Rabbit fur coat: reviews and care

What woman does not dream to show off in a light beautiful fur coat. But the budget does not always allow you to look stylish. A fur coat made of rabbit fur (reviews of its pile indicate the perfect combination of a decent appearance and price) is the most affordable option.

The choice of fur products

Rabbit fur coat. Reviews

Buying a fur coat is a fairly responsible task. There are several key points worth paying attention to. Each product made of natural fur and leather has a specific smell. If it is sharp, unpleasant, then the dressing of the skin was carried out not entirely qualitatively. There may have been traces of fat. But if along with the smell you can see how the pile climbs, it is best to refuse to buy. This is direct evidence that the skin begins to decompose from illiterate treatment. Another way to check is to crumple a product in a fist. If the form is restored quite quickly, then the mantle can be safely bought. In a quality product, all seams should be smooth, well stitched, any irregularities are unacceptable. A fur coat from a rabbit will receive positive reviews only if it is chosen correctly. It is important to consider how the product will be worn. As a daily option, a knee-length fur coat is suitable. Long coats are usually bought at the exit. For ladies who spend a large amount of time behind the wheel, a shortened version is suitable. It is better to make a purchase in a specialized store that issues warranty cards and has all quality certificates.

Rex rabbit fur coat. Reviews

Rex Rabbit

At the beginning of the 20th century, a special breed of rabbits, Castor Rex, began to be bred in Germany. Their main advantage is soft, light, plush-like fur. The export of these animals from the country was strictly prohibited, but nevertheless they fell into the Soviet Union. For this, the scientist Serebrovsky crossed this species with another breed, which did not fall under the ban. The offspring of such rabbits in the next generation showed all the necessary properties of fur. Rex has the same pile length - about 2 cm (it is different in ordinary breeds). This explains the fact that such a fur is more resistant to wear. Today, Rex rabbits are bred in both Spain and China, but Germany remains the world leader in production quality.

Rex fur products

The main advantage that such a fur coat from a rabbit has (expert reviews confirm this) is a really chic fur in black and blue. Thick, uniform, brilliant, sometimes it is used to simulate more expensive species - chinchillas, squirrels. The rules for choosing a mantle from Rex fur are the same as for a regular fur coat. The skin should have sufficient flexibility and ductility, the product should not rustle. Do not buy a fur coat that is larger in size. Over time, it will look like a bag. Another way to assess quality: with a wet hand, draw along the growth line of the villi. If they remain on the arm, then the processing technology has been violated.

Orilag rabbit

Sheared rabbit fur coat. A photo
As a result of breeding a Rex rabbit, a new species of these animals, orylag, was obtained. Its fur is very similar to chinchilla fur. The main difference from Rex is that the pile does not have a separation into outer and down hairs. Such fur is produced mainly in France, at only 25 special farms. In our stores, it is very rare to see such products. A fur coat from a rabbit (reviews of orilag indicate the high quality of this species) is reddish or gray-white. The latter is quite rare, so the cost will be higher. Nowadays, orilag is an officially registered trademark, and France has all commercial animal rights. Experts predict that in the near future this fur will occupy one of the main positions in the fashion industry.

Differences between chinchilla fur and Rex rabbit

Rabbit fur coat with a hood
Very often in stores you can see a huge variety of chinchilla coats. Her fur is one of the most expensive due to her appearance and ability to keep warm. However, unscrupulous sellers can give Rex rabbit fur for this species, the cost of which is several times higher. Thus, in order not to buy a cat in a poke, it is worth remembering several points that distinguish these types of fur. Compared to chinchilla, the rabbit looks rougher. Size also matters - chinchillas are smaller. When sewing, use rectangular pieces. At the seams at the chinchilla fur coats you can see the so-called wave effect (due to the undulation of the skins). If you can recognize a slight chemical odor, you have a painted rabbit in front of you. Well, the main difference is wear resistance. A fur coat from Rex rabbit, reviews of which, although positive, is still not so durable.

Sheared fur

Such processing of fur, as a haircut, increases the wear resistance of the product by 40%. At the same time, you can diversify the appearance and design. A fur coat from a sheared rabbit, a photo of which can be seen below, is very similar to a mink, but it is quite a budget option. The rabbitโ€™s pile is soft, but the minkโ€™s pile is rather hard, of the same height. A distinctive feature of mink hairs is the characteristic shine at the tips. Thus, the main advantage that a fur coat from a sheared rabbit has (reviews indicate that the procedure for shearing the fur really has a positive effect on its quality) is a longer wear period. Some time ago, there was one option for shorn fur: all the hairs were the same length. Today, you can create any gradient patterns and any design, combining long and short hairs. Also apply a model pinch of fur. A huge variety of textures dispels the myth that sheared coats are second-rate and unfashionable.

Sheared rabbit fur coat. Reviews

Purification of a fur coat from pollution

There are many ways to clean a rabbit fur coat. However, experts do not advise doing this at home, as you can cause irreparable harm to the fur. Dry cleaners will cope with this task much better. The price of this type of service will depend on the type of fur, its condition, and also on the length of the product. Dry cleaning a short coat will cost about 3,000 rubles, a long one - a little more expensive.

Peel a rabbit fur coat

A fur coat from a rabbit with a hood, a turn-down collar, a belt will take on a fresh look from competent cleaning. It should be carried out once a year. You can try to use starch, rye flour, bran yourself. First they need to be heated, then distributed around the perimeter, rubbing slightly into the fur. Such actions will relieve the salinity of the pile. Shake off the bran after the procedure, comb the product. If small holes are found, they must be removed immediately. At home, you can add additional shine to the fur. To do this, you need to grind a little glycerin in your hands and apply it to the pile. Rex rabbit fur coat, reviews of the fur of which indicate its increased wear resistance, requires careful handling and proper care.

Care Tips

Rabbit fur coat
The climatic conditions of our latitudes do not guarantee a frosty and dry winter. Often a lady in a fur coat falls under wet snow or rain. This does not affect the pile very well. In no case should you dry such a product near heating appliances, the fur may dry out. It is best to hang it on a hanger and let it "come to its senses" at room temperature. If the fur coat from rabbit fur is very wet, it is worth attributing it to an experienced craftsman who will solve this problem. After drying, the fur should be combed along and across the pile, slightly lifting it. The severed button should be sewn, also adhering to special rules. Under it, you need to put fabric or leather, the thread should be cotton, No. 60 or No. 80. In this case, it is worth leaving a โ€œlegโ€ of thread about 2-3 mm. Those who like to carry bags on their shoulders should refuse this. Such actions can lead to the formation of bald patches. Fur coats of light shades have their own storage features. To ensure that the fur does not turn yellow, the product should be placed in a blue bag or paper at the end of the season. If funds allow, then a special refrigerator can be used for storage. It will create ideal conditions for fur. An increasing number of happy owners of fur coats prefer this service.

Advantages and disadvantages of rabbit fur products

Undoubtedly, the main advantage is the low price that a rabbit fur coat has. Reviews about this fur are as follows: it is warm, light, beautiful. It can be painted as you like, in any colors (which slightly reduces its wear resistance), tailored. A fur coat from a rabbit with a hood, without it, is long, short, of different styles - all this is quite affordable. However, in severe frosts, such a product will not warm. In addition, long mantles from this fur are not recommended to be bought, since it quickly loses its original appearance. The service life of fur coats is 3-4 seasons. Sheared fur or a Rex rabbit will be worn a little longer.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E23530/

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