Clash of Clans: Base 3 TX

Just starting to play Clash of Clans are always asked one of the most important questions: how to protect yourself from raids? Despite the fact that when a player is defeated, the player is given a sufficiently long defense, sooner or later the moment comes when it becomes just boring to use it and you want to create a really impregnable fortress.

The basics

The best base of TX 3 (town hall, town hall) is the one that quickly rebuilds to the next level. The fact is that at this stage of development the player does not have enough defensive structures, so you should not linger here.

base 3 tx

The priority will be the development of all available structures to the maximum level. Therefore, the first thing is better to focus on resources, leaving the venture to chase cups. In the diagram above, the base 3 TX has all the necessary advantages.

A player who regularly visits his settlement sends resources to storage facilities, so the enemy will not get a lot of loot from the mines. When the town hall outside is destroyed, the owner of the castle will receive protection from attacks and during this time he will manage to farm a decent amount of resources. The towers are capable of firing at any point in the protected area, so without adversity the enemy will not rob you and will think several times before attacking.


In general, the base 3 TX is not intended to increase the player rating. This is the passing stage, at which players who are unable to build a "sane" defense are discarded. If you still want to try to save your own cups, then the following scheme is for you.

clash of clans base layout tx 3

At first glance, it may seem that in Clash of Clans the layout of the TX 3 base in the given format is very fragile. Almost bare western walls become a tidbit to attack your base. But then a surprise awaits the opponents - a pair of traps and concentrated fire of a pair of guns with a bombardment will stop almost any horde of a player equal in level to you.

On the east side, there is a clear problem with ensuring the safety of mines. But since we focus on protecting the town hall, this problem should not worry us.


The hybrid base 3 TX is especially popular. Most players at a subconscious level create such "masterpieces", trying to protect all their property.

best base tx 3

As you can see for yourself in the diagram, the player tried to provide maximum protection to the vaults and the town hall. As a result, guns can attack the enemy from almost any side of the castle, and archers and mortars can destroy the enemy when he breaks in.

To improve this scheme, you can try to better build the buildings by moving the fences in the lower right and lower left corners closer to the center. This should enable archers and mortars to attack the enemy behind the fence, but only at certain points. Therefore, such a base 3 TX cannot be called reliable.

If you want to advance further in the game and create your own unique defense system, you can use numerous applications with PlayMarket, which allow not only creating a base with any level of TX, but also conducting a siege to test its durability.


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