Urine collection technique in infants

With the birth of a child, new chores appear in the family. At the same time, the health of the newborn is a priority for loving parents, for whom there is no greater joy than observing the activity of the crumbs. But due to the fact that the immune system is still quite weak, infants are often sick. To determine the root cause, a diagnosis should be made and appropriate tests taken. In this case, there is a need for urine collection in infants. Unlike adults, the baby is not yet able to control the process of urination. In this regard, parents will have to go to different tricks.

Features of taking material from infants

Every adult knows how to collect urine - for two days you should eat healthy food, and exclude everything sweet, flour, fried and fat. Also do not smoke and abstain from alcohol. Immediately before the collection procedure, you should wash yourself so that the flora does not get into the material. And in order for the analysis to be accurate, you must do this in the morning.

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Babies do not have a clear understanding of following the rule. They cannot go to the toilet at will. Although special problems can not arise, because newborns write up to 20 times a day. About 30 ml of liquid can be collected at a time. But even with such frequent urges, it is not always easy to take the necessary analysis from the crumbs.

General algorithm for collecting urine in infants

Urine in infants should be collected in the morning on an empty stomach, as in adults. At this time, the liquid is as concentrated as possible. At the same time, it is allowed to store it for no more than 2 hours, and the refrigerator is not suitable for this, which is bad for the results of the study. Also, you can not leave the material warm, otherwise urine can change its composition, which is also undesirable.

In addition, the fluid that will be tested must be sterile. Therefore, before carrying out the procedure for collecting material, it is necessary to wash the child with soap and then wipe dry. Only adults should first wash their hands with soap and water. Nappy cream, as well as oils and powders should be set aside for now. If the skin of the crumbs becomes oily, the urinal on it will not be fixed.

The container for collection of the analysis must also be absolutely sterile. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s plastic or glass.

Methods for collecting urine

Now a completely logical question arises as to what actually urine collection in infants according to the algorithm. Achievements of the modern pharmaceutical industry allow using different methods for collecting urine from babies for analysis. If compared with the methods of the Soviet era, now this procedure is more easy and comfortable.


The assortment for collecting material in infants is as follows:

  • urinal;
  • container made of plastic or glass;
  • plastic bag.

Now it is worth considering in detail each of these devices, since they have their own advantages and disadvantages. And after studying these features, parents will be able to choose the appropriate option for their situation.


Currently, in any pharmacy you can buy a special device for collecting urine in infants called a pediatric urinal. Moreover, it can be used for both boys and girls, so they are produced with slight differences in gender.

They are made of polyethylene, and the tank itself is marked with a special scale with milliliters. The edges of the inlet are treated with glue with hypoallergenic properties, due to which the product is attached to the skin of the child.

After the device is filled, it should be carefully removed from the child and pour the contents into a container or any other clean container. Then, wash the baby or baby again to remove any glue.

The collection of biomaterial in girls

In girls, the structure of the genital organs is significantly different. For this reason, the collection of material will also be done in different ways. After the baby is already washed and lies on the back, you can proceed to fastening. Urine collection in infants - girls - by the urinal is as follows.

The most convenient way

To begin with, you should peel off the adhesive tape, which is located on the edges of the inlet of the device. The place where the cross is located (usually yellow) should be applied to that part of the perineum of the child where the border between the anus and the genitals themselves is located. After this, the rest of the urinal is fixed by moving the arm up to the pubic area.

The installation phase is now complete. Now you can cover the girl with a blanket or a diaper and calmly wait until the tank is full.

Collection of analysis in boys

Again, due to the special structure of the male genital organs in boys, this procedure is much simpler. Previously, the child should also be washed well and wipe the skin dry. The adhesive is also poorly attached to water. Cream is also not needed.

Now it remains to go to the main thing - collecting urine in infants of boys. At the same time, both the penis and the scrotum are placed in the bag. After fixing the urinal, you can give the baby a vertical position or let it remain in a lying position. It doesn't matter what position the child is in.

Features of the urinal

Such a useful device has appeared recently, and now modern mothers do not experience the problems that our parents had. At the same time, urinals are completely sterile, reliable, and have an affordable price. But what is more convenient, they are sold in many pharmacies in every city, especially for large cities.

However, with all the advantages, there are also disadvantages. Parents are not always the first time they can fix the device on the child. Usually because of this, the material simply spills, and sometimes all, and you have to repeat the procedure from the very beginning.

Special containers

In addition, this technique of collecting urine in infants can cause them very tangible discomfort, and they will try to get rid of a foreign object, which is quite logical. Is it a joke - why is this mom putting anything on me ?! But over time, you can get used to the urinal and the process will return to normal, the main thing for parents is to remain calm and distract their crumbs with something.

Package usage

A bit like the previous method - a kind of home-made urinal from an improvised means. And this option was in use even in our childhood. Here the principle is similar, but at the same time there are certain inconveniences.

