Climbing plants: types, names, planting and care

What are good climbing plants for a garden or apartment? They can perform a huge number of different design tasks, for example, divide a site or room into zones, mask something. We offer today to talk about the most popular vines, which can be planted both in your personal garden and at home.


Huge thickets of ivy can be found in the Caucasus and Crimea. Growing, he climbs the most impregnable cliffs, walls of houses, is able to cover the slopes with a dense carpet, and his shoots can hang from trees. This evergreen vine is not capricious, not demanding on the conditions of cultivation and care. But at the same time, it grows quickly and pleases with decorative foliage of a wide variety of shapes and colors. Gardeners have noticed this climbing plant for a very long time. Today, evergreen garden ivy, which remains attractive throughout the year, is used to decorate gazebos, create hedges, and landscaping of various buildings. Depending on the species, ivy leaves can be both split and whole. In most plants of this species, leaf plates are very dense, leathery, with a smooth surface, monophonic. But there are instances with variegated leaves. But the flowers of a greenish tint are very small and do not represent decorative value. The rounded fruits formed after pollination look much more interesting. They are distinguished by a dark, almost black color.

Climbing plants: ivy

Care Features

Garden ivy is a shade tolerant culture. It easily adapts to life as a groundcover. Experienced gardeners recommend planting ivy in high places that are well protected from the wind. It is worth noting that the first few years, this culture grows slowly, so young ivy should be planted in the spring, so that during the warm season the seedlings have time to mature and winter well. This climbing plant is not whimsical at all, it adapts well. And in order for adaptation to take place faster, a moisture-absorbing breathable soil should be prepared for planting, certainly with a high organic content. The roots of ivy are located at a depth of about 20 cm, so the landing pit should be a little deeper. Do not do without a drainage layer.

Garden ivy

Garden shoulder care consists of timely field, top dressing, and soil cultivation. So, accurate loosening will help increase the permeability of the earth to air and moisture, and mulching will protect the plant from the first frosts. How to mulch? Experienced gardeners recommend leaf humus, peat or other porous organics. Pour the mulch gradually - with a thin layer in several steps. By autumn, the layer must be built up, so that with the advent of cold weather, it is necessary to warm and cover the plant. Another important step is pruning the affected shoots. Do not rush to do it in the spring after the snow has melted! The best time to remove shoots affected by frost or for other reasons is the beginning of summer, when the active movement of juices ends. Please note: slices made on large stems must be treated with garden var.


An interesting fact: the restrained Japanese often compare the garden, where the wisteria blossom, with the Garden of Eden. This is not surprising: the flowering of wisteria is a whirlpool of incredibly bright colors, the long brushes of this climbing garden plant - white purple, blue and pink - emit a sweet aroma and an irrepressible waterfall rush down.

Climbing plants: wisteria

Types of wisteria: features

In general, the genus Wisteria includes 9 species. However, only a few are widespread in Russia: Chinese, flowering and Japanese. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Chinese wisteria is a densely leafy liana, the height of which can reach 20 m. Its inflorescences are usually light purple, less often white, their length is about 30 cm. Chinese wisteria blossoms flowers simultaneously with the appearance of foliage, flowering continues throughout the summer period. This climbing plant is winter-hardy, it is able to tolerate frosts up to -20 degrees. Wisteria abundantly blooming can reach 10-meter height. The size of conical inflorescences is usually 45-50 cm. First, foliage appears on the vine, a little later - flowers. Flowering lasts until mid-June. However, there are varieties that are characterized by repeated flowering in August. The least common in our country is Japanese wisteria. This is due to its low frost resistance. She feels comfortable only in the Caucasus or Crimea. Moreover, she is not as decorative as her "relatives" - white inflorescences grow only up to 20 cm.

Wisteria cultivation

In horticultural culture, this climbing plant is used for vertical gardening. Taking up very little space, it is incredibly decorative. Wisteria is ideal for decorating walls, fences, it can mask the technical parts of the garden. And with its help you can zon the yard, get shelter from the sun and wind. A climbing plant on arches looks incredibly attractive.

At the same time, it cannot be called too demanding in care: in order for the plant to bloom actively, it is necessary to follow fairly simple rules. It is important to understand that wisteria is very photophilous, in direct sunlight it should be at least 6 hours a day. It is necessary to protect the plant from the cold wind and drafts. As for the soil, fertile, light, well-permeable soil should be chosen. But it is not worth planting wisteria in calcareous soils: its leaves will brighten and lose their decorative effect.

Please note: when using wisteria in vertical landscaping, a strong and durable support should be selected for it. Wisteria has a high windage, and therefore the support must be stable, able to withstand high wind loads. It is important to know that this plant does not tolerate waterlogging. Excessive watering can cause wisteria to drop leaves and buds. It is recommended to irrigate by spraying. In late September, it must be practically stopped, because the plant slows down its growth and begins to prepare for winter. Attention also deserves the features of the preparation of wisteria for winter. So, young seedlings need shelter. They need to be untied from the support and laid on the ground. The basal part should be buried, and the shoots covered with spruce branches, dry leaves or special material. By the way, the older the plant becomes, the less it needs shelter.


