Inter-farm land management: concept and content, challenge and seizure, varieties and principles of MHZ

Modern society is developing rapidly. This is expressed, first of all, in the appearance of new objects and cities, for the construction of which land plots are needed, which can be provided in the order of inter-farm land management.

So, we will consider some features of this process, as well as its main legal aspects.

Inter-farm land management

General concept

So, what is inter-farm land management? This concept is quite common in legal practice and has a very complex meaning. If expressed in the simplest language, this phrase implies a certain set of actions and activities that are aimed at creating new land tenure, as well as changing those that already take place. In addition, this concept defines the establishment of the limits of the plots, as well as the modes of their use, including special ones. The concept of inter-farm land management also implies such actions as the allocation of land in kind.

All activities that are carried out to achieve their goals can be divided into several groups depending on their nature: economic, legal, technical, as well as social.

Legal Aspects

As for the legal aspects of inter-farm land management, they, first of all, consist in changing or the appearance of new rights in relation to certain territories. All aspects that may arise are regulated exclusively by legislative acts. In the Russian Federation, such, first of all, is the Land Code. All issues that are related to violations in the field of land management can be resolved in court through civil or administrative proceedings.

On the legal side, inter-farm land management is a certain procedure for the initiation, approval, implementation in practice and the subsequent movement of the case on land management.

Legal aspects of inter-farm land management

Engineering and technological aspects

With regard to this kind of aspects in the management of the activity in question, it should be noted that the engineering side of the process involves a certain procedure for drawing up documents, plans, schemes or surveying the terrain, as well as individual objects. In order to obtain the most accurate data regarding where the land is and what is its area, as a rule, aerial and geodesic surveys are carried out, as well as images are taken from space. Based on them, planning material is always compiled, which is subsequently used for design work, as well as for inspection.

If we talk about the technological aspect of land management, it can be used in many sectors of the economy. All the procedures that it provides are performed using modern technical means, as well as achievements in the field of science. Which particular technique or specific knowledge will be applied directly depends on what kind of relief, climate or type of soil is characteristic of the area.

Socio-economic aspect

This aspect lies in the content of the project in question, in the technology of work that is being done on land management, as well as in their organization. In addition, this aspect also includes items regarding the cost of all ongoing procedures, as well as sources of financing for all expenses that may arise in the course of their implementation. Such costs may arise during the various operations necessary for the implementation of the procedure. In particular, these include waste associated with the redistribution of state funds between various sectors of the economy. As a rule, this is observed in the agricultural and non-agricultural sectors. Land management at the state level, carried out in connection with certain climatic conditions or for other factors, also requires significant costs. They will be the component of the socio-economic aspect.

Within the social dimension, integrated land use forecasts can be made. Thanks to them, land can be studied for quality, quantity and level of condition.

An object

Speaking about the objects of inter-farm land management, it should be understood that they can be only those territories and plots in relation to which legal activity of the nature in question is carried out. Practice shows that, in addition to isolated plots, groups of land holdings that are interconnected, as well as whole masses of land that are just beginning to be developed or cultivated in the future, can act as objects. In addition, the territories of administrative regions may also be objects of the concept under consideration.

The content of inter-farm land management

Main objectives and content

Considering in more detail the concept of inter-farm land management, you should pay attention to what the main tasks of this activity. So, first of all, it sets as its main goal the possibility of creating the most favorable and high-quality conditions in order to use land resources efficiently. In addition, activities of this nature are aimed at ensuring that all forms of management have the opportunity to develop equally.

Among the tasks of inter-farm land management is also the creation of certain conditions for the establishment of production in territorial areas.

In the process of carrying out activities related to the concept under consideration, development and introduction of proposals regarding the conditions for the use of land, easements on them, provision for temporary use on various grounds, etc. can be carried out.

