How to travel the world cheaper - detailed instructions

Today, when frequent moving from one city to another or changing countries has become commonplace, the question becomes very urgent: "How is it cheaper to travel?" There are many ways you can save on transportation, housing and food. This approach will allow you to visit more places and enjoy the beauty of our world.

Basic Travel Savings

If you want to know how cheaper it is to travel, you need to follow some of the most important rules of economy. This will allow you not to spend extra money on unnecessary services, thus getting the opportunity to buy something useful on them.

how to travel cheaper

So, the first rule of saving - no need to wonder how it is cheaper to travel: alone or through a travel agency. The answer to it is unequivocal - of course on their own. You must understand that any mediation, regardless of the volume of services, means paying for them. Therefore, if you are planning to travel with economy, you need to plan everything yourself. What needs to be done for this?

  1. Define your “minimum comfort zone”.
  2. Have a debit bank card.
  3. To book a ticket.
  4. Book your accommodation.
  5. If it comes to traveling abroad, get a visa.
  6. Carefully familiarize yourself with the place of stay in order to lay the optimal routes that will allow you to see the maximum in the minimum time.
  7. Find out all information about upcoming discounts.

Following these simple rules is the best instruction on how to travel cheaply. This approach allows you to visit many countries in one year only.

Comfort zone

This term includes a list of the minimum conveniences you personally need. This is the very first step that you need to take in organizing an independent economical trip. This includes all aspects of travel: transportation, accommodation, food, attractions. For example, choosing a route with transfers is a great option for how to travel cheaper. The more transfers - the lower the price. However, the change of transport always entails certain inconveniences, in addition to the fact that the road takes longer. Therefore, much depends on your personal preferences.

Also with other aspects: what exactly do you want to have in your place of residence, where and how do you want to eat. The fewer the requirements, the lower the cost of travel. As for sightseeing, here you can also significantly save by refusing the services of travel agencies.

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Defining your own requirements for travel conditions will help you to enjoy it, avoiding any disappointments and surprises.

Why do I need a bank card?

A bank card is an excellent assistant in solving the problem of how to travel the world cheaply. An online order with payment through a card is always cheaper than a similar method through an office. This is a great way to save, for example, by buying a ticket. Now there are many companies with the choice of the most optimal ticket purchase option, taking into account your preferences and financial capabilities. For example, the principle of the Pirates website is to travel cheap , which implies significant savings when buying.

In addition, during the trip it is much more convenient to carry money stored on the card with you than in the pocket. Moreover, now it is difficult to find a place where you can not pay by bank transfer, both in Russia and abroad. Just keep in mind that a bank card must be a debit card, as many hotels and airlines do not accept credit payments.

Ticket purchase, hotel reservation and visa

Booking a ticket and hotel will cost you much cheaper if you deal with this issue in advance.

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Payment of the hotel in a wholly-owned volume will greatly reduce the cost of living, however, it entails a significant risk in case of change of plans. If you are sure that you will definitely fly to the chosen place at the appointed time, then try this saving method.

In order not to have any problems with the travel dates, it is necessary to resolve the issue with a visa. This is the longest-running process, which takes an average of about a month. Entrusting it to a tour operator, you will greatly facilitate your preparation for the trip, but its cost will increase. Therefore, if you are determined to save money, visit the embassy, ​​fill out the questionnaire and other necessary documents, answer questions of the employee and wait for the result. As a rule, the outcome of the decision does not depend on whether you are independently dealing with this issue or through a travel agency.

Ways to save on flights

There are several ways to reduce flight costs.

  1. Low-cost is a term widely used in the West, but so far little known to our compatriots. It consists in using the services of small low-cost airlines. Savings are achieved due to the lack of additional services, such as food. Tickets are usually purchased online. The disadvantage of this choice is a fixed schedule, which means that you have to adjust to the airline schedule.
  2. Meta search engines are another way to significantly reduce airfare. The bottom line is that such companies do not have their own base, due to which tickets are searched on other sites. Within 30 seconds, all available offers are selected for you, from which you choose the best one for you personally. The undoubted advantage of this search is that airlines often do not indicate the price for fees and taxes, and here you will be shown the final price, taking into account all the features.

Today, there are several companies that provide such services. One of them is “Pirates - Travel Cheap,” where you can find many tickets at the most attractive prices.

Such simple things will help you get a ticket at more than affordable prices.

How to save on housing?

It is no secret that most of the expenses during any trip are for housing. But if you are looking for ways to travel cheap , here you can also find several options for saving.

how to travel cheaply

One of them is couchsurfing, which means a hospitality network. This method has not yet become very popular, but it has undoubted advantages. The essence of this travel option is to register on certain resources, after which you can stay in the house of another member of this group. The undoubted advantage of this option, in addition to saving, is the commonality of interests. Registration on one resource means the same interests, which means that you will have enough in common with a new friend during your stay with him. The host country, as a rule, also provides a city tour, which removes the problem of finding the optimal route.