Campsis occupies a special place in the list of rapidly growing climbing plants. This is a large magnificent flowering bush of amazing beauty, creating a pleasant cool shadow. With its flowering, it pleases from the very beginning of summer until late autumn. In this case, the liana does not require special labor. This plant belongs to the Bignonius family. It is characterized by whole-leaved leaves with serrated edges, bright red or orange tubular flowers. The height of the elegant giant can reach 15 m. Therefore, this climbing plant is ideal for arches.

Climbing plants: campsis

How to care for a plant?

Kampsis owes its popularity to unpretentiousness and splendor. Any kind of soil is suitable for him, however, it will grow best in loose, non-moistened soils. It should be noted that kampsis is a southern plant, that is, it requires a sunny place from the southern side of the site. Please note: a feature of this creeper is that it grows very quickly. Therefore, in order for the bush not to occupy more space than it was allotted to it, protect its rhizome with metal sheets. The optimal depth is 80 cm.

Gardeners do not recommend placing plants near the window, because insects actively flock to it. Campsis is very drought-resistant, but decorative and abundant flowering can only be maintained with regular watering. Perennial bushes can be planted next to this plant - they will help maintain soil moisture and cover bare vineyards from below. But without feeding, this climbing flowering plant can do. However, if you want to increase the flowering time, try adding nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer. Please note: the liana is incredibly thermophilic, because if there are severe winters in the region where you live, be sure to cover the campus for the winter! The plant must be removed, covered with spruce branches, covered with polyethylene. In winter, a large snowdrift must be made at the shelter site.


What is this climbing plant suitable for? For fences, arches, arbors. In general, bougainvillea is a resident of Brazil. The French name appeared in her thanks to the navigator from France, who discovered this exotic beauty. Today, there are about 15 species of flower. What is domesticated bougainvillea? Gardeners say: this is a flower that has French charm and Brazilian temperament. The fences, patios, arches decorated with branches of this climbing plant look amazingly beautiful. The flowers of this creeper are not very large, usually yellow. But the bracts look amazingly decorative and attractive. Not surprisingly, some novice gardeners confuse them with flower petals. Usually bracts have a bright crimson hue, but hybrid varieties with red and white inflorescences are also found.

Climbing plants: bougainvillea

By the way, you can grow this exotic beauty in any place where the air temperature does not fall below +5 degrees throughout the year.

Care Details

Of particular note is watering this perennial perennial plant. During the period of growth and flowering, it needs abundant watering, however, between procedures, the soil must certainly dry out a few centimeters. Unacceptable as stagnation of water, and overdry earthen coma. During dormancy, watering should be reduced. It is important to ensure that the ground is not too dry. Another important point: in the summer, on very hot days, bougainvillea should be sprayed. At the same time, it is best to carry out water procedures in the morning, so that the plant can dry by nighttime cooling.

Climbing plants: bougainvillea

Experienced gardeners recommend planting this plant in partial shade. The fact is that the presence of direct sunlight can lead to burns of leaves. Throughout the year, with the exception of only the dormant period, fertilizer must be applied to the soil. The best option is top dressing containing nitrogen and phosphorus.


Let's talk about indoor plants. Let's start with cissus, which is popularly called birch because of the similarity of leaves with birch, or house grapes - by species relationship.

Climbing plants: cissus

This is an amazing climbing vine, capable of catching its antennae on any support and quickly covering it with a green mass. If you do not want to use supports, cissus can be used as an ampel plant: it will hang beautifully from coasters and pots. Be sure to consider the rapid growth: literally in 2-3 years the cissus will turn into a three-meter vine. This plant is very fond of diffused light, but tolerates partial shade too. In a room where the lighting is bright, the cissus leaves will be larger and darker. Perhaps the only thing requiring this climbing plant is the humidity of the environment. Therefore, flower growers recommend spraying it several times a week. An important observance of the irrigation regime: in spring and summer, the plant needs a large amount of water.


This houseplant was loved by flower growers because of the bright colors, unpretentiousness and amazing beauty. It is believed that this vine is very difficult to grow in indoor conditions. In fact, this is not so at all! The description is a relative of the violet, and therefore it makes almost the same requirements for care. That is, you will need the inflicted place where the sun's rays will not fall on this decorative plant. However, it is worthwhile to carefully monitor that the lighting is sufficient, otherwise the plant will form an excessively long and thin stalk. This liana is especially sensitive to air humidity. Florists recommend installing a pot with a plant in a wide pot, between the walls it is necessary to place moist sphagnum moss. In no case do not spray the leaves of the essay: there will be no positive effect, the leaves will begin to fade and rot!

Climbing plants: description

Since this indoor plant grows quickly enough, it is necessary to transplant it every year. Wide and low pots are ideal for these purposes. Florists say: it is best to use the most ordinary mixture, designed for violets. As for fertilizers, in the warm season, the vine should be fertilized twice a month. Organic or complex fertilizers are suitable for this.


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