If we talk about the main content of inter-farm land management, then it consists in solving a certain kind of issues. One of them is the delineation of land funds, depending on what form of ownership is established on them. Among them, you can also highlight issues related to the distribution or redistribution of land for individual business groups. The content of inter-farm land management also includes resolving issues regarding other actions in relation to the plots: development of new territories, streamlining use, withdrawal and withdrawal of plots, etc. In some cases, in the process of carrying out activities of this nature, issues are resolved regarding the issuance of small territories for construction any objects: linear structures, factories or other large enterprises, reservoirs, etc.

The arrangement of concepts regarding the definition of the features of settlements or city limits is also within the competence of territorial land management.

Factors for conducting

Factors of inter-farm land management - these are certain reasons that entail the need to carry out the actions provided for by the considered concept. The list of such reasons includes, first of all, the fact that in Russia there is such a thing as private ownership of land. Many residents of the country express a desire to obtain any land plot in individual ownership and use it at their discretion, for which they apply with special statements on the implementation of inter-farm land management.

An important factor is also that Russian law provides for several forms of land ownership. That is why in the case of removing a site from one form and transferring it to another, the procedure under consideration is also performed.

The establishment of territorial boundaries on the ground is another reason for taking actions related to inter-farm land management.

Practice shows that in the conditions of agricultural activity separate factors act. Of greatest importance among them is the need to allocate certain plots of land for various types of farming. Very often in the countryside programs are carried out aimed at the development of agricultural cooperation, as well as social society. For such purposes, the territories on which the construction of the facilities necessary for the development is carried out are also often allocated.

In addition, the main factors causing the need for inter-farm land management include the need to create activities in the area of ​​a settlement, such as gardening, animal husbandry or, for example, gardening. MHZ can also be carried out to protect territories or water resources, as well as to expand or, conversely, reduce the area of ​​existing territories.

Varieties of MHZ

The basis for the identification of varieties of inter-farm land management is based on all the differences that exist in the forms of ownership of land, as well as in the purpose for which land plots can be used . As for the nature of the use of territories in the national economy, which also includes agriculture, this factor is also of great importance for the division of land by type.

It should be noted that all changes that may be made in relation to the plots should be justified and duly documented.

So, in modern legal practice, there are three main varieties of inter-farm land management. The first of these is the division of land depending on their form of ownership. As for the other two, these actions provide for the introduction of certain changes in the land use of agricultural organizations, as well as those that have a different direction of their activity.

The concept of inter-farm land management


Like all other legal actions, the procedure of inter-farm territorial land management should be carried out taking into account the basic principles that are special for her personally. So, first of all, all parties that take part in the process under review must necessarily adhere to legislative requirements in each of their actions, as well as at any stage. The basic principles of inter-farm land management include the fact that all borders between land tenure must be clearly defined and sustainable.

As for the use of land allocated under such a procedure, it should be exclusively targeted, which means the operation of the site strictly for the purposes that were indicated in the document defining the new site. In order for this to happen in this way, all parties must make every effort and create all the conditions that will be required.

The principles of inter-farm land management also include the need to protect all land allotted. In addition, they provide for the provision of care for the territory allotted for use or ownership.

Manufacturing process

There is a certain procedure for conducting the process of inter-farm land management, which is prescribed by regulatory acts in force within the Russian Federation. It is he who needs to be followed.

It should be noted that all territorial divisions that are carried out as part of the procedure under consideration should be documented in a special project. However, before its creation, pre-design and preparatory work should be carried out. After the project itself is completed, it must be approved and only then transferred to the designated area, in other words, defined in kind.

When all the main actions are completed, the body conducting the procedure is obliged to issue to the person who is the new owner of the site documents that confirm his ownership, as well as the use of land. Complete with them land management documents must also be issued.

So, let us consider in more detail each of the procedures mentioned here.

Objects of inter-farm land management

Project drafting

The project is the main document that indicates that the procedure of on-farm and inter-farm land management was actually carried out, and also determines how exactly all the previously defined borders should be established. It is with his preparation that the procedure itself begins.

It should be noted that the project is a rather voluminous document, which consists of two large parts - text and graphic. As for the graphic part, it includes the presence in the general package of documents of the drawing of the survey of the land management object, the future project of inter-farm separation, as well as, if necessary, other drawings or schedules that may be required depending on what purpose is set.

