The best books on hypnosis: a review, features and recommendations

For a long time, representatives of various cultures have used hypnosis. Mysterious techniques were used by priests from India and Ancient Egypt, healers from eastern countries. Moreover, these techniques were classified. Today, there are many self-instruction books and textbooks that allow not only to learn what hypnosis is, but also to get acquainted with its types, methods that allow you to influence the human subconscious. Do you want to learn the hidden influence, change yourself or resist various hypnosis techniques? This will help you a selection of the best books on hypnosis, which we have compiled specifically for you!

"Hypnosis. Complete Guide

The main feature of this book is the amazing depth of the subject that James Ted brings to it. Co-authors, by the way, were Schober Jack and Flores Lorraine. The authors worked hard: they studied the entire history of hypnosis, reaching the masters of the twentieth century, among which, by the way, the outstanding psychiatrist Milton Erickson - the author of the technique of non-directive hypnosis. This technique is now named after its creator. The book on Erickson hypnosis is ideal for beginners: in it they can find answers to all their questions, get acquainted with the main forms of this phenomenon. There are three of them, by the way: this is a client-centered form, non-directive permissive, and a technique called directive-authoritarian. In this edition, James Ted demonstrates the ability to extract the essence of complex concepts and turn them into easy-to-understand (and, importantly, use!) Information.

Hypnosis Books

"Formation of trance"

The list of the best books on hypnosis includes this work of Richard Bandler and John Grinder. Despite the fact that “Formation of trance” came out in the last century, today it has not lost its relevance. Bandler and Grinder met at the time when the first was a student at the University of California, and the second was a supervisor in a group of gestalt therapy seminars. The peak of collaboration between these psychologists came in the seventies. All of their works were aimed at creating models of language patterns. The main goal of Bandler and Grinder was to help the layman in self-correction of emotional states, the possibility of getting rid of stress and reviewing the whole life strategy. The collaboration turned out to be very fruitful: its result was several volumes of books. In the reviews of this book on hypnosis, readers note a very strange feeling - they seem to be in full-time training, where the authors easily explain the structure of hypnosis and the ability to deconstruct it in terms of NLP. Note that psychologists are based on Erickson methods.

"Formation of trance"

“Selected Works”

Speaking of books on hypnosis, one cannot fail to mention the work of Milton Erickson. For example, a collection of his best works, consisting of four parts. Experts call this set a storehouse of theoretical information and practical experiments; however, they note that Erickson's Selected Works is unlikely to suit those who have just begun to comprehend the inexplicable world of hypnosis. Rather, they are suitable for an advanced level. Note that you can study these four parts in absolutely any order. What are these books good for? Firstly, the author deftly balances on the border between medicine, science, art and poetry, and secondly, the book is written in a stunning aphoristic style. And thirdly, the author shares unconventional solutions with readers, demonstrating the effectiveness of hypnosis through experiments. Let's just say: “Selected Works” of one of the most talented psychotherapists of the last century can be safely called the bible of psychologists around the world!

"Strategic psychotherapy"

In this book, Milton Erickson talks about when psychotherapy can be called strategic. This becomes possible when the clinician outlines a specific approach to solving problems, is able to identify and initiate everything that will happen during the session. That is, when it is the therapist who takes the initiative. It is impossible not to say about the main postulate of Erickson psychotherapy: from any situation you can find the best way out. Milton Erickson not only believed in this, but also proved it by working with patients, in which he used the methods of hypnosis, suggestion and manipulation. Erickson did not convince patients, did not join the problem. He simply analyzed the situation, thought out a plan of action and exploded problems from within. He shares his experience with readers in Strategic Psychotherapy.

Milton Erickson

“My voice will stay with you”

This is another amazing work by leading medical hypnosis practitioner Milton Erickson. Under the cover of this book, Erickson’s stunning stories are collected, which are an amazing combination of psychotherapeutic stories, folklore, hypnotic metaphors and anecdotes. The author offers readers more than a hundred stories, supplemented by his comments. These stories can be called a source of inspiration and an example for those people who want to become good storytellers that can change human lives. It is worth noting that an attentive reader will be able to find in the book “My voice will remain with you” hints at solving a variety of patients' problems. We promise: you will find a lot of pleasure and help - both in professional activities and in life!

"Monsters and magic wands"

The answer to the question of whether hypnosis exists, try to give Stephen Heller and Terry Steel. Who Should Read This Hypnosis Book? Experts in the field of hypnosis and psychotherapy say that it is simply irreplaceable for those who are “stuck” in a static trance model. The thing is that the authors give vivid examples of the fact that such a phenomenon as hypnosis may not exist separately from other phenomena, for example, NLP. However, Steele and Heller claim that a person is constantly confronted with hypnosis. In reviews of this book, psychotherapist readers say: the methods described make it possible to accomplish the impossible at first glance. So, one of the readers claims that he was able to cure a chronic wart with the help of an ordinary pencil! True, for this he had to convince the patient that this pencil was a real magic wand!

