Thin-leaved peony - care and reproduction

Thin-leaved peony - a grassy perennial or shrub with cirrus-complex leaves and single flowers from 5 to 7 cm in diameter. Belongs to the pion family. It grows in Southeastern Europe and the Caucasus, usually in meadows, in the steppe. The height of the bushes is about 30-50 cm. The leaves are twice (sometimes thrice) ternary, linear-lanceolate lobes. The flowers are mostly raspberry, but there are white and pink.

thin-leaved peony
Peony - unpretentious flower, but requires certain conditions. He loves to grow in a sunny and open place. At noon, slight dimming is permissible. Peonies can grow even in deep shade, but bloom in such a place - no. In order to avoid the development of diseases it is necessary to plant plants at a distance from trees, shrubs, buildings (for air circulation).

The thin-leaved peony is watered infrequently, but abundantly - for each adult bush, two or three buckets of water in order to wet the soil right up to the depth of the root composition. For convenience, you can dig drainage pipes (50 cm long) near the bushes and pour water into them. After irrigation, it is imperative to loosen the soil to help maintain moisture in the soil and improve aeration. It also inhibits the growth of unwanted weeds.

peony flower
Peony flower propagated by layering, vegetatively, by dividing the bush. The most promising is the last method. Bushes grown from seeds bloom only in the fourth or fifth year. Planting the best freshly picked seeds. Then they can germinate in the spring of next year. Sow should be in August in moist, loose soil. Seed seeds germinate only in the second or third year.

The use of root cuttings shows the highest reproduction rate. The planting unit in this case is a small segment of rhizome with a small sleeping kidney. It is separated from the bush in July, and in September it takes root. But these cuttings develop too slowly and bloom only in the fifth year.

The thin-leaved peony can be planted and transplanted exclusively in the autumn season. It is important to immediately choose the right, good place for them. And prepare it at least a month before landing. Given the fact that over time the plants grow greatly, they should be placed no closer than 1 meter from each other. The pit should be 60x60x60cm in size. Fill it with two-thirds of a mixture of compost or humus, sand, peat and garden soil (one bucket each). 500 g of bone meal, one teaspoon of potash, one tablespoon of vitriol and 900 g of wood ash are added to this mixture. The space that remains must be filled with ordinary garden land. The soil in the pit will be compacted by the time of planting and will not sag in the future.

peony flower
Top dressing a flower - watering, top dressing, mulching. Before frost, in late autumn, the stems must be cut correctly - at the soil level and then burned. Sprinkle the remains of the stems with ash (3 handfuls for each bush).

In order to avoid diseases and pests, the thin-leaved peony in the springtime after the emergence of young shoots is treated with copper chloride or Bordeaux liquid, pouring three liters of solution under adult bushes. This should be repeated three times at ten-day intervals.


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