Chalet-style bath: features, interior decoration, photo

Bath, of course, is an integral part of Russian culture. Such buildings are being built in our country in almost every suburban area. Private baths can be issued in different ways. For example, constructions of this variety in the style of a chalet look very impressive in the yards of low-rise buildings. Saunas of this design are not only beautiful, but usually also very ergonomic.

What is a chalet style in architecture?

The peculiarity of buildings of this type for any purpose is primarily the fact that they always combine practicality and aesthetics. The birthplace of the chalet style is Switzerland. Once upon a time, local shepherds built their houses in the mountains in this way.

Characteristic features of the chalet style in architecture are:

  • use for building walls of wood and stone;

  • solid foundation that raises the building above the ground;

  • open rafter system (lack of gables);

  • gable roof;

  • large overhangs;

  • large windows and doors;

  • spacious terrace;

  • equipped attic.

Chalet-style bathhouse

Carvings or any complex patterns made of wood are not used for decorating buildings built in the style of a chalet (including baths).

What should be the interior

Of course, in a building of any purpose, the style of a chalet in architecture should be harmoniously combined with the internal design. Design such buildings also need to be correct. The main features of the chalet style in the interior are:

  • the use of natural, environmentally friendly, preferably unprocessed materials;

  • high ceilings;

  • visible beams;

  • massive furniture;

  • natural color scheme.

bath chalet interior

When decorating various types of premises in this style, beige, terracotta, and orange-yellow colors are usually used.

Chalet-style bathhouse foundation

Swiss shepherds built the foundations of their houses of stone. But today, when building a bathhouse, there is no special need to use such exotic material for the foundation, of course,. The base of the bath can be filled simply with concrete. In the future, in order to maintain the style, such a foundation can simply be finished with natural or artificial stone.

A chalet-style bathhouse, like any other structure of similar architecture, should rise above the ground. After all, the Swiss shepherds built their huts in the mountains on the slopes. And so part of their basement protruded above the ground. Of course, the Swiss-style bathhouse should look about the same.

It is, of course, not necessary to equip the basement floor under the bathhouse. But the foundation above the ground during the construction of such a structure should be raised higher - by 40-50 cm. It makes sense to build the basement only if it is planned to erect a chalet-style bathhouse on the site. In such structures, the bath is usually equipped below. On the second, and sometimes the third floor, residential premises are equipped.

What and how to build walls

Photos of the chalet-style bath are presented to the reader on this page. As you can see, it is best to use wood to build the box of such a structure. You can build such a bath both from a beam and from a log. The windows in such a building, even decorated in the style of a chalet, are not worth doing too wide and tall. But their sizes in this style should still be slightly larger than with any other.

Doors in the washing and steam rooms in this type of building are too wide to make, of course, also not worth it. Otherwise, heat will later leave these rooms and it will be difficult to heat them. But the front door leading to the locker room can be made wider. It will subsequently serve as one of the elements of the building, emphasizing the style of the chalet.

Comfortable chalet bath

Rafter system

The attic of a chalet-style bathhouse is best made residential. Here you can place, for example, a relaxation room with a TV and billiards. The pediments of buildings in such an architectural design, as already mentioned, are usually absent. However, in the event that the attic is supposed to be made residential, it is, of course, necessary to install these roof elements. After all, winters in Russia are much colder than even in the mountains of Switzerland.

roof truss system

To make the bathhouse look stylish in the future, for the gables you just need to let the roof slopes away. At the same time, there is no need to hem the overhangs. The lathing and rafters in this part of the roof should remain visible.

As a roofing material for a bath in the style of a chalet made of timber or logs, it is best to use natural tiles. But, of course, you can replace it with some cheaper and easier to install material. The chalet baths look quite harmonious with slopes, lined, for example, with not too bright metal or ondulin.

How to build a chalet bath


Of course, this element must be considered when designing a bathhouse in a chalet style. It is best if the terrace at this building is spacious, wide and open. Very often, such structures do not even trim the parapet.

It is best to equip a terrace in a chalet-style bathhouse near the main facade. In this case, such a structure is usually left as open as possible in the front plane. The two extreme walls adjacent to the facade can be sheathed, for example, with a trim board.

In a two-story chalet-style bathhouse, the terrace is usually furnished along the long side under a ramp. In this case, the side walls of the structure most often do not hem anything.

Light bath chalet

Bath Interior: Wall Decoration

The enclosing structures inside such a bath, if it is built of timber or logs, are usually not additionally finished. To make the steam room, washing and locker room of this type of building look more stylish, their walls can be artificially aged using special paintwork. But to choose for a bath, of course, you need tools of this type that do not emit harmful substances at elevated temperatures.

Floor and ceiling

Chalet-style interior materials for the bath should be exclusively natural. The floors in such buildings are usually sheathed with a thick rough edged board. You can also fill the lower floor of such a structure with concrete with a preliminary arrangement of the water drainage system, and subsequently veneer it with artificial stone or tile of the corresponding color.

chalet-style two-story bath

The ceiling of the bath in the style of a chalet from below is better not to hem. This decision will be especially successful if the attic of the building is equipped as a residential one. The ramps in such a bath, of course, will need to be insulated. And consequently, heat will also leave the steam room through the ceiling and will not be washing. The only thing on the floor of the attic in this case is to install a vapor barrier. Otherwise, for obvious reasons, relaxing in the attic at the time when someone is taking water procedures below will be uncomfortable.

Furniture and decor

Outside, buildings built in the style of a chalet, including baths, are not decorated with carvings and patterns. But inside, such design elements are considered quite acceptable. The only thing - there should not be too many carvings and patterns in the interior of the chalet-style bath.

Chalet bath interior

It is recommended to install benches in the locker room, washing room and steam room of such a building that are quite massive and rough. Such bulky, as in country style, furniture in the premises of such a building should not be. This is especially true for small chalet-style saunas. But even too elegant wooden structures in structures of this type should not be installed.


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