Cucumber Kibria: description, photo, reviews

Cucumbers are one of the most popular garden crops. Almost all summer residents grow them. Of course, great attention is paid to this garden culture by breeders. Varieties of cucumbers bred a lot. There are varieties intended for both outdoor and indoor cultivation. One of the most promising hybrids in terms of productivity, of all bred for greenhouses, is Kibria F1.

general description

Represents a cucumber Kibria F1 generative powerful and very productive plant. The bush of this variety is compact and easy to form. At a height of 1.5 meters, practically no stepsons requiring removal of his stepson are formed. Like all generative cucumbers, Kibria F1 develops well only if there is a sufficient amount of nutrients in the soil.

cucumber cibria

Most often, cucumber Kibria F1 is grown in greenhouses. The fact is that it is parthenocarpic, that is, a self-pollinating variety. But, of course, you can grow such cucumbers directly on the beds without film shelter.


Cucumber Kibria F1, the description of which was presented above, gives a rather compact, neat, and at the same time very tasty greenery. On one plant they can form just a huge amount. At the same time, the lashes easily withstand the load and do not shed flowers and new ovaries (but, of course, only if there is sufficient fertilizing).

The color of the Kibria fruit is dark green. Their surface is tuberous, and the ratio of length and thickness is approximately 3.2: 1. The fruits of this variety ripen very early. Most often, Kibria cucumbers are grown for fresh consumption. But to salt, since their internal structure is good and rather dense, they can also be.

cucumber cibria f1 description

Cucumber Benefits

As one of the best varieties, one can judge the above given to such a plant as cucumber Kibria F1, description. Reviews of this hybrid from gardeners are very good. The advantages of the Kibria variety, like most parthenocarpic varieties, can be attributed primarily:

  • immunity to most diseases;
  • resistance to adverse weather factors;
  • undemanding care;
  • lack of bitterness in the fruits.

Cucumber Kibria F1 is resistant to diseases such as root rot, cladosporiosis, cucumber mosaic, powdery mildew.

Features of care in a heated greenhouse

As already mentioned, Kibria F1 cucumbers are grown most often under shelter. For heated greenhouses, seedlings are planted at the end of December. It is transferred to a permanent place in January. By this time, 4-5 real leaflets already appear on the plants. After a few days of planting, the bushes are tied to the trellis.

Kibria F1 cucumbers should be fed 4-5 times per season. During the development of shoots and a set of green mass, plants are usually fertilized with nitrogen compounds. In the phase of flowering and fruit setting, phosphorus top dressing is used. During fruiting, potassium and nitric agents should be used.

Kibria F1 cucumbers should be fed with aqueous solutions of fertilizer. The method of incorporating dry formulations into the soil is not used in this case.

cucumber kibria f1 photo description

Spring-summer cultivation

In unheated greenhouses, this variety can also produce good yields. In this case, Kibria F1 cucumber seedlings are planted in April - May. Supports for growing in the summer, of course, are also necessary. If available, plants will receive a sufficient amount of sunlight. Fertilize the cucumbers in this case according to the same methodology as described above.

The opinion of gardeners about the variety

Cucumber Kibria F1, the description of which allows us to judge it as one of the most productive hybrids, of course, the gardeners earned good reviews. Since the yield of this variety is very high, the opinion of the owners of suburban areas was simply wonderful.

Judging by the reviews of most summer residents, you don’t need to use any special techniques and techniques when growing this cucumber. Gardeners take care of him usually the same as any other cucumbers. The only thing - forgetting to feed this variety, according to many owners of greenhouses, is really not worth it. Otherwise, the plants will quickly reduce yield.

cucumber kibria f1 description reviews

Well, hopefully we have given a sufficiently detailed description of such a wonderful variety as the Kibria F1 cucumber, a description. The photos presented on the page demonstrate the power of these compact bushes. The yield of this variety is actually high, and it does not require special care for itself.


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