The plastic bag must be cut from the sides, and try to do it in such a way that the handles can then be used to fix the package on the hips. The nuance is that the tank itself is between the legs of the child, and it is necessary to keep it upright and wait for it to pee.

But the technique of collecting urine in infants is complicated by the fact that they cannot be in the same position for a long time. In this case, the package is placed under the baby, after laying the oilcloth.

It is easy to guess that this method has certain disadvantages:

  • High risk of shedding material.
  • The lack of sterile conditions for the purity of the study.

In addition, the process itself is quite laborious, and not only for parents, but also for the child. Kids, because of their age, are excessively mobile, and foreign objects only annoy them. However, if it is impossible to buy an urinal (which is much more convenient) for some reason, and there is no container at hand, then a plastic bag is the only way.

Alternative - a jar

The most popular method of the last century, which is still used by adult patients because of its ease of use. However, such a technique for children is better suited for a one-year-old child or older. Indeed, in this case, collecting material in a jar is much easier than in a newborn.

Collection algorithm

The algorithm for collecting urine in infants is as follows:

  • Prepare a container for collecting material.
  • Wash hands with soap, then wash the baby.
  • Put the baby on oilcloth and wait for his urges.
  • At the right time, you should bring the container and collect the average amount of liquid.

The biggest difficulty is waiting for the right moment. In some cases, it can take quite a while. As a good advice - it’s good to feed the baby, usually after a meal, children are more likely to urinate.

As for the containers for the collection of material, it can be a special container for such tasks, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. Or any small glass container from baby food, mayonnaise, sour cream and everything else. Specialized pharmaceutical packaging is already sold sterile, the jars of food must be well washed and sterilized. To do this, rinse with boiling water before use.

There is also one nuance - a jar or container is more suitable for boys. To collect urine in infants, a deep plate or saucer is most often used. And all thanks to physiological features - it’s easier for girls to collect urine into a wider capacity.

Amount of material

In most cases, the doctor prescribes a general urine test. However, sometimes it may be necessary to conduct a different diagnostic method, in which a special approach with respect to urine collection. Nechiporenko analysis requires an average portion of urine. In this case, it is not possible to use the urinal, and for this reason only a jar is suitable.

Quenching thirst

For research on Sulkovich does not need to somehow contrive. Often, 10 ml of fluid may suffice for the analysis. But in some cases, the laboratory may not accept such a volume.

The optimal amount for most types of studies is 20-30 ml. Also, you do not need to approach the procedure for collecting material with excessive fanaticism, bringing the full capacity to the laboratory.

Little tricks

As you know, making a baby pee at the right time is simply impossible, but at the same time there are little tricks. Thanks to them, the procedure for collecting urine in infants with an urinal, bag or jar can go much faster. These include:

  • Water the child with water, and then you will not have to wait for the necessary urges for a long time.
  • It is noticed that young children often write, feeling cold. And since the collection of material should be carried out in the morning, it is enough to remove the diaper from the child after his awakening.
  • The sounds of the murmur of water can provoke urination. If the children's room is located close to the bathroom, it is worth temporarily opening the taps. Or just pour the liquid from one container to another.
  • For girls, this technique can help - moisten a cotton pad in warm water and attach it to the genitals for a few seconds.
  • In some cases, lightly stroking the tummy below the navel is enough.

In addition, most babies begin to write while breastfeeding. Which in some cases can also help to quickly collect material for analysis.

What should not be done?

How to collect urine from babies is now clear, but parents need to remember what to do. Some women are of the general opinion - why bring the container to the child, when you can wait, when he will urinate on the oilcloth, and then pour the liquid into the container. Or just pour urine from the diaper. This option is fundamentally wrong.

Urine Collection Tips

Firstly, it does not allow to collect the required amount of material. Secondly, tissue fibers can enter the vessel, which makes the analysis uninformative. Thirdly, diapers contain a special absorbent, which immediately transforms urine into gel. But precisely for this they are bought.

Also, you do not need to use a pot to collect material, since sterilizing it properly will not work. As a result, there will be white blood cells and bacteria in the urine, and in large quantities, which will greatly complicate the study.

Well, the most important point - in no case is it recommended to neglect the washing procedure before collecting urine in infants. Different microorganisms from dirty skin can get into the material. And if parents were too lazy to wash their hands with soap, then this is an additional source of infection.

In conclusion

If you need to collect material from a child for analysis, mother needs to choose exactly the method that suits her and the baby most of all. Due to such a well-thought-out approach, the whole procedure will not take much time and will be completed at exactly the appointed time.

Immediately, it can be noted that, among all the options, the urine collector significantly simplifies the task. But if you take into account the different nuances mentioned in the article, you should purchase several copies.

The sound of bubbling water

Other methods of collecting urine in infants are less convenient. But if mothers care about such a moment, how to properly complete the whole procedure, it is better to opt for the purchase of a special device. Fortunately, it is not so expensive to refuse such an opportunity.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E235/

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