Dumbledore's interesting phrases and quotes from Harry Potter books

Albus Dumbledore is an extraordinary person. It is in the film that he looks like an outspoken follower of the "bright forces." But, reading the book, especially the last two parts, you can understand that he was not always such an ardent supporter of "freedom and democracy" in the wizarding world. But be that as it may, he really is an unrivaled authority not only among the students of Hogwarts, but also among the most experienced members of the Wizengamot. Dumbledore must certainly be endowed with wisdom and the ability to put thought into words so that it sits for a long time in the head of any mortal. That is why some of Dumbledore's quotes are extremely popular today.

Joke quotes

Albus Dumbledore

In The Half-Blood Prince, Dumbledore, in a conversation with Harry, dropped such a funny and catchy phrase that it now constantly pops up on the lips of those who want to make their inventiveness and insight a resounding, but comic compliment:

... Sometimes my brain surprises me myself ...

In Prisoner of Azkaban, when Professor Trelawney, slightly tipsy, decides to join the general fun at the festive table, Dumbledore exclaims in jest:

... Let me draw you a chair ...

This phrase is in the arsenal of all gentlemen who are not without a sense of humor.

In the same book, when Professor Snape was confused by the fact that Harry and Hermione were simultaneously in two places at once (Time Handwheel), Fudge draws Dumbledore's attention to the fact that he is supposedly “a little crazy,” to which Dumbledore answers :

... everything is fine with him, it just befell him ... mmm ... cruel disappointment ...

Now, this quote from Dumbledore is constantly popping up when they want to pay attention to the fact that someone was slightly wrong in something and cannot believe it.

Beautiful quotes

There are a lot of such people in the book, and a considerable number of them came out of the mouth of the director of Hogwarts. In particular, I would like to mention a couple of Dumbledore quotes about sleep. In The Prisoner of Azkaban, he says:

... How beautiful the world is in dreams: from the mysterious depths of the ocean, to the sparkling stars of the universe ...

But also in this part, he warns Harry:

... You can not cling to dreams and dreams, forgetting about the present, forgetting about your life ...

Such a statement would be envied by any "brainworm specialist."

Quotes with meaning

Albus Dumbledore with Elderberry Wand

With these quotes from Dumbledore, any conversation with Harry and the students is complete. For example, when at the end of the climax with Professor Quirell (“Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone”), the director accrues additional prize points to Gryffindor, encouraging Neville Longbottom, he says a wonderful phrase:

... It takes great courage to oppose your enemies, but no less than it is required to oppose your friends ...

Particularly sophisticated is the saying dropped by him in The Half-Blood Prince:

... It is much easier to forgive people for being wrong than for being right ...

With this quote, Dumbledore wanted to emphasize that the real state of affairs is sometimes more difficult to accept than a lie about these realities.

The following phrase constantly revolves in the minds of politicians and the powers that be, but it was Dumbledore who perfectly articulated and voiced it publicly:

... Truth is the most beautiful, but at the same time the most dangerous thing. And therefore it is necessary to approach it with great caution ...

No less powerful is his statement on the theme of death and darkness. Such a thought in one interpretation or another sometimes pops up in the brain of every person, but it was Dumbledore who managed to clothe it in the shortest form, to make sure that the thought would not lose a bit of its deepest meaning:

... Faced with death and darkness, we fear only the unknown and nothing more ...


Dumbledore in conversation with Harry

But perhaps the most-very quote from Albus Dumbledore can be called his dictum in the Order of the Phoenix, which he said in a conversation with Harry after the death of Sirius Black:

... A man dies when the last memory of him dies ...

On the basis of this saying, the “workers” of Hollywood filmed a full-length animated film, The Secret of Coco, which had recently beaten all attendance ratings.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E23501/

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