Putty knife for puttying walls: types, sizes, purpose. Set of spatulas

In the process of repairing an apartment or house, a lot of tools are used. And, perhaps, the main role here is played by a spatula - without it, you won’t be able to simply and quickly remove old wallpapers, apply a high-quality putty mortar. There are many types of these tools - let's look at what a putty knife should be for puttying walls.

What is a spatula?

putty knife for walls

Everyone has heard something about this instrument, but not everyone knows what it is and how it looks. Consultants in construction supermarkets must have come across such buyers more than a dozen times.

Spatula is a German word which, translated into Russian, means "shoulder blade". The tool is a small spatula of various materials with a handle. The spatula is used to remove old wallpaper, putties, old paint, to apply various solutions to the surface, including cement. A putty knife is required for puttying walls, floors, installing tiles, grouting joints, when laying bricks. With the help of this simple device, they correct small defects on delicate surfaces.

In addition to the fact that the spatulas are divided according to the application, they are also classified according to the material from which they are made. So, they distinguish between metal, rubber, and also plastic tools.

Types of spatulas

Even from the name you can understand that this tool is intended for puttying, but they use it for a variety of works.

professional putty for walls

The devices should be selected according to the type of work, and at each stage, tools of different types may be needed. Consider what spatulas are needed for putty.

Facade spatulas

This tool is intended for application to the surface and subsequent leveling of mixtures for plaster and putty. At the same time, the surface size should be significant - then the spatula will be most effective. Differences of this species in increased strength. The canvas has high rigidity, and is made of anodized steel alloys.

venetian relief spatula

The canvas is fixed in an aluminum profile, which minimizes the risk of deformation and distortion during operation, increases the level of reliability and durability. The handle is most often soft, made of two-component plastic thermo-rubber - it allows you to work with the tool as conveniently as possible. The facade spatula may have a width of 150 to 800 mm. The cost of these products is higher than the price of other analogues, but this is due to high quality and higher loads during use.

Paint spatulas

This tool, unlike facade models, has a thinner canvas. It is much more flexible, more springy. The handle can be made of wood or rubber. Due to the flexibility of the working blade, it is possible not only to conveniently apply putty mixtures on any type of surface, but also to remove old wallpaper or paint layers without a trace.

The scope of the paint spatula is the final stage of finishing work. Putty is applied and leveled to them, the cracks are closed, minor repairs of concrete walls are carried out.

However, due to the smaller thickness of the blade during intensive use, this spatula has a lower resource. In addition, the blade is not always made of stainless steel. Often, for the sake of saving, manufacturers use ordinary steel, which further reduces the service life. Sizes of spatulas - from 20 to 450 mm.


This tool has a narrow purpose. It is necessary only for applying glue to various surfaces. The teeth on the canvas allow you to distribute the adhesive composition as evenly as possible, reduce overspending, remove excess mixture. This ensures a firm grip.

The size of the canvas and the depth of the teeth are selected according to the type of surfaces and materials. For larger tiles, use a spatula with a larger tooth. Pottery is laid on a shallow furrow.


This putty knife for wall putty is used only for aligning corners - internal and external. The blade is made of stainless hoist, and both sides are at right angles to each other. A tool with an internal angle is very popular. It is used when aligning joints between walls, as well as between floor and ceiling.

set of spatulas

But since right angles are not exactly maintained so often, the process of using this spatula is not always convenient. Decorative corners are now being installed on external joints. Therefore, the external tool has lost its relevance.

Rubber spatulas

These devices are made from durable but flexible types of rubber. They can be of various shapes and sizes. This spatula does not have any joints or joints, as it is made of a solid rubber piece. The working surface of the tool is thin and quite flexible. Due to it, putty mixtures can be applied on very delicate surfaces.

This spatula is convenient for grouting, sealing scratches or dents on walls, floors. With it, you can apply a thin coat of putty. The sizes of spatulas can vary from 40 to 100 mm. They are sold in the form of sets of three or five pieces. In these sets - the most popular sizes.

I use models with a wide working part up to 200 mm for working with liquid mixtures. They are convenient to apply on large areas for decoration. These models are equipped with a handle made of wood or rubber.

Decorative Putty Tools

Among the standard spatulas for puttying the walls, a special group of tools can be distinguished - they are intended for decorative plaster. Often, a trowel is used to work with decorative finishing materials. This device has four faces - they are all workers. The tool allows you to conveniently apply decorative putty on the surface, make patterns. The device is equipped with a convenient handle made of wood or rubber. A trowel is nothing more than a Venetian relief spatula.

You can create a relief on the surface using a special grater. It is used not only to work with these types of putty, but also with bark beetle. The second type of spatula is a spatula with a blade polished on both sides. It is not much different from the usual small painter. Venetian embossed spatula can have a width of 80 mm and above. The working part must be made of stainless steel.

sizes of spatulas

About sizes

Any tool is a working plate and handle. The plate may be metal, plastic or rubber. Among a huge number of species, non-professional disposable models and more serious specimens are also distinguished. So, an unprofessional spatula is distinguished by a thinner plate, as well as a plastic handle.

Professional putty knives for wall putty are distinguished by a thicker plate, 1 mm thick. It does not deform at the slightest load and has a much larger resource.

As for the sizes, there are several standard and important sizes for the spatula. Length is not as important as width. This parameter is selected individually according to the type of work performed. A long tool, like a very short one, is not a good choice. During the putty, the long plate will bend. This will negatively affect the result.

spatula with handle

As for the width, for most construction spatulas, the width 100-150 mm is considered the optimal size. You should also have a facade tool with a width of 300 to 400 mm. For applying putty mixtures, models with a plate width of 20 to 80 cm are used. A narrow tool allows you to handle hard-to-reach spots. Models up to 30 cm are used for leveling small surfaces. You can fix large defects on the walls with a large spatula - its width is more than 30 cm. Models with a width of more than 60 cm perform starting putty.

Which tool is better to choose for work

With a large number of proposals in the construction market, it is quite difficult to choose the right tool. When choosing, it is worth paying attention to some important parameters.

Remember that on a short rigid and thick handle, elasticity should not be created when pressing the plate. A spatula with a plastic handle will be much more practical. It is easier to clean from putty.

The second important parameter is the shape and strength of the working part. If the blade has poor geometry, all the work will have to be redone. A good putty knife is just a professional tool. Finishers use these for about 4 years every day. But if you need to make a little repair, buying such a device is not justified. Although, despite this, it is better to purchase this tool, because cheaper options will often have to be changed. It is recommended that you immediately use a set of spatulas in different sizes.


Especially popular among consumers are the tools of such brands as Matrix, SanTol, Homa, Eurolex. Among domestic manufacturers can distinguish the company "Bison". Reviews note that the tools from this company are of good quality. And the cost of spatulas TM "Bison" is an order of magnitude lower than that of imported analogues.

building spatula

So, we found out what a spatula is, where and how it is used. This is a useful (and sometimes irreplaceable) tool for decorating.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E23588/

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