Skin diseases in dogs: types, symptoms and treatment

All animals, unfortunately, get sick sooner or later. Absolutely all pets are at risk of infection. There are skin diseases in dogs, in the aquarium in fish, cats and so on. This is more common in dogs than in all other animals. The reason for this is that they spend the most time outdoors. The reason influencing the occurrence of such diseases is the deterioration of the environment and the ecology as a whole.

With the appearance of skin diseases in cats and dogs, the owners first of all think that it is lichen. Such a disease can occur not only for this reason. There are several types of rashes on the skin of animals, the appearance and causes of which are fundamentally different.

If you find such an ailment in your pet, you must definitely contact your veterinarian. Do not treat the dog at its discretion, because it can harm the animal.

Types of diseases

There are four groups into which skin diseases in dogs are divided. Each type of rash has its own causes:

  1. Allergic.
  2. Fungal.
  3. Parasitic.
  4. Bacterial

Primary actions

Once skin diseases have been detected on the dog’s body, a series of actions should be taken to protect itself, as some types of skin diseases in dogs can be infectious to humans.

  1. Do not pet.
  2. Do not allow to sleep in the master's bed.
  3. Exclude dog communication with children.
  4. Observe personal hygiene for all family members.
  5. Do not brush the dog to prevent the spread of infection.

Allergic diseases

Similar types of skin diseases in dogs are common. Particularly often allergies affect small thoroughbred dogs and those that are genetically prone to such reactions. Also, with a decrease in immunity, an allergy may begin to appear, even if it has never been.

An allergy is a reaction of antibodies in the body of an animal to certain stimuli. An increase in the level of histamine in the blood causes an inflammatory process on the body of the pet.

An allergic reaction is most often caused by:

  • food products;
  • chemicals present in household products, flea collar, etc .;
  • medicines (the most dangerous drugs with penicillin);
  • fleas.
Skin diseases in dogs: symptoms and treatment

Allergy Symptoms

This disease affects all organs and systems of the animal:

  • the appearance of hemorrhages (in the mucous membranes and on the skin);
  • vomiting and diarrhea with damage to the digestive system;
  • cramps if the nervous system is affected;
  • rash, redness and rashes on the skin, hair loss (with food allergies);
  • spot redness and itching, especially in the groin area (with flea allergy);
  • redness and itching at the point of contact with the allergen (atopic dermatitis);
  • allergic otitis is manifested by an increased temperature of the auricle, scratching, itching and redness.

Primary Allergy Treatment

If skin diseases are found in dogs, symptoms and treatment should be determined immediately. At first glance, a harmless allergy can cause Quincke's edema and pharyngeal paralysis if delayed with treatment.

Before starting treatment, you need to identify the cause of the allergic reaction. Without eliminating it, it is impossible to cure the dog, since the allergy will return and the symptoms will intensify and worsen each time.

Skin diseases in dogs photo

If the cause is a food allergy, then immediately remove the product from the dog’s diet. If this feed affects this, then immediately change it to another. If you are allergic to fleas and other bloodsuckers, carry out disinfecting measures. After that, regularly inspect the animal and, if parasites are detected, fight immediately.

In any case, the dog must be given an antihistamine. Allergy pills are sold in any pharmacy, it is not necessary to look for a remedy in a veterinary clinic.

Fungal diseases

Skin diseases in dogs, the symptoms of which indicate that it is caused by a fungus, are divided into different types, but they all have one name - dermatomycosis.

Trichophytosis is a disease caused by pathogenic fungi. Most often, this type of disease is given the simplified name "ringworm." The negative and most important feature of this skin disease in dogs, the photo of which is below, is that it is contagious and transmitted to humans. The carriers can be infected animals, people, and even bloodsucking insects. Regardless of the breed of the dog and its size, any animal can become infected. However, owners of short hair are more likely to experience this.

Types of Skin Diseases in Dogs

Symptoms of a fungal disease

This skin disease in dogs, the symptoms and treatment of which are known to many dog ​​breeders, is distinguished by several main signs by which the diagnosis is made:

  • asymmetric round spots appearing on the body of the animal;
  • the surface of the spots peels off and a gray coating forms;
  • in places of greater distribution on the skin, several round affected areas are formed, interconnected;
  • abundant hair loss at the sites of infection, the remaining hairs stick together;
  • redness of the affected areas.

The main places of infection with ringworm are the base of the skull, the area with honey ears, the base of the tail and the elbow and knee bends.

Skin diseases in dogs; descriptions


Treatment of skin diseases in dogs (photo of a fungal infection is given below) is prescribed only by a veterinarian. In no case can you resort to self-treatment of a dog, since there are toxic substances in the list of medications, with a dosage error, a fatal outcome is possible.

When treating ringworm, treatment is prescribed in several stages:

  1. External use of ointments.
  2. Vaccines that are given through injections.
  3. The introduction of antifungal agents is done by a veterinarian, since the medication is toxic and requires an exact dosage.

In addition, the treatment is combined with baths from medicinal products. The most important thing in the treatment of ringworm is the strict disinfection of living quarters, clothing and bedding. The fungus is a "tricky" disease that, even after cure, can return again if disinfection is not done on time.

