How to find out what traffic police fines are for? Ways

How to find out what traffic police fines are for? It is impossible to find a definite answer to this question. After all, there are many options for the development of events. And we have to talk about them further. Quite often, drivers are interested in ways to pay traffic fines. We will figure it out too. If you correctly approach the solution of tasks, then they will not cause any significant trouble or problems. Even a schoolboy will cope with all the manipulations.

fines traffic police how to find out why

What may come in handy

How to find out what traffic police fines are for? To begin with, it is recommended to find out some information. They will help to understand the purpose of the payment.

To find out for which traffic violation a sanction was imposed, the following components may be required:

  • decision number;
  • driver's license;
  • decision on violation;
  • F. I. O. citizen;
  • license plate numbers.

This is usually enough. It is not difficult to find out the fines of the STSI by the decision number or by any other means.

Regulation and Information

The simplest solution to the problem is to study the decision issued to the citizen. This document plays an important role.

In it you can see:

  • date of issue;
  • decision number;
  • authority that issued the fine;
  • amount of payment;
  • the reason for applying the sanctions.

Accordingly, if you are wondering how to find out what the fine is for, you can simply carefully study the handed decision. This paper contains all the important information. Quite often this document is missing. But this is not a reason for sadness. After all, you can use other methods.

By number

Some information about the forthcoming payment will be able to be extracted from the decision number. Until 2014, reading it was problematic. Now everyone is able to bring the idea to life.

The decree number consists of 20-25 digits. They indicate various information on the fine. Consider the mentioned combination on an example: 133-1-0-1-55-09-03-01-75692-2.

find traffic fines by number

This is the number of the decision. How to find out what traffic police fines are for? The studied combination will indicate:

  • 133 - place of receipt of payment;
  • 1 - traffic police code;
  • 0 - reference to an administrative fine;
  • 1 - an indication that the violation is truly administrative;
  • 55 - the region in which the decision was issued;
  • 09 - year;
  • 03 - day;
  • 01 - the date of the violation;
  • 75692 - number of the resolution;
  • 2 - control discharge.

As you can see, the exact reason for issuing a fine from the decision number cannot be extracted. Unless to remember what violation was committed on a specific date. But this is a rather rare scenario.

Search by car number

Let's consider more interesting and popular solutions. How to find out why the traffic police fined? It is best to use Internet resources for this. With their help, according to various data, it will be possible to obtain one or another information about the upcoming payment.

To find traffic fines by car number, it is recommended:

  1. Visit page.
  2. Open "Services" - "Penalties".
  3. Enter the vehicle license plate number. You can specify information from the TCP.
  4. Click on the "Request" button.

It remains only to wait for the results of scanning the database. All outstanding traffic police fines will be displayed. Here, the number of the decision, the date of issue and a link to download the payment will be displayed. It indicates the reason for applying the sanction.

find traffic fines by car number


Is it possible to find the traffic police fines on the certificate? Yes. Typically, such a service is offered by different inspection sites. But she does not enjoy the trust of users. But services like "Payment of Government Services" allow you to bring your idea to life. Considerable attention is being paid to such resources.

But at any time a citizen can check the fact of deprivation of a driver’s license. To do this, on the website of the traffic police of the Russian Federation in the "Services" section, you will need to select "Driver Verification". In the window that appears, information from the mentioned document is entered. Nothing difficult or incomprehensible.

Comprehensive auto check

It is problematic to find traffic police fines by chassis number or VIN. Official inspection services do not allow this.

Nevertheless, everyone has the right to search for data on a particular vehicle. For example, on registration or participation in an accident. This is done using the item "Auto Check" on the official page of the traffic police of Russia.


Find traffic police fines for a driver’s license is offered mainly through the Internet. The best verification service is "Payment of State Services". Its advantage is that there is no need for registration. Also, after searching for data, payment of bills is allowed.

But many are interested in how to find out why traffic police fines have been issued. The next trick is a personal appeal to the traffic police department. It is enough to have a passport with you. Turning to the traffic police, it will be possible not only to find out what the person was fined for, but also to receive a receipt for payment / a copy of the decision. Very convenient, but this technique takes a lot of time.

fines traffic police find out debt

Search by Order

For most people, it’s not so important to clarify the violation, how to pay debts. Therefore, find out how you can find the fines of the traffic police by order.

You can do this:

  • through "State services";
  • using the site "Payment of government services";
  • Internet banking
  • through electronic wallets.

These are the most common scenarios. They allow not only to find a payment system, but also immediately pay bills. It is very comfortable!

If there is a receipt

It’s not so difficult to find out by decree what the traffic police fine is. If there is a payment of the established form on hand, a citizen can pay it not only by the methods listed above.

Additionally you can:

  • work with payment terminals or with ATMs;
  • contact the cashier of any bank.

With the second approach, everything is clear - a payment is presented, then money is given, and the job is done. But the rest of the tricks cause a lot of questions. Consider a few handouts.

"Payment of public services" and information search

Does a person have traffic fines? To learn the debt is proposed using the site "Payment of public services." Using a credit card or e-wallet, you can pay the debt.

find out by decree what the traffic police fine

The guide to finding and paying a fine is as follows:

  1. Open website.
  2. On the top panel, select "Traffic police fines."
  3. Open the "By Documents" tab.
  4. Check the box next to "By order number."
  5. Enter the requested data in the field that appears.
  6. Click on "Find."

To pay for the discovered fine, you will have to click on it, and then go to the "Pay" section. Here, as we have already said, the details of the payer are indicated. After confirming the request, it is proposed to print the check.

Wallets to help

It’s also easy to find out the traffic police fines by means of the “Payment ...” certificate. The process is no different from the previously proposed algorithm.

If there is a decision number, as well as an electronic wallet, then there is no need to resort to using the mentioned portal. Information of interest will be detected by the virtual payment system.

traffic police find out fines on the certificate

The algorithm of actions in this case will be as follows:

  1. Go to your wallet online.
  2. Click on "Products" or "Products and Services".
  3. Select "Receipts".
  4. Enter the decision code.
  5. Search for information.
  6. Click on the "Go to payment" button.
  7. Confirm transaction.

Following this algorithm, it will be possible to pay the traffic police fine through any electronic wallet. The menu signatures are slightly different in each service, but the meaning remains the same.

"Sberbank Online"

It is problematic to find traffic police fines by vehicle number in the above ways. But through "Sberbank Online" will be able to detect information about the upcoming payment. This will require a decision number. Or F.I.O. violator.

find traffic fines by driver’s license

The implementation of the idea is reduced to the following steps:

  1. Entrance to the portal "Sberbank Online". You must first register here.
  2. Going to “Payments and Transfers” - “Taxes, deductions to the budget, fines”.
  3. Select the item "GAI".
  4. Click on the line "Search for fines."
  5. Enter relevant information and confirm the request.
  6. Filling out information about the payer.
  7. Confirmation of operation.

Everything is very easy. To find out the fines of the traffic police by the number of the issued order and not only is not difficult. And pay them too.


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