The text part of the project, as a rule, is more voluminous. Its structure, first of all, includes an explanatory note - a large document, which presents all the justifications made on the design decisions. In addition, all those conditions that are specific to a particular site should be defined in its text. As a rule, agricultural and climatic are distinguished among them. The note must necessarily indicate the condition of the object, as well as those development prospects that are possible for plots located nearby.

In addition to the explanatory note discussed above, design documents must necessarily be submitted that reflect all the justifications for the project proposals.

A separate place in the text part of the inter-farm land management project is occupied by legal documentation. In this document, it can be represented by materials of individual reviews, approvals, as well as the act of approval of the finished project, which is attached to one of the most recent.

Among the documentation, a design assignment must also be submitted, as well as an explication of land.

As for the design process for this project itself, this process is quite lengthy, it consists of three stages: consideration of the document, its approval, and only after that approval takes place.

First of all, the finished project should be submitted for consideration to all households that are in charge of land management. After that, it should be studied in the district committee. Specialists in the field of land management are required to study it in detail, check all the materials provided, and then coordinate the project, having previously checked it for compliance with the current legislation. After this procedure, the committee is obliged to send the head of the administration an endorsed draft decision on the preliminary approval of the reviewed document. This decision should be submitted to the administration together with the project itself, as well as with a conclusion.

There are some projects whose content directly affects the legitimate interests of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, that is, we are talking about state lands. In this case, the authority approving the project will be the administration of the territorial unit (for example, territory, autonomous okrug, etc.). Moreover, in this situation, the city administration should consider the submitted draft, and for approval all documents are submitted to the regional committee.

Project Migration

After the drafted project is agreed and approved by specialized bodies, it is necessary to bring it to life, that is, transfer it to nature. This procedure is quite capacious and requires accuracy. It consists in the actual affixing of boundaries, which in the process are fixed by boundary signs. In the process of field inspection during inter-farm land management, in accordance with the rules, the owners of neighboring plots, as well as the owner of the territory in respect of which the completed project is being implemented, must take part.

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On-farm and inter-farm land management


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Inter-farm land management project


A scheme is called a special basis, which is used in the process of creating any kind of projects. The legal aspects of inter-farm land management reflect the fact that the basis of this type of activity is, first of all, precisely such schemes that determine specific procedures in individual situations. What schemes can be used in the process of establishing the territorial boundaries of plots or, for example, changing their form of ownership? Let's consider it further.

Often in the process of implementing inter-farm land management, a previously developed scheme regarding the reorganization of land or its ordering is applied. In the event that new land is involved in an existing land, this can also be done according to the established scheme.

A specific scheme addresses issues regarding the economic feasibility of land management, location of networks (for example, roads, protective fences, sewers, etc.), settlements, etc. Development of plans for measures related to the protection of resources, as well as the implementation of the plan in reality, it is also produced according to a previously prepared scheme.

Before a specific scheme is drawn up, it is necessary to carry out a certain series of actions, which consist in collecting all the data that will be required to conduct the process itself, to establish a circle of persons directly related to the implementation of the planned activities, as well as what wishes the interested parties have . After all this, a design assignment should be developed, agreed and approved.

Land acquisition and removal

Inter-farm land management is carried out in cases where it is necessary to allot and withdraw the land. So, let us consider in more detail what exactly these concepts mean.

With regard to the challenge, this process is a set of actions aimed at establishing the boundaries of the site, which is provided for ownership or temporary use by a certain person. Based on the results of this activity, documents are issued to the person that indicate that he has the right to this territory. They also prescribe the regime in which land can be used.

With regard to exemption, this process is the opposite of challenge. That is, in other words, this is a process aimed at terminating the right to use a certain site. This procedure is carried out in the manner prescribed by law. In the event that in the process of the allotment of the territory any special status was assigned, in the process of withdrawal the land should be deprived of it and endowed with the previous legal status.


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