Native American Mandalas - Amulet Weaving

Talismans and charms, as you know, have the greatest power if they are created with your own hands. Native American mandalas are very popular now. Weaving them is not difficult, and the result is a wonderful little thing. They are called Ojo de dios - "the eye of God." When creating a strong image, a wish is invested in them. First, let's get acquainted with the symbolism of flowers that are used in the manufacture of amulets. White represents purity, orange represents creative powers. Blue is knowledge, green is life, pink is love. Just do not welcome the black color, because it is a symbol of death. All combinations are allowed. It is believed that the talisman serves to create a biofield that protects, harmoniously affects a person. After all, the master puts his energy into it, which is then radiated into the surrounding world.

Preparation for work

mandala weaving pattern
What does the weaving of the mandala begin with ? The master class introduces the whole process step by step. For this wonderful little thing you need four wooden sticks. You can use slats, twigs. You need to create a mandala in a positive mood, you can retire and turn on beautiful meditative music. Before work, it is necessary to prepare any colored threads, scissors. The first product remains with the master, the rest can already be presented as a gift. On thematic sites you can find out what a mandala can be. Weaving, schemes - all information is provided there.


Beginning of mandala making

mandala weaving
Initially, you need to connect two sticks with a thread, connecting them crosswise. It must be ensured that they are located at right angles. The color of the thread is determined depending on what kind of thought and desire you will put in the amulet. If the little thing is intended for someone specifically, then you need to tune in to the person, think about him. Now weaving begins. At the same time, the hand with the thread moves clockwise and from top to bottom. It turns out a square or rhombus. To get beautiful mandalas, the weaving of each new round must be smooth and dense. Then you need to make another similar cross and connect them together. Continue to braid them also by clockwise movement. At the same time, their position should be monitored, hands firmly hold the resulting eight-ray figure. Threads must be tightened well. In order not to stray and make a drawing of the same thickness on all sides of the frame, we can count the turns.

Weaving Methods

mandala weaving master class
To create the simplest option - a rainbow mandala, weaving rows is alternately with threads of different colors. In this case, from each you need to leave a tail with a length of five to eight centimeters. This is done to fix the picture using knots. You can create a more complex mandala. It will use the technique of weaving a cross on all eight axes. The thread must alternately cover the sticks, moving from the bottom to the top.

To create a socket, they are braided already after 2 skewers. At the same time, the thread is passed inside out and grab the stick, skipping two. Then the thread should be cut and fastened. In order for the mandala energy to slightly penetrate into space, the weaving of the amulets is completed with the creation of a belt, that is, they are braided not in a square pattern, but in a circle. In this case, the thread passes along the front side of the product and captures all the sticks.


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