Dwarf lemurs: description

From school biology lessons, we remember how diverse the fauna of our planet is. Against the general background, the animal kingdom of Madagascar stands out. The nature of this island has formed an independent zoogeographic region, in which a huge number of insects, reptiles and mammals live. Moreover, more than half of all the animals found here cannot be seen in any other corner of the Earth. After reading this article, you will learn about the most interesting inhabitants of Madagascar - dwarf lemurs.

dwarf lemurs

Short description

Representatives of this family have preserved many primitive traits, so they can be used as the best living models of ancient primates. The smallest lemur, first discovered in the 90s of the last century, belongs to this group of animals. Its mass does not exceed 30 grams, which is not much more than the weight of an ordinary house mouse.

Dwarf lemurs, whose elongated body is only 20 centimeters (half of them fall on the tail), are covered with short thick hair. They have a white stomach and a brown, gray or brown-red back. The short-faced head of the animal is decorated with bare webbed ears and large eyes, around which black rings are located.

mouse lemur


Interestingly, dwarf lemurs live in pairs or singly. In the afternoon they sleep curled up in a hollow of trees or in nests. When night falls, hunger forces them to leave their shelters and set off in search of food. In the rainy season, when there is enough food for them, these babies try to accumulate more fat, accumulated in various parts of the body, including the tail. With the onset of the dry period, mouse lemur hibernates.

It should be noted that these miniature animals are considered hardworking builders. They independently build their spherical nests, climbing to the top of the trees. All kinds of twigs and leaves are used as building materials.

Up to fifteen lemurs can gather in one nest at a time, most of them females. Males hardly stand each other's society and constantly conflict with each other.

animal world

Reproduction and nutrition

Dwarf lemurs are developing rapidly. Individuals who have reached one year are considered sexually mature. Almost all representatives of this species give birth to two to four blind babies. Pregnancy lasts about two or three months. The mass of newborn babies does not exceed five grams. Already on the second day their eyes begin to open. Fifteen-day-olds are already able to climb trees. Mouse lemur becomes completely independent after it turns two months old.

the smallest lemur


Many people who have visited the island of Lemurs start these miniature animals at home. To be kept in captivity, you need to purchase any suitable cage in which there must be branches of trees. It is desirable that the back of the house was deaf, so that the animal felt more secure. The box intended for resting the animal is recommended to be lined with dried hay or natural cotton wool.

When choosing the place where the cage with the pet will be located, it must be borne in mind that dwarf lemurs are afraid of drafts and easily catch a cold. It is interesting that animals living in captivity do not monitor the cleanliness of their house, so you will have to deal with this issue. In order to avoid the appearance of an unpleasant odor, it is necessary to carry out daily cleaning in his cage. At least once a month, it is recommended to wipe the floor of the house with a damp cloth and update the layer of sawdust.

It is desirable that the cage has a shelter in which the animal can hide from daylight and from prying eyes. For these purposes, you can use a fur envelope that looks like a nest.

lemur island

How to feed lemurs at home?

Food should be poured into a deep metal dish, suspended from the bars of a cage. It is better to feed animals in the evening, but you can teach them to eat in the afternoon. If the animal refuses food, do not force it. As a rule, the lemur wakes up at eight o’clock in the evening. It is at this time that you need to schedule a meal.

Some species of animals feed on animal food. Such pets are recommended to give boiled meat. But they can also independently catch insects flying around the apartment. As food, you can use baby puree.

It is important to ensure that the animal does not overeat. He needs to arrange fasting days periodically. In the diet of the animal must be present vegetables, carrots, almonds, salads, grapes, dates and figs.

Those who plan to feed their lemur with commercial food, need to add vitamins, grasshoppers, crickets, cockroaches, flour crunch, boiled rice, bread, dried fruits and nuts to it. Sometimes they can be treated with dairy-free baby cereals.

How do these animals communicate?

Lemurs produce a fairly wide range of sounds, the frequency of which is about 10-36 kHz. Scientists who analyzed the features of vocalization of dwarf lemurs showed a lot of interesting things. So, by the cry of animals, each individual can be identified. Studies have shown that neighboring lemur communities communicate in different dialects.

During the breeding season, males emit characteristic vibrating sounds consisting of musical phrases. They are very reminiscent of bird singing. The frequency of their repetition depends on the degree of interest of the females and on the motivation of the male.

Conservation in nature

If we want to save the animal world, then we must protect all its representatives. The population density of dwarf lemurs living in natural conditions is quite high. Fortunately, the widespread species of these animals did not face the threat of extinction. But there are more rare representatives of this family, including hairy lemurs, which are on the verge of extinction.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E23582/

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