Phrases about a friend: short and with meaning

Happy is he who has known friendship in life. These relationships do not require presentation. The number of statements devoted to this phenomenon speaks for itself. Probably everyone was looking for phrases about a friend. They collected the experience of many generations. They help to understand your own experiences, make a decision or simply thank a friend for being in your life.

Statuses about a friend

Phrases about a friend very often become a topic for statuses on social networks:

  • "A friend is one who laughs even at your stupidest jokes."
  • "Friends will never forget your biggest punctures. They will continue to make fun of them."
  • "A best friend always knows what is good in your fridge."
  • "Only a friend can ask before you come what you have a bite to eat."
  • "You may not be delighted, but you still have to like" (the law of friendship in social networks).
  • "There are not many people with whom you can run barefoot through puddles in the rain."
  • "Best friends do not like the same people as you. Let them never see them."

phrases about a friend

Phrases about best friends

  • "A friend is the one who comes to you when the others turn away."
  • "Only a true friend can understand what lies behind your smile."
  • "Friends do not pass on their problems to you. They trust you in them."
  • "Friends don't judge. Even knowing the worst of you, he continues to respect you."
  • "Only in the presence of a true friend can you remain yourself."
  • "Choosing a friend is an independent decision. But only time will tell if this choice was right."
  • "A friend will not convince you that everything is really in order. He will say:" Yes, everything is bad, but I am there. "
  • "Loving enemies is easier than starting to relate to your friends better."
  • "Only a true friend can tell you in person what you are wrong with, and in public - that you are right in everything."
  • "The presence of a true friend is felt even in moments of complete loneliness."
  • "All the rewards of the world are nothing compared to the praise of a best friend."
  • "Friends are, first of all, like-minded people."

phrases about best friends

Phrases about former friends

Aesop owns the idea that real friends are known in difficult times. Probably everyone at least once in his life, but was disappointed in his friend, experienced treachery, tried to find an excuse for this and could not find.

  • "Life without friendship is like a world without sunshine."
  • "Do not trust friends shamefully than being deceived by them."
  • "A truly lonely person is one who has no friends."
  • "He who is a friend to everyone is not really a friend to anyone."
  • "True friends will never water you with dirt. Even if it so happens that your paths have diverged. At least in memory of a bright past."
  • "Living without traitors is better than living with fake friends."
  • "Friendship does not know envy."
  • "A true friend will not jump after you out the window. He will catch there below."
  • "Real friends can laugh at you. But they will never let others do it."
  • "If you are angry that a friend wins the argument, then you have no friend."
  • "A friend is one whose betrayal comes as a surprise."
  • "Forgiving the enemy is much easier than for a friend."

phrases about former friends

Short messages to friends

Phrases about a friend can be arranged as a message that will help express gratitude or just cheer up a friend:

  • "My cockroaches in my head are always on the same wavelength as yours."
  • "Thank you because thanks to you, I save money on trips to a psychologist."
  • "Thanks to you, I have a sister that I always dreamed of."
  • "I am glad that you immediately answer my requests that you will help, and only then ask what needs to be done."
  • "You are the best interlocutor. You can be silent with you."
  • "I’m very lucky that now I can not do stupid things alone."
  • "I would forgive you even the same dress as mine. Here she is a real friendship!"
  • β€œThanks to you, I know that not everything is lost with me. Thanks for that!”

Phrases about a friend - that will always be relevant, as long as a person needs like-minded people, support and understanding.


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