High Yielding Pepper Gingerbread Man

Among most gardeners and lovers of independently growing various vegetables and fruits, pepper with the interesting name Kolobok began to use huge popularity. For many novice farmers, this variety is little known, so you should familiarize yourself with it in more detail.

Excellent feature

Beloved by many peppers, Kolobok is significantly different from its relatives, primarily in appearance. Since it has a rounded shape and looks more like a tomato. Thanks to such data, this pepper got its name. A fully ripe vegetable has a dark red color, and a ripened vegetable has a light green color. The fruits of the plant can reach a mass of 80 to 150 grams. Pepper has good taste, it is very much appreciated in the food industry. These include: sweet taste, smooth skin and delicate pulp of ripe fruits.

pepper gingerbread man

This variety of pepper is also appreciated for the large number of vitamins and minerals contained in it. The sweet and juicy fruits that Kolobok pepper has can be eaten fresh, canned, and frozen in the freezer.

Growing rules

In order to grow an excellent crop of this variety of pepper, you need to know some features of plant care. Immediately it can be noted that the plant is not too whimsical, so taking care of it will not differ much from caring for other types of this vegetable. Pepper Kolobok, as well as other varieties, is a thermophilic plant and loves plentiful watering. Therefore, choosing a bed for planting, these nuances should be taken into account. You need to choose only those places where there will be no drafts, gusts of wind and thickets that give a shadow.

sort of pepper gingerbread man

To grow this type of pepper need seedling method. To get the seedlings of a plant, its seeds should be sown in the soil quite early in early February. It is best to germinate the vegetable in small boxes placed on window sills. Experts recommend choosing light and fertile soil for these purposes. Seeds need to be buried in the ground shallow, somewhere by 1.5-2 centimeters, otherwise they will not germinate. After planting the seed, the boxes should be covered with glass or oilcloth, as moisture and heat are retained in the soil. It is not necessary to water the soil and seedlings very often, so that the plant does not rot, you only need to do this with water at room temperature.


When transplanting seedlings in open ground, it is necessary to strictly observe some important requirements. These include the choice of the location of the future location of the vegetable. The fact that the area should be well lit by the sun and hidden from drafts was already mentioned in the article. But there is another important factor that cannot be ignored. It is a friendly neighborhood between closely spaced vegetables growing in neighboring beds. Pepper Kolobok should never be planted next to cucumbers. It should also be borne in mind that for good productivity it does not need to be planted in the soil where beans were previously grown. But the areas where carrots, beets, cabbage or pumpkins grew would do.

pepper gingerbread man description

Another important requirement when transplanting pepper into the ground is the time it moves. Seedlings should not be planted earlier than May 22, because until this time there is a threat of frost that will destroy the seedlings. Also, agronomists do not advise transplanting pepper seedlings, which is not 55 days. If you do this before the specified age, then it may die due to its weakness. Each pepper sprout should be planted in open ground at a distance of 40 or 45 centimeters from each other. At the same time, the planting depth of the plant should not exceed 20 centimeters.

Plant care

When the seedlings are planted on the beds, all that gardeners will need to do is to water it in time, loosen the soil and apply fertilizer. With proper care, the grade of pepper Kolobok can yield up to 6 kg per square meter. To achieve such results, you should properly water the plant. This is best done in the morning or evening, as the soil dries. If the climate is very hot in places where pepper grows, then you need to use mulching in addition. This will help to save moisture in the root zone and protect it from overheating.

pepper gingerbread man reviews

Do not forget to loosen the earth around the growing pepper, because in hard and clogged soil the plant will not be able to fully develop. Peppers need to be fertilized during the growing season, no more than three times, using nitrofoska or regular chicken droppings for this. Such top dressing will help to increase the future yield. It is strictly forbidden to use fresh manure as pepper top dressing, as it will reduce productivity or can completely destroy the vegetable!

A pleasant surprise for people who grow Kolobok pepper, the description of which is given in the article, is that its bushes do not need to be formed, since it has small parameters and the correct shape. If you follow all the above recommendations, then already on the 100-110th day from the moment of planting the pepper, it will be possible to collect a plentiful crop of red sweet vegetable.

Truthful reviews

The people who grew Kolobok pepper left very different reviews about it. Many liked him for his unpretentiousness and ease of care. Summer residents also appreciated its pleasant taste and great fecundity. Among the positive comments were reviews in the direction of easy and picky growing seedlings, as well as quick adaptation in the open ground.

Along with praise, Kolobok pepper received negative reviews. Some summer residents did not like it because of its round shape and relatively small size. Although at the same time they noted its taste. But if you take into account that the variety of this pepper is not like only for its shape and size (a matter of taste of each), then for the most part this vegetable is worthy to be called the best among similar plants.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E23548/

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