you need to answer the call from the second or third ring tone. A quick response will be able to emphasize your professional qualities and will save the time of the interlocutor.

Telephone Conversation Rules

  • Separate business and personal phone calls. Formal conversations must be conducted from working devices, unofficial from personal.
  • It is not recommended to call until nine in the morning and after ten in the evening.
  • If the call is addressed to a stranger, you must certainly explain where you got his phone number.
  • Communication by phone should not be delayed in time.
  • The subscriber who answers the call may not be represented even when they are calling from a work phone.
  • The first to call his name is the one who calls.
  • You should find out from the called party whether it is convenient for him to have a conversation at the moment.
  • You need to conduct a telephone conversation in a friendly tone, clearly expressing your thoughts.
  • You can end a telephone conversation only by making sure that the person you’ve talked with has said everything you need.

telephone communication

The etiquette of communication with people is constantly present in our lives. People who know his rules do not experience difficulties in communication and feel free in any society.


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