Holy Trinity Cathedral (Saratov): history, description, reviews

In this article we will describe in detail the Holy Trinity Cathedral (Saratov). It is rightfully considered one of the key attractions of the Lower Volga. To find this architectural masterpiece of the baroque of the Naryshkin period is not difficult. The cathedral stands on the high bank of the Volga, in the greenest region of Saratov, not far from the beautiful promenade and the world-famous bridge. Gold domes play in the sun, which in contrast with the blue of the sky makes them look like luminaries. Honey chime of bells pours far above the expanses of the river. This temple is visited not only by tourists. Due to the abundance of relics and icons, pilgrims from all over Russia flock here. Divine services continue to be held in the temple. What does an independent traveler need to know about this most important cathedral of the city? We will tell all about the oldest temple of the Lower Volga region in this article.

Holy Trinity Cathedral of Saratov


Did you know that Holy Trinity Cathedral (Saratov) has changed its address? And not just the street on which it is located was renamed. Not! He literally moved from one bank of the Volga to the other. And it happened at the end of the seventeenth century. How? The history of the cathedral is inextricably linked with the life of the city. Saratov, as you know, was built as a fortress by Moscow archers. The place for the defense they chose was unsuccessful. And already in the first flood we felt it. In addition, the gently sloping left bank of the Volga was accessible for attacks by enemies that could not be counted in that turbulent age. Nevertheless, Saratov with its Holy Trinity Wooden Church patiently stood in such a strategically uncomfortable place for almost a hundred years. When the city took a right-bank position, a similar temple was built in it in 1674. It was consecrated by Metropolitan Parthenius, but this building did not bring much protection, because already in 1684 a wooden church burned to the ground together with a significant part of the city.

Holy Trinity Cathedral of Saratov

Holy Trinity Cathedral (Saratov): history

According to legend, Moscow streltsy brought with them two miraculous icons: the Savior and Our Lady of Kazan. Two churches were built for them - first on the left bank, and then on the right. In the fire of 1684 both temples burned down. Protopope Ignatius, having remained without a parish, began to send petitions to the Metropolitan of Tersky and Astrakhan Savvaty, so that he would allow the church to be erected “in the same name”. However, the bishop was mysteriously silent for five years. Probably, the petitions were eventually supported by gifts, and in 1689 a building permit was obtained. At the same time, the Metropolitan pointed to some architectural details of the future church. Holy Trinity Cathedral (Saratov) was erected by citizens. The waste of money was vigilantly watched, so the construction was carried out quickly. Already in 1695 the temple was ready. Archimandrite Joseph arrived from Astrakhan to consecrate the cathedral. He appointed the first abbot - Grigory Spiridonov.

Holy Trinity Cathedral of Saratov reviews

New cathedral

But the blessing of Archimandrite Joseph did not bring the expected results. In the fire of a fire that happened in May 1712, Holy Trinity Cathedral was completely burned down. Saratov was like an ashes. The city burned to the ground. From the documents we only know that the former temple had a roof covered with "shit and bast," and with it there was a bell tower "on pillars." But even then the cathedral was two-tiered. The lower one was consecrated in the name of the Assumption of the Mother of God, and the upper one - in honor of the Holy Trinity. At the same time, the Saratov Cathedral became the first sacred building, which was heated. In the refectory of the lower tier was the Dutch stove with tiles. Thus, in winter, services were held there, and in the summer in an unheated upper church. After the fire, both floors were elongated and equipped with parallel arches. The upper gallery and the bell tower were also attached. In addition to its direct purpose, it served as a watchtower and fire tower.

Holy Trinity Cathedral of Saratov

Moscow baroque

Holy Trinity Cathedral (Saratov) and its bell tower at first stood separately from each other. The temple was semicircular, ship-like, with an altar in the form of an apse. According to the layout, the building was an “octagon mounted on a quad”. This form is often found in Russian church architecture. Squat static and massive “four” is balanced by the “eight” directed to the sky. The rich decor and plasticity of forms make Saratov Holy Trinity Cathedral a Moscow baroque style. The bell tower was connected to the temple only after the restructuring of 1837. She also represented an octagon on a quadruple layout. The octagonal tent crowned the bell tower. This tower seems light and elegant thanks to the cross-shaped windows with equal rounded ends. In the twenties of the eighteenth century, the belfry, in addition to bells, also acquired chimes.

Holy Trinity Cathedral of Saratov photo

Forced rebuilding of the temple

Holy Trinity Cathedral (Saratov) played a significant role in the life of the city. Here Peter the Great visited with his wife Catherine I. Before going on the Persian campaign, they listened to a parting sermon in the cathedral. And in the seventy-fourth year, Saratov was occupied by Pugachev’s troops. Repeatedly, the cathedral experienced fires. From 1774 to 1781 services were held only in the lower church, since the upper floor was completely burnt. Yes, and time took its toll. Through the end of the eighteenth century, through the walls of the cathedral were found through cracks. The bishop ordered to dismantle the emergency building and build a new temple in its place. But, according to Russian tradition, this order was ignored. Divine services continued until the authorities sealed the cathedral in 1795. It stood closed until 1800. But no work was carried out. In the end, a certain wealthy city dweller M. Ustinov, who runs a salt company, built buttresses at his own expense to support the walls. To prevent the building from looking ugly, a covered gallery was erected above it. In the western part it was completed by a powerful two-story porch crowned with a triangular pediment. In the same period, the roof was dressed in roofing iron.

