Livadia black grapes: description of the variety, care, cultivation, reviews

The Livadia Black grape variety is one of the most beloved grape growers. It differs from others in its incredible taste, because it combines moderate acidity and sugar content, and its rich color and pleasant muscat aroma will not leave anyone indifferent. This variety belongs to the wine, and products made from its berries do not stagnate on store shelves for a long time. In the article we learn how to care for grapes in summer and winter, and also study its features.

Grade description

This grape variety is characterized by its unpretentiousness. It was bred at the Institute of winemaking, which is called "Magarach", was recognized as one of the best wine varieties. When grapes have not yet entered the culture, it was grown in experimental fields, where they were convinced of its endurance, resistance to various diseases and pests. Taste qualities of berries won the highest score of the tasting assessment.

A beautiful bunch of cylindrical shape has an average weight of 250 grams. The berries are round, slightly elongated. The color is very close to black, purine plaque is clearly visible on the fruits. One berry reaches a weight of 2 grams. Berries ripen for about 130 days, after which they can be easily separated from the stem.

The variety can easily withstand temperatures down to -25 degrees. Livadia black has its own characteristics, which made it one of the most popular varieties in winemaking. It tastes good, where acidity and sugar content reach ideal values, and the color and aroma of berries allow you to create delicious dessert wines.

The viticulturist must remember that such grapes must be harvested on time. Otherwise, the berries will lose their taste and, accordingly, their value. Here is a description of Livadia black grapes.

grade livadian black

Rules of landing and care

Despite its unpretentiousness, grapes have some "requirements". This primarily concerns the soil.

  1. Livadia black can grow only on black soil.
  2. The place should be well lit by the sun.
  3. A mandatory requirement is a strong support for the vines.
  4. Immediately after planting, fertilizing should be carried out using mineral fertilizers.

If you believe the reviews, black Livadia grapes feel best in the Crimea. Of course, it is grown in other areas, but it is quite difficult to achieve the same high yield and the same taste, and in some territories it is almost impossible. The main disadvantage of growing in other regions is less sugar in the berries.

Caring for a variety is not difficult. The main requirement is top dressing and trimming. The presence of pests and diseases on the bushes should be monitored. After the autumn pruning is carried out, all bushes are removed from the supports and pressed to the ground in order to cover them for the winter.

During the ripening period of the berries on the vine should be left only those clusters that the winegrower considers the best. Usually their number is related to the age of the plant. Bad clusters are removed along with dry leaves.

Even experienced growers do not always manage to grow this variety and get a high yield from it. The climate is mainly to blame, since Livadia Black, as we said, needs a sunny climate with dry and warm air. Some believe that this variety has a drawback - its clusters are not very attractive and often grow branched, but since they are used mainly for making wine, this fact does not really matter.

livadia black grape description

Possible diseases

The main diseases of the Livadia black grape variety include:

  1. Apoplexy. This disease can be detected quite quickly, since the bush begins to wither almost immediately. The plus is that apoplexy is treated simply. It is enough to make the necessary fertilizers on time and provide the plant with proper care.
  2. Powdery Mildew This disease does not bypass, perhaps, not a single plant. It is better to protect yourself from it before it appears, so you should promptly clean the bush of dried leaves present on it.
  3. White rot. This disease attacks berries exclusively. All of them need to be removed, and the bush itself must be treated with the “Funzodol” solution.

This variety is resistant to various diseases, therefore, such troubles do not occur often, however, the condition of leaves and vines should be constantly monitored in order to cure the plant in time.

grapes livadi black

Dangerous insects

Insects quite often settle on the leaves of this variety and greatly spoil the crop. These are mainly aphids, mealybugs, woodworms, weevils. It is not so easy to get rid of them, since the entire bush should be completely treated with special tools. You can do it manually, or you can spray it. You can conduct timely prevention, which consists only in the removal of dry leaves, and you can treat grapes with special insect repellents.

grape variety livadi black

Grade Advantages

Based on the foregoing, a number of advantages of this variety can be distinguished:

  • Grapes are resistant to frost and tolerates air temperature up to minus 26 degrees. This suggests that it can be grown not only in the south, but also in regions located in the middle lane.
  • The variety is widely used not only in winemaking, but also in the food industry, due to the high taste qualities of berries.
  • If you provide good care, then the grapes will annually give a high yield.
  • Resistant to diseases such as gray rot, mildew, oidium.
  • It tolerates transportation well.

But the variety has practically no shortcomings. The only thing is the appearance of bunches, which is not considered too attractive, but for grapes, which are often used for making wine, this figure is not decisive.

how to care for grapes in summer


In conclusion, I want to emphasize that it is possible to grow Livadia grapes only if the owner is ready to care for the grapes in summer and winter in accordance with all the rules. Only if all the requirements are met, the winegrower will achieve high yields. The variety can not be called very whimsical, but there are still some requirements for growing conditions.


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