However, couchsurfing is not an absolutely perfect option for finding accommodation. The need to agree on a date of arrival in advance, as well as the risk of being at night on an uncomfortable sofa or folding bed are quite noticeable disadvantages. But the main drawback of this travel method is the risk associated with it. After all, you will spend the night in the company of strangers whom you know only on the Internet. Nevertheless, couchsurfing is gaining popularity among those who want to travel cheap.

How to save on food?

When making a plan on how to travel cheaply on your own, you need to think in detail where and how you will eat. In addition to tickets and accommodation, a lot of money is spent on food.

So, if you do not want to overpay for food, you need:

  • Search the Internet for reviews of people who have visited the place where you are going. As a rule, in them they share good places where they cook tasty and inexpensively. Often during a trip you can pass by such cafes and restaurants due to the fact that there is no attractive advertising and neon.
  • When looking for housing, choose your own kitchen options. Cooking yourself, you can significantly save on trips to cafes and restaurants. Of course, not everyone wants to cook during the holidays, but your own kitchen will be good insurance until you find a suitable place.
    where to travel cheap
  • Pay attention to where the locals eat. Most of all this applies to Asia, where people do not want to spend money on expensive cafes and restaurants, but do not like to eat at home. In Europe, try to get into business lunches when the price of food falls almost twice.
  • Places where you can eat cheaply are in almost all shopping centers. Therefore, if you have not taken care of your own kitchen in advance and do not know where to dine, start with shopping centers.

In addition, street food should not be avoided in many countries. As a rule, it is very tasty and at the same time very inexpensive.

How to save on excursions?

You can save on excursions in only one way - to abandon them. After all, its cost is calculated per person, which means that if you travel together or three, it will be quite expensive. However, the refusal of sightseeing tours does not mean spending whole days on the beach and in the hotel. You can well explore a new place on your own, without spending virtually anything.

For example, you can rent a moped. On it, you can independently decide where and how much to ride. This is a great way to find many interesting places where you would not get with a regular tour.

In large cities, you can travel by public transport or rent a car. So you can independently visit all the famous attractions and spend at each place as much time as you want. So you will not depend on the guide and other vacationers.

In any case, you can just leave the hotel and go where your eyes look. Do not wait for someone to start entertaining you, do it yourself!

How to travel cheap in Europe?

In Europe, they have not spent any extra money on travel for a long time, trying to see more and spend less. One of the ways to travel cheap in Europe is to travel with the locals. There are companies that are travel search platforms. So you can find a person who goes to the same place as you. Thus, you will spend money only on gasoline, and a trip by car will provide an opportunity to see in the country more than an airplane or a train. This type of travel is very popular in Europe.

ways to travel cheap

Another way is to get a ticket for an inter-European train. This option is perfect for those who have a Schengen visa and quite a lot of time to travel. This train travels to 30 European countries, and the journey takes about a month. However, this does not mean that you should buy a ticket for all 30 days. You can pay for the trip to the number of countries where you want to visit. This method is very good for those who want to see a lot in a short time. But if you like to stay in one place for a long time, then this method of travel will not suit you.

Also in Europe you can ride a bicycle, which is practically cost-effective and is good for your health. There are many bike tours from which you can choose the most interesting for you.

Budget travel in Russia

If you are interested in where to travel cheaply, go on a trip to the cities of Russia. Despite the fact that we are accustomed to believe that a good rest is possible only abroad, in our country there are many places where you can have a great time.

If you want to learn how to travel around Russia cheaply, pay attention to trips by cars, bicycles and hiking tours. By choosing any of these options, you can see the stunningly beautiful places of our country, without spending almost anything.

As for housing and meals, you can spend the night in tents or settle in hotels, private sectors. In any case, it will cost less than a vacation in another country. In addition, you will see something new every day, and not the same faces of neighbors on the beach or in the dining room.

Hot tours

Of course, independent travel is always much cheaper than through a travel agency. But the undoubted advantage of contacting here is last-minute trips, when the price of the trip is reduced even by half. The only inconvenience is that you go on a trip almost the next day. This means that at any time all the necessary documents must be ready: passports, Russian and foreign, visa, insurance.

Pirates - Travel Cheap

If you are looking for ways to travel at the lowest cost, this site is what you need. Pirates - as the group of people who like to travel around the world call themselves, and at the same time they know how to do it with significant savings. The principle of the Pirates team is to travel cheaply therefore, you can be sure that you will find the best options here. Current discounts, promotions, last-minute tours - all this is laid out on their website and is available to everyone. And if you have information about any way to save money - share it on the pirates website, many people will be very grateful to you.

how to travel cheap on your own

So, if you want to go on a trip around the country or abroad, while saving a quite tangible amount, that’s exactly what all the cheapest ways look like. Traveling can be quite comfortable, despite the lack of luxury hotels and expensive restaurants. All this is compensated by the mass of vivid impressions that will remain in memory for a long time.


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