October revolution and new power

After all the rebuilding, they decided to make the church an ordinary parish church dedicated to Alexander Nevsky. The status of the cathedral was returned to him by the vicar bishop Germogen (Dolganev). At the beginning of the twentieth century, he began a grand restructuring and expansion of the temple. But the repair work was not destined to end. The October Revolution was met by the Saratovites without much enthusiasm. Moreover, in 1919, repression against the clergy began. Bishop German, rector of the church Gennady Makhrovsky and other priests were shot. Holy Trinity Cathedral (Saratov), ​​whose photo, fortunately, remained, was stolen. They wanted to demolish it in an atheistic frenzy, but the public insisted on preserving the historic building. In 1934, the funds of the museum of local lore were located in its walls. At the beginning of World War II, the authorities sent a new clergy to Saratov. Services in the temple resumed in 1942. But after the war, the cathedral fell into decline again. Only in 2006 was a large-scale reconstruction of the temple.

Holy Trinity Cathedral of Saratov history

Holy Trinity Cathedral (Saratov): description of the Assumption (lower) church

This tier has been completely replaced. The socles of the building were extracted from under the cultural layer. New communications were also carried out, floors were replaced. Murals of the mid-twentieth century, lacking artistic and historical value, were completely cleaned from the walls. An artel of icon painters from Palekh was invited to create new frescoes. They painted the temple of the master, relying on preserved old photographs, trying to adhere to the style of the eighteenth century as much as possible. The iconostasis of the Assumption Church was recreated in the same way. Restorers paid a lot of attention to the walls of the building. The counter-forms were repaired, the brickwork was fragmentarily replaced. The temple was re-consecrated in December 2006.

Description of the upper tier

Restoration work here lasted much longer. It was necessary to put in order the "octagon", as well as a covered gallery above the buttresses, domes and a bell tower. The work was completed only in 2014. The upper temple was, as before, consecrated in honor of the Life-Giving Trinity. Here, as in the lower tier, the iconostasis was completely replaced, walls were painted. All the small architectural details of the interior were re-executed. Patriarch Kirill came to consecration in the Holy Trinity Cathedral (Saratov). This was during the First Hierarch's visit. After the service, Cyril issued a patriarchal decree. In it, he returned to the temple the status of the cathedral of Saratov. But now it is officially called the Descent of the Holy Spirit. Inside the cathedral are two churches. The upper one bears the former name of the temple - Holy Trinity, while the lower one is called the Assumption.

Holy Trinity Cathedral of Saratov description


The main reason why many people come from far away to visit the Holy Trinity Cathedral (Saratov) is Christmas services. The choir of this temple is famous far beyond the region. Even after the October Revolution, the traditions of church Orthodox singing were not forgotten, but carefully preserved and developed. Despite the troubles at work, many musicians of Saratov considered it their Christian duty to sing in the choir of the cathedral. Now in the temple there are several singing groups: amateur (male and female) and two professional. One performs the choral chapel on weekdays, and the second - only on church holidays. Even atheists come to the cathedral to listen to this last. The choir consists of thirty people. All singers have a higher musical education. The choir often performs on tour in other cities of Russia and abroad. But on holidays he always returns to the Holy Trinity Cathedral (Saratov). Christmas, Easter services on the occasion of the Assumption of the Mother of God and the Descent of the Holy Spirit are held under their sweet-sounding singing.

Shrines of the temple

Not only tourists and music lovers are attracted to the Saratov Cathedral. According to legend, the city was founded by Moscow archers. The soldiers brought along a banner with the image of the Savior. This oriflamme once led archers into battle. Later, the canvas was glued to the board and hidden under a silver gilt frame. Another shrine of the cathedral is the miraculous icon of Our Lady of Kazan. No less revered are the relics of Seraphim of Sarov and Theodosius of Chernigov. Many paintings are of artistic value. This is the miraculous face of the Iveron and Augustine Mother of God, the “Quick Hearful”, the Trinity, Panteleimon and the “Recovery of the Dead”.

Temple Reviews

What do travelers say about Holy Trinity Cathedral? Saratov, reviews of which are mostly positive, is famous primarily for this church, built in the style of Moscow Baroque. For a believer, this is the House of God. Parishioners and pilgrims come here to bow to numerous shrines. But people far from faith in the other world will also be interested to see the icons of Christ the Savior and Our Lady of Kazan - they represent historical and cultural value. Around the cathedral there is a beautiful garden with rose bushes and a pond in which goldfish swim.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E2353/

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