Water in space: what planets does it have, and what do astronauts drink

Since ancient times, mankind has been interested in the question of the existence of other civilizations in space. Gradually, the knowledge base was replenished with new discoveries, scientists from different countries discovered and are discovering new space objects where, in their opinion, life could be. There is even a formula that allows you to calculate the number of highly developed civilizations. It was developed by astronomer F. Drake. In his opinion, there are more than ten thousand developed civilizations.

in space astronaut in water

According to another astronomer, Carl Sagan, there are more than a million civilizations in the galaxy. And in all these worlds there is water. There is a lot of it in space, it β€œtravels” between worlds, being transported by asteroids and other cosmic bodies. But even such water masses and carriers of "life" "floating" in outer space cannot be compared with our Earth. It is our planet, according to skeptics, that is unique and has no analogues in the entire Universe.

Water journey

Astronomers have proven that water in space is carried by comets. There are even opinions that claim that water on Earth originated precisely due to comets. Scientists have repeatedly carried out an analysis of the star system of Hydra, located at a distance of 176 light years. Around the star is a protoplanetary disk with a radius of about 200 astronomical units (1 unit is equal to the distance from the Sun to the Earth). The age of this object is about 10 million years. When analyzing the disk, experts found traces of water in it at the place where comets formed. According to them, the liquid is in a state of ice, which covers cosmic dust.

Black hole water

At a distance of 12 billion light-years from us, Quasar is located. This is a unique powerful source of energy in the Universe: it emits 65 thousand times more energy than the entire Milky Way. Luminosity arises from the absorption of various objects by a black hole. The mass of this hole is 20 billion times greater than the mass of the Sun.

black water space

The distance to Quasar is very large, which is why astronomers can observe an object as it was in the early stages of evolution, when the age of the Universe was about 2 billion years. According to scientists, water in space could exist even at that time, although it has not yet been possible to detect. And only two independent groups of scientists managed to establish that around Quasar there is a huge water shell in the form of steam. This discovery proves that even in such ancient times, water was already in space and that it was spread everywhere.

Solar system and water

It is believed that water in space is the basis of life. There was a time when scientists assumed that this life-giving moisture is found only on the Earth, and on other planets of the solar system it is not. However, studies have shown that there is water on other planets. Not so long ago, a space probe discovered water on Mars. The existence of life is connected with this planet, and Mars is also a probable object, where the first piloting is expected when flying to another planet.

space under water

After numerous analyzes, it was possible to find out that water in space is also found on other planets. There are many of it on Uranus, Neptune, albeit in the form of ice. In addition to the planets of the solar system, water was found on their satellites. On the numerous satellites of Saturn and Jupiter on the moon is water. Despite the large cosmic moisture reserves, scientists still cannot understand where the water from Venus came from, although it is believed that they simply have not found it.

Liquid Universe

It turns out that space is under water, because this substance is in it in various states - somewhere in the form of liquid, ice, and somewhere in the form of steam. Through telescopes, scientists are able to evaluate a variety of planets and their components. So, among the hot Jupiters, a planet was discovered on which there are huge reserves of water in a gaseous state.

water in space

This discovery proves that there is more water in the universe than was thought. It is present everywhere, including in interstellar clouds. It is believed that even near our Sun there are terrestrial planets with a rocky surface on which oceans splash.

Random discovery

Quite unexpectedly, scientists made a discovery by finding water at a distance of 64 light years from us. Water on it is in a gaseous state. Passing in orbit, the planet was illuminated by its luminary so that the liquid made itself felt. In the pictures, it looks like black water. Space contains many such objects. All of them are studied by scientists.

What do astronauts drink

In space, water is needed just like on Earth. This is the most important source of life for an astronaut. It is partially delivered into orbit by cargo ships, and partially astronauts use recycled, purified water.

Sources of water reproduction are condensates, waste fuel cells, urine of astronauts. After cleaning in space, no harmful substances or various impurities remain in the water for the astronauts. As a result of cleaning, the liquid becomes the same as bottled on Earth.

man water cosmos

How much water does a person need in space? For each astronaut, a certain amount is calculated for drinking during the day. With this in mind, the liquid is delivered on board the station. So, per day an astronaut accounts for 2.2 liters of water. For Americans, this figure is higher - 3.6 liters.

Mankind still does not know how to extract such volumes from space, but it can process "dirty" water with special devices. The resulting water is used not only for drinking, but also for hygiene, the normal functioning of various systems at the station and not only. To have enough water, developed methods for its economy, rational use. For example, astronauts do not erase, do not accept the souls habitual on Earth. In space, these procedures are performed differently.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E23535/

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