Parasitic diseases

The most common diseases caused by ticks and fleas are flea dermatitis, because there is not a single dog that did not bring these parasites home.

The second known skin disease in dogs is sarcoptosis and otdectosis, which cause parasitic ticks.

Symptoms of scabies

With sarcoptosis, the animal suffers from severe itching in the head, neck and paws. Moreover, the dog combs the wounds to blood, inflammation and pulls out the coat.

With otdectosis, the auricles are combed and sulfur accumulates strongly.

Skin diseases in dogs aquarium

In addition to these two diseases, parasitic types of scabies include: iron ore, ear and itchy scabies. These diseases are caused by small ticks that live in the sebaceous glands and skin. Depending on the type of ticks, this skin disease in dogs is divided into the above types.

In scabies or aranchnosis of any kind, the symptoms are similar to each other. Itching is mainly observed in the auricles, knee and elbow joints. Over time, small parasites affect an increasingly large area on the body of the animal, and also act on the nervous system. It is then that the dog experiences an incredible itch, wounds appear due to constant combing. If scabies is not started to be treated on time, then the dog’s metabolic disorder and exhaustion begins. In addition, some types of this disease are contagious to humans. Therefore, as soon as signs of scabies appear, you should immediately contact your veterinarian.

Scabies treatment

When diagnosing scabies of any kind, a complex treatment is prescribed. First of all, it is necessary to calm the itch and destroy the parasites. After the dog ceases to itch, it is necessary to accelerate the restoration of damaged skin using external application of ointments. Medications to increase immunity are also prescribed first. In cases of advanced disease, antibiotics are prescribed for dogs with skin disease. This speeds up the overall recovery process.

Scabies is a very dangerous disease, since not all animals can be completely cured. With further stress or a decrease in immunity, the disease may return.

Dog Skin Diseases: Symptoms


Another type of parasitic skin disease in dogs. It is caused by the spread of a subcutaneous tick in the lymphatic system, affecting the spleen. Often, a tick that gets under the skin of a dog overgrows with a capsule membrane, which causes an inflammatory process and blood poisoning. This process is called encapsulation.

Immunomodulators for dogs with skin diseases


Not a single owner can not notice demodicosis, even one that does not know anything about dog diseases:

  1. First of all, wool begins to fall out in whole bundles. Most often on the face, back, legs and chest, but is also found in other places.
  2. Blackheads appear in these areas. Squeezing them will not succeed, only the skin of the animal will be damaged.
  3. Coat sticks in rocks with a long "head of hair."
  4. Fistulas and abscesses appear.

Demodecosis Treatment

This skin disease in dogs is extremely dangerous and severe. Therefore, in no case should you self-medicate the animal, but only consult a veterinarian. With a thorough examination and confirmation of the diagnosis, the animal is trimmed bald so that the medications have access to enter all layers of the skin.

The first aspect in the treatment of demodicosis is the thorough hygiene of the animal with antibacterial shampoo. The dog should be in a warm and dry place. In food, you need to add more vitamin A, which is found in carrots. An increase in immunity in demodicosis is vital, because if the dog is unwell, he will not be able to cure it.

Comprehensive treatment operates in different directions:

  • extermination of parasites;
  • healing of wounds on the skin;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • removal of toxins from the body.

Antibiotics and all other medicines are prescribed only by the doctor after a complete diagnosis. Self-medication of the animal at home can be fatal.

Bacterial diseases

Bacterial skin infection is an attack of a dog by microorganisms. The disease is provoked by streptococcus and staphylococcus. Infection can occur even with a scratch or splinter. The infection enters the wound and the disease progresses. The most common skin disease in dogs caused by a bacterial infection is pyoderma.

Antibiotics for dogs for skin diseases

Symptoms of pyoderma

  1. Three to five days after the injury, itching and inflammation occur in certain parts of the body. In the process, the infection spreads to healthy areas of the skin.
  2. The appearance of a rash with pus inside in the abdomen, on the muzzle and genitals.
  3. Rashes burst, leaked fluid infects neighboring areas of the skin. There is severe itching.
  4. Inflammation spreads throughout the body due to scratching, wounds are formed.
  5. If treatment is not delivered on time, the disease becomes deeper and bleeding ulcers appear.
  6. Wet erosion forms in the folds of the skin, which causes an unpleasant odor.

In some cases, immunomodulators are prescribed for skin diseases in dogs.


Treatment is prescribed by a veterinarian based on the form of pyoderma, the area of ​​damage and the general health of the dog.

Treatment begins with the elimination of itching, processing and disinfection of the skin. The hair is cut out, purulent rashes and formed crusts are removed. Affected areas are treated with wound healing products. If necessary, a course of antibiotics is prescribed.

Pyoderma is contagious to humans, so do not forget about your own disinfection and hygiene.

Skin diseases of dogs and cats

As soon as you notice a skin disease in a dog, the description of which fits any of the above, you should immediately contact your veterinarian. Any negative changes in the health of the pet can be dangerous both for him and for the person. Do not self-medicate, so as not to aggravate the situation. How to treat skin diseases in dogs, the doctor will tell after a full examination of the pet.


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