Mobile air conditioning: pros and cons, features and reviews

Air conditioning has long ceased to be a wonder, today it is used to create the optimal level of comfort. However, sometimes owners of apartments and houses are faced with the fact that it is not possible to install this equipment, this can happen for several reasons. But giving up comfort is not worth it. You can purchase a mobile air conditioner, the pros and cons of which will be discussed in the article.

Key Features

Mobile air conditioning, which is installed on the floor, as users note, is the best and most beneficial solution to a number of problems. Sometimes such a device is required, but the installation of a stationary version is undesirable or impossible. This may be relevant for rental premises. Among other things, problems with the installation of stationary equipment may arise if the building is of historical value. This is true, and when the room is own. Sometimes authorities interfere with work with the external appearance of the facade of the building, including the installation of the external components of the air conditioning system.

mobile air conditioning pros and cons

Mobile air conditioning, the pros and cons of which is recommended to consider before purchasing equipment, is a compromise. Advantages of such devices are present, however, they are few in number and consist in the fact that the equipment can be used in places where it is not possible to install full-fledged air conditioners.

Main advantages

If you are thinking about whether to install a mobile air conditioner, you need to familiarize yourself with the positive aspects of these devices in more detail. As consumers note, they are in mobility, ease of installation, as well as in the absence of communications. However, it is worth remembering that mobility is relative. Such devices would be more correct to call conditionally or relatively mobile. After acquiring such an assembly, it is simply impossible to turn it on and on and start to enjoy the cool. It is necessary to carry out certain preparatory work, however, they are expressed in a smaller volume compared to that which has to be performed when installing a conventional air conditioner.

mobile air conditioning pros and cons reviews

Additional benefits

Mobile air conditioning, the pros and cons of which we describe, does not provide for complex work, which is especially popular with customers. This is suitable for rooms where repairs have only recently been made. Among other things, for the circulation of freon and further drainage, there is no need for the presence of communications. After the acquisition, you do not need to coordinate the installation.

recommendations on how to choose a mobile air conditioner

Main disadvantages

Some consumers believe that the few advantages are not able to compensate for the disadvantages of mobile air conditioners. Among the disadvantages, one can single out a high noise level, large heat losses during operation, as well as a decrease in free space in the premises.

It is worth mentioning that the mechanics are located in the room, and the compressor is the main part of any air conditioner. It compresses the refrigerant, taking away the heat that comes from the air. The compressor creates a high noise level, which is why this neighborhood is unlikely to add coziness.

Any mechanics will generate heat during operation, and the mechanical component of mobile air conditioners is no exception. It turns out that the device works against itself, it heats the air that it will have to cool.

how to choose a mobile air conditioner for home

If you decide to purchase a mobile air conditioner, all the pros and cons of this technique is definitely recommended to consider. Some consumers believe that the disadvantages are a continuation of the merits. In the case of the described equipment, it is possible to highlight the lack of drainage for condensate discharge. Condensate is present in this case, but where does it go? Mobile air conditioning (the pros and cons, which reviews are recommended to be read) does not work against the laws of physics. Condensation will flow into a special container, which is located at the bottom of the device, from there you will have to periodically remove the liquid yourself, this feature cannot be called convenient.

Additional cons

A mobile air conditioner, all the pros and cons of which are described in the article, also has an additional number of negative characteristics, which are expressed in heat loss when the system is heating. The unit is supplied with an air duct through which hot air together with heat will be removed from the room to the outside.

Despite the presence of a heat-insulating layer, the duct, as noted in the reviews, will remain hot, which will cause heating of the air inside the room when working in cooling mode, and air conditioning must fight this. The described device takes air directly from the room. This indicates that the same air will constantly be drawn through the cooling system, which, of course, will negatively affect its physical properties.

The last minus can be called the fact that the floor air conditioner will reduce the free space of the apartment, this is especially critical for rooms of a small area.

air conditioning pros and cons how to choose

The above features are true, first of all, for monoblocks. The two main working elements of such an air conditioning system are a condenser and an evaporator. They are interconnected like radiators through which refrigerant circulates. In the evaporator, the compressed refrigerant goes into a gaseous state, it receives heat from the air, while in the condenser everything happens the other way round - the heat is given to the air. In mobile air conditioners, which are designed as a monoblock, these systems are combined in a building that is located indoors.

Description of split systems

If you are interested in mobile air conditioners (the pros and cons, how to choose - we are considering all this), you should familiarize yourself with all their types. In a wide variety of such devices there are mobile split-systems, which consist of two blocks. One of them is external, while the second is internal.

mobile air conditioning all the pros and cons

If you are deciding how to choose a mobile air conditioner for your home, you should know that split systems do not have the disadvantages of the devices of the above variety, but they have a significant minus, which is expressed in high cost. The mobile split system loses in price to a traditional air conditioner in efficiency. Even if you take into account the independent installation, the gain in the characteristics is obvious, but especially difficult cases are an exception.

Reviews on the popular BALLU BPAC-07 CM mobile air conditioner

If you decide to choose a mobile air conditioner, the pros and cons of this device is recommended to consider in advance. The cost of the aforementioned model is about 15,000 rubles. According to users, this equipment works with a fairly high noise level, which can reach 50 dB. The indoor unit has large dimensions, which are 270 x 695 x 480 mm. Buyers emphasize that this type of device has its advantages, they are expressed in high performance, which is equivalent to 330 m 3 / h. The device weighs 25 kg, this must be considered before purchasing the product, since you will have to install the device yourself.

mobile air conditioning all the pros and cons of this

How to choose an air conditioner

Before purchasing the equipment described, you should definitely read the above recommendations on how to choose a mobile air conditioner. They may help you a lot. Such modifications do not have fundamental differences in the degree of equipment. But most of them can work in two modes: heating and cooling. For easier control, it is best to prefer a model that has a remote control. There are also such devices that are capable of providing antibacterial treatment, ionization and air filtration.


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