Hypnosis Books

Hypnosis for Beginners

The author of the book on hypnosis is William Hewitt, writer, astrologer and hypnotherapist. This work of his contains enormous experience accumulated by a specialist in twenty-five years of practical activity! A talented hypnotist, working on this publication, set himself the goal of describing hypnosis not as an inexplicable phenomenon, but as a completely natural and explainable phenomenon. Note that William Hewitt calls hypnosis an art worthy of respect!

The author has prepared for readers everything that is necessary to master the basic skills of hypnosis and self-hypnosis, he describes in detail the various methods of such suggestion, gives numerous examples from real life and gives tasks. Experts say that after reading this book you will not have a single question about the phenomenon of hypnosis - you can even improve the techniques that Hewitt offers, and begin to develop your own approaches!

“Have you tried hypnosis?”

This book of the Russian psychiatrist Sergei Anatolyevich Gorin is simply indispensable for those who, by the nature of their activity, spend a lot of time talking with people: the publication will be useful to teachers and doctors, lawyers and entrepreneurs, insurance agents and sellers. It is worth reading for those who just want to be more successful. This hypnosis book is written in simple language. The author acquaints readers with the techniques and techniques of the phenomenon, gives as an example cases from life when hypnotic techniques have helped to achieve goals in a variety of areas, for example, in the interaction of business partners, customers, customers and partners!

“Have you tried hypnosis?”

Sergey Gorin begins the study of hypnosis with the simplest, gradually moving on to complex rules. As a result, the reader not only learns how to influence others, but also understands that hypnosis is actually a natural consequence of the application of specific skills in practice.

The Wizard of Vienna: Franz Anton Mesmer

Who is Franz Anton Mesmer? Someone calls him a terrific healer, the discoverer of "animal magnetism", a magician and a hypnotist, while someone claims that he is the most common quack. However, the fact remains: Mesmer is the first star in the field of hypnosis! An interesting and complete interpretation of the life of Franz Anton is offered to the general public by Vincent Buranelli. The book is full of vivid emotions, reliable information: the author talks about Mesmer’s activities with “animal magnetism”, conducting hypnotic sessions for representatives of the aristocracy, the abilities by which Franz Anton healed history.

Why should you definitely read this book of Buranelli? The main reason is this: everyone who is involved in hypnotherapy should get acquainted with the history of this amazing art and get to know a little closer with those who created this story.

"Mesmerism in India"

Despite the fact that James Esdale wrote this book back in 1800, it is interesting to read it today. In those days, Esdale served in the British Army, which was then in India. James was a surgeon. In this work, he was helped by mesmerism and a rudimentary form of hypnotic effect on the human subconscious. The fact is that, as such, anesthesia did not exist then, and therefore Esdale immersed his patients in a deep trance before each surgical procedure. Sometimes such procedures took more than one hour, but the result was worth it - James Esdale could even safely remove testicular tumors!

The best books on hypnosis

"Plastic reality"

Before picking up this book by Anthony Jacquin, you should understand the following: hereditary hypnotist is an excellent teacher who does not complicate the presentation of the material, but also does not simplify the topic. Anthony uses the so-called backbone concept of testing work so that the reader can check and select the depth of trance that he needs. It is worth noting that on the pages of this book on teaching hypnosis, you can find a unique induction technique called the power lift of Freddy Jacquin. This technique was taught to Anthony by his father. Specialists in the field of hypnotherapy argue: this publication should be in everyone who is involved in street or variety hypnosis. It contains a large amount of useful information that can reveal deepening techniques, quick inductions, and much more!

"Self-taught practical hypnosis"

Looking for a hypnosis book? We advise you to pay attention to the book D.V. Melanin, in which the author reveals all kinds of mechanisms of influence on a person. Readers are waiting for exciting lessons. At the end of each, the author prepared exercises that, of course, must be completed. The publication is intended for those who are even a little familiar with NLP, Ericksonian hypnosis and practical psychology. The second part of Melanin’s book is suitable for people who have already used hypnotic effects in various social conditions, but who wish to develop their phenomenal skills.

Hypnosis Books

“Molly Moon and the Magic Book of Hypnosis”

Of course, this work of Georgia Bing cannot be called a practical guide or a guide to hypnosis techniques. Molly Moon is an incredibly interesting series of books that tells the story of a little orphan who ended up in a terrible Hardwick shelter. Once in the hands of Molly was a mysterious book that literally turned the girl's whole life! Thanks to the hypnosis book, Molly Moon turned from a lonely and useless orphan into a star, flew to America and began performing in Broadway musicals, gaining fame and fortune. This happened due to the fact that the book helped the girl to discover an amazing gift. Now no one can resist the power of her eyes ... The series includes six books, the first - “Molly Moon and the magic book of hypnosis” was released in 2002, and the last, “Molly Moon conquers the world”, was released 10 years later